Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 574410 times)


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Re: The Current War
« Reply #165: March 23, 2011, 10:23:21 PM »
Regarding both of the main points of contention in this thread as I see them (Darka refusing to touch Talerium and the Northern Alliance's anger about Eston's treaty):

The Cagilan Empire functions very much like a real Empire, particularly in the manner that they create and maintain client states to secure their borders. Coria and Talerium are two such client states. Between them, they shield the Empire from direct assaults on their territory (takeovers). If CE's territory is not in play, the worst the Empire has to worry about from the northern realms is a looting spree. Damaging, yes, but it's hardly going to end them. It's mostly just going to make them mad. At best it could help Carelia, but if CE has anywhere near as much gold stockpiled as I think they do then it's really going to have minimal effect on their war effort.

Not only that, but both client states contribute to the military might of the Empire. I know Darka always says that Talerium are their allies, but this notion is false. What they are is not Darka's enemies. They are very much allies and clients of the Cagilan Empire. When was the last time they *didn't* support CE in a military conflict? When was the last time they *did* support Darka in a conflict the Empire wasn't involved in? They are a part and parcel of the military and diplomatic power that the Empire wields. Breaking Talerium and turning it against CE would be a major blow to the Cagilans by costing them an ally and opening up their western borders. Leaving them alone is a mistake, as for the entire duration of this war they will fight for the Cagilans and shield an entire section of their borders. They might as well be part of CE for all that they have ever demonstated one lick of independence from them in recent years.

My contention is that we have no plan and no way to actually *destroy* the Cagilan Empire. As it stands, only Carelia can do any real damage by seizing regions. None of the other realms involved are in a position to do that. If the war goes against Carelia, the entire effort will collapse and be for nothing. That is one reason why the treaty with Coria was an enormous strategic mistake in my opinion. What needed to happen was that Coria needed to be broken and turned against the Cagilans. Then the northern realms could have assisted Coria in expanding into CE, giving the north the ability to truly threaten CE by taking territory. The same argument applies to Talerium. The mere existence of those realms as unshakable allies of the Cagilans protects the Empire and adds to its power.

If CE comes out of this war intact (even with somewhat less territory) with Coria, Talerium and Tara as allies still, then everyone that opposes them has lost. That's what everyone doesn't seem to understand. To break their power we must either destroy their allies or turn them against them. Until that happens, destroying the Empire itself might as well be a pipe dream. That's one reason that my character (who shares this opinion) views Eston's move as a betrayal. It guarantees that Coria comes out of the war intact and doesn't do enough to move them out of CE's orbit. Meanwhile it also restricts our ability to seize territory from CE. I know the odds against CE look long on paper, but they're in a fantastic position. They just need to keep Carelia moving backwards and they will win eventually. The whole thing comes apart without Carelia, and it is almost guaranteed that an opportunity to split the alliance will come up sooner or later. If they're smart they'll exploit the split between Eston and its allies.