Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 574674 times)

Dante Silverfire

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Re: The Current War
« Reply #1560: January 17, 2013, 10:57:35 PM »
Which was a violation of your treaty. Coria was treaty-bound to NOT interfere in the war. Sending troops south under such a flimsy excuse (visiting family or some such) was a violation of your treaty. However yous pin it, that act broke the treaty.

We were treaty bound not to engage in the north. We were not treaty bound in any manner for the south. We were very careful about that.

We broke no treaty by engaging Carelia. Plus, our engagement with Carelia would have been because they sent troops north to fight us shortly beforehand.

I honestly think this is one reason why we lose players over the years. if you're putting character action over player fun, then you aren't playing this as a game, which is what it is first and foremost.

This game is at least in part a roleplaying game. We're supposed to roleplay our characters. We're not playing a metagame where we do everything possible to win. If it was, then the game would be completely different and the dynamics would be completely different. Realms couldn't even operate as a team because everyone would want to be ruler. However, if you're roleplaying a character you're able to actually have a fully functioning realm.

Yes this is a game, but its not a pure strategy game. As a ruler or council member in a realm it is your responsibility as provided by the game to ensure (ability for) players to have fun. However, not every character is bound by that.


Which made them operationally useless and irrelevant to my decision-making.

And since he never shared or (to my knowledge) acted on that information, see above.

Again, by the time Merlin made his offer, Hammarsett and Coria were already back at war. You have criticized Hammarsett's actions on the basis of events that happened after the fact, and you are Monday morning quarterbacking with the benefit of information we didn't have at the time. Nothing you have said points to a better course for Hammarsett or the Northern Alliance as a whole at the time given the information that we had and given the self-imposed restraints on Eston and Darka.

The only thing relevant to your decision making to know what was the best decision was that you were in a perpetual stalemate with little viable way of breaking it. You should have made peace even without access to any of the information I had. I was also referencing a different issue and a different time when Merlin made his offer. Of your three options, you could either make peace, fight a stalemate, or attack Coria. You chose to attack Coria which is fine, but since no one wants to fight a stalemate, I'd have chosen to make peace. Even assuming I didn't know any of this information.

The northern war was lost once the southern war collapsed.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 11:00:32 PM by Dante Silverfire »
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."