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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Quote from: Blue Star on August 02, 2012, 03:37:29 PM
@ Misericordia

you can't exactly say for others to take a risk when your not willing to take one yourself... Eston and Coria have both taken a risk for change by going for peace instead of fighting.

Hmm so Darka was scared of the central alliances power... interesting.

Darka may not be fighting as a mercenary realm, but after this war, I have always assumed we would. Which would mean we would need neighboring allies and border treaties to do that.

And, I wouldn't say scared, but who wouldn't be concerned when the two biggest realms(Tara and CE) are in an alliance and making babies in former Falasan territory?


Quote from: Blue Star on August 02, 2012, 03:37:29 PM
you can't exactly say for others to take a risk when your not willing to take one yourself... Eston and Coria have both taken a risk for change by going for peace instead of fighting.

Making peace is the antithesis of risk; if anything, it makes both realms safer (which is likely why they did it), so you'll forgive me if I don't give either realm much credit for trying to shake things up. Taking a risk for change would be for either of those realms to switch sides in the war, an idea which I heartily encourage by the way. Even if it screws the North.


Quote from: Geronus on August 02, 2012, 02:26:06 PM
Right, because it's soooo game changing.  8)

Uh, yeah. It is. Why do you think a lot of people are specifically upset about it? Because it changes the entire dynamics of the current war.

Quote from: Geronus on August 02, 2012, 03:49:03 PM
Making peace is the antithesis of risk;

That depends on the situation. For instance, both realms risked seriously upsetting their allies and their respective power blocs by doing so. Especially Eston. When Eston made peace with Coria it was a big deal, it angered her allies, and is still (obviously) a sore spot today for many.

Quote from: Geronus on August 02, 2012, 03:49:03 PM
Taking a risk for change would be for either of those realms to switch sides in the war, an idea which I heartily encourage by the way.

I just got an idea... what if BOTH switch sides? Eston joins CE & Co while Coria joins the Northern Alliance. That could be interesting...
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:04:10 PM
Uh, yeah. It is. Why do you think a lot of people are specifically upset about it? Because it changes the entire dynamics of the current war.

Yeah. You stalemated the war we were winning up until that point. Congratulations? Your "risky move" ended up doing the opposite of shake things up; it settled what had been an exciting war of motion through Coria into an incredibly dull medieval equivalent of trench warfare. You've had your own little Verdun going on over on the western front ever since. You changed the dynamics of the war alright. Yaaaaaaaay for you... Me, I'll hold my applause for the unlikely event that you are ever vindicated by having your agreement with Coria end up helping us win. I still have a hat I haven't eaten yet. Seeing as Silverfire failed to prove me wrong, maybe you can take a shot at it?  8)

Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:04:10 PM
That depends on the situation. For instance, both realms risked seriously upsetting their allies and their respective power blocs by doing so. Especially Eston. When Eston made peace with Coria it was a big deal, it angered her allies, and is still (obviously) a sore spot today for many.

And what were we going to do about it? Politely ask the other side to hold off while we took Eston out back behind the woodshed? Come on. You had to know that the risks were minimal. In the current situation no one can afford to turn allies into enemies. Long term it might lead to some problems for Eston, but I rather doubt it, and if Coria is in any kind of trouble with their allies this is the first I've heard of it. The cold hard fact is that the north needs Eston way too badly to ever consider turning on you while CE is out to get us, something you're no doubt keenly aware of.

Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:04:10 PM
I just got an idea... what if BOTH switch sides? Eston joins CE & Co while Coria joins the Northern Alliance. That could be interesting...

That would be pure highway robbery for the North. Eston is way cooler than Coria. I maintain you should turn on Darka. Serve em' right for stabbing you in the back all those years ago. Not to mention pay them back for refusing to fight Talerium.   ;)

Something sure needs to change. Peace might actually be more interesting than this war is.


Quote from: Geronus on August 02, 2012, 05:48:24 PMAnd what were we going to do about it? Politely ask the other side to hold off while we took Eston out back behind the woodshed? Come on. You had to know that the risks were minimal. In the current situation no one can afford to turn allies into enemies. Long term it might lead to some problems for Eston, but I rather doubt it, and if Coria is in any kind of trouble with their allies this is the first I've heard of it. The cold hard fact is that the north needs Eston way too badly to ever consider turning on you while CE is out to get us, something you're no doubt keenly aware of.
I have to agree with this. The Eston/Coria treaty was no risk for either party. It's not like CE & Co. was going to bitch Coria out for tying the northerners in knots trying to jump through the hoops we have in order to simply fight the other side. And let's be realistic, there's no way that was going to turn into a Darka/Eston war as long as Darka could still march through Eston. So... yeah... Not very risky.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Perth on August 02, 2012, 04:04:10 PM
I just got an idea... what if BOTH switch sides? Eston joins CE & Co while Coria joins the Northern Alliance. That could be interesting...

Ok, I have to support this simply due to the chaos it will create, not to mention the ass-whoopins.

Blue Star

SA infighting

BoM - Having food issues, only shows up every two weeks for a battle here or there

MI & Hammersett - Fighting for their lives in a sense

Eston - loses Duchy and protects Darka from CE & Co, is at a stale mate, water is stronger than blood?

Tara and Coria - fight off invaders and raid Hammersett and MI.

CE - Repelled the SA, Thriving once again, Stalemate, but able to send aid.

Darka - gained a duchy by taking it from ally, fought away from it's lands, and for the most part had no worries. Ha and they were main instigators of this war. Well at least someone doing it right props to Darka. Gold Star

Am I that far off?
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


You can thank Tara for making sure that Suville stays out of this war.

They've done nothing but provoke Suville and support Carelian interests since peace was declare with CE. Very odd stance to take. Maybe their tune will change if their rurals get pulverized again.


Darka vs. Eston war was a long time ago, and has pretty much nothing to do with this current war.

Infact, i dont find this war after all so boring, i'm used to fight long wars, stamina is my strenght, only thing which worries me is that my allies give up :P

We will do fine. Coria will fall, mayby not tomorrow and mayby not even this week... but some day. Then it will be Tara & CE.  8)
~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: jaune on August 02, 2012, 10:49:29 PM
Darka vs. Eston war was a long time ago, and has pretty much nothing to do with this current war.

Infact, i dont find this war after all so boring, i'm used to fight long wars, stamina is my strenght, only thing which worries me is that my allies give up :P

We will do fine. Coria will fall, mayby not tomorrow and mayby not even this week... but some day. Then it will be Tara & CE.  8)

Love your optimism, even if I don't share it.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: jaune on August 02, 2012, 10:49:29 PM
Darka vs. Eston war was a long time ago, and has pretty much nothing to do with this current war.

Infact, i dont find this war after all so boring, i'm used to fight long wars, stamina is my strenght, only thing which worries me is that my allies give up :P

We will do fine. Coria will fall, mayby not tomorrow and mayby not even this week... but some day. Then it will be Tara & CE.  8)

The day a northern alliance army takes Barad Falas from Coria is the day that Merlin is not the Margrave of that city. It will not happen before then, I assure you.

"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on August 03, 2012, 12:22:55 AM
The day a northern alliance army takes Barad Falas from Coria is the day that Merlin is not the Margrave of that city. It will not happen before then, I assure you.

I know what you were trying to say, but on first reading this statement is self-evident  ;)


With fall of the Coria, i mainly mean that they fall on our hands by force or they join Good side against the Evil Empire :P

Coria is a bit odd bird, somehow i like them... but then again, they are on the wrong side and i dont like how they talk... it is hard to follow, they say things what they dont mean(or i understand them wrong?).

Cagilan Empire is hard to hate, they are good and they deserve their power, but since they use their power "baad way" they need to be fought.

Tara used to be good bunch, but their amnesia about the past is annoying and hypocrisy along with denial of their history... and ofcourse being part of the Evil Empire... so they need to be spanked as well.

But maybby Darka can just blame itself, it should have took contracts against them earlier, maybby they should have let Tara die back the old days. It was good business then, but much have changed since then.

But like said, even thought this war seems to be never ending story and our "coalition" have suffered some major setbacks(South gave up and let Carelia fall and Estons peace with Coria) i dont see we have lost this war yet, vice versa.

NA has recently improved its co-operation and schedules are matching better, Darkas gold stock is at good shape... now we just need to get Coria on its knees, Eston and Talerium to sign peace... and after few years i think we have had some progress. So, mayby this war will be over in 3-5 years from now :)
~Violence is always an option!~


Darka's war with Eston happened for a very valid reason. Yeah they did lost a duchy but they gained land with the aid of Darka in return.

Just drop this already. I do agree to the rest.Yes Darka did support this war ,yes Darka has no direct damage from it but Darka is not also DOING direct damage.See this is the difference...if Darka demanded from Talerium to move through Cantril when CE was still fighting Carelia it would lots of fun.It would mean that Darka repaired and after refit would attack directly Cagilan on the other side of her Realm while she was fighting Carelia and i do not see why Eston wouldn't join that.

It is a mistake for the fun of the situation that Darka didn't break her agreement with Talerium but it is also an important ally to her.

One way or another my honest opinion is that Darka shouldn't have forced herself in this war but wait for a contract opportunity. CE 's growth and power wasn't something Darka feared but something that would bring Darka out of business sooner or later and that time Darka used to get contracts only by CE and Tara which was a bit boring...the fun of being a mercenary is changing sides all the time not fighting constantly for one of them.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


This war would never have happened in the first place if Darka wasn't on board, so you can forget that pipe dream. As for Eston v. Darka, relax. I was being facetious. Mostly.  8) Did I mention that my current AT character started out in Norland about a month before that went down, tops?

No, we haven't lost the war yet, but I also think we're on the back foot, playing defense. Hammarsett and MI are almost completely on the defensive, as is Eston. Darka is the only realm that can create offense right now, and I'm not convinced it's enough since the enemy simply reverses any progress made after Darka leaves the front to refit. Sure, the other side hasn't won any decisive victories yet, but at this rate it's only a matter of time in my opinion. We're simply outmatched. If you think we're even close to breaking Coria, I think you're dreaming. Hammarsett is much, much closer to breaking than Coria is.