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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Coria is a pretty cool military guy, they got their capital sacked for a week and doesnt afraid of anything.


Quote from: Misericordia on June 25, 2011, 06:55:39 PM
Cagilan and Tara have an indeed excellent military structure,strategy and readiness.

Coria?Is a joke.Coria is the realm that make plans behinds back based on the fact they are a buffer zone that can block ways and manipulate plans of both sides.Trust me,they will have their downfall and only then they will realize that they were in reality nothing but a thorn on zome backs.But thorns can be removed easily.

You have absolutely no power and the power of hypocrisy won't take you far.Militaristic talking you are a big nothing alone.And i would like to see when this wars rings your doorbell again who will run to save you.And when you realize it will be no one i would like to see how your superiority in military will save you.

This is also a fact and i am sure it will create more and more discussions in here the future days and i would like to see then what you will have to say :)


Lol. That's a lot of hatred to be carrying around (",)

I've never played a character in Coria, but I have played on both sides of the divide. Frankly, I'm shocked Coria has the ability to provoke such heated feelings for you or, well, anyone else. They're not a major power by any description. They import food, their army would and has been crushed by one side and could, in a matter of days (travel time over those mountains is not nice obviously), be crushed by the Cagilans too. They don't have an extensive history, being the second newest realm on Atamara, What it does have is what Falasan had, its location. It has a couple of other things too, so while not a power, I'd hardly consider it a joke either. For one, its a functioning republic that works to great effect to allow nobles who put in effort to climb the ranks. We all want that. Were they a monarchy or somesuch, I'd expect that they would indeed be a joke. But its that they're a republic - and doing it well - that they're saved, in my humble opinion. Smarts carries a lot of weight and that's how they've survived despite or in spite of the location. That they make use of it, as a buffer as they were originally intended to, for their own benefit is what they have to work with. That they do work with it isn't to be mocked, simply deserving of some credit.

Let me ask you, Cordia, something that was already asked in this topic recently: "Do you know the history of the realm based on the current lands of Coria, called Falasan?" Their own military was probably not as good as Coria's, but they survived too by doing the exact same thing. Buffering the north and the south. They simply happened to be on the other side of that line.



I have a character in Atamara for 6 years so yes i know the history of whole Atamara pretty well :)

The only reason i hate Coria is because they may be insignificant in power but their position is such that in this war with their arrogant behaviour and absurd political moves they are causing a huge problem.Also what i cannot stand is arrogance by someone that should try to get no attention in such a continent wide war.So why are they so arrogant?

Because from one side as i see it they try to approach Eston  and make them believe they want an alliance with them in the future or maybe even actually want it while on the other hand they will pretend friendship to Tara that just burned Eston to looting by both siding them on their defense and of course report them all the movements wherever they go.

I would describe them as a two face buffer zone with tons of arrogance. :)

Also i burst out like this when in the previous post Silverfire included Coria into the "single most organized and efficient allied military system on Atamara" when they begged for a way out of this war when they took beating in it.

Size doesn't matter because size can change and since you seem to be an old Atamaran i will remind you that Tara used to be down to 5 regions as well but now is almost as significant power as the Empire herself.Things can change if you have the right friends but you must choose a side and not be a backstabber of such caliber :P

Talerium is also using the buffer zone role in this war with the difference they actually have an importance as size but at least they do it with dignity and with cards open,while Coria is trying to play the smart ass bully that jumps behind the back of his huge brother and cries threats.

OOC and IC yes they piss me off.IC for multiple reasons OOC because i can't hear a statement such as the one i quoted and see it being called a fact.

that's all :D of course i bare no hatred for players and i m totally talking on a game related relation.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Carna on June 25, 2011, 10:36:02 PM

Let me ask you, Cordia, something that was already asked in this topic recently: "Do you know the history of the realm based on the current lands of Coria, called Falasan?" Their own military was probably not as good as Coria's, but they survived too by doing the exact same thing. Buffering the north and the south. They simply happened to be on the other side of that line.


Seriously?Were you playing when Falasan was smashed?

Coria got her butt beat up within two weeks and Falasan was one hard piece of defense for her enemies to fall.They fought extraordinary battles and WON them that other realms with even greater manpower would lose.Many if not all in Atamara then were amazed by their performance in their downfall war.The fell with dignity militarist talking.And Falasan had dignity and did not deserve what she got if you ask me.I regret as Atamaran the day they fell because it was their fall that caused all the unbalance in Atamara.

Their difference with Coria is that Falasan hold balance as a buffer zone while Coria is trying to do the opposite with words behind backs and questionable tactics of politics. They could really stay neutral in this war..but they don't.IF they did i would be the first to congratulate them.That's what buffers should do..hold the balance no matter what,not incline on one side.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on June 25, 2011, 06:55:39 PM
Cagilan and Tara have an indeed excellent military structure,strategy and readiness.

Coria?Is a joke.Coria is the realm that make plans behinds back based on the fact they are a buffer zone that can block ways and manipulate plans of both sides.Trust me,they will have their downfall and only then they will realize that they were in reality nothing but a thorn on zome backs.But thorns can be removed easily.

You have absolutely no power and the power of hypocrisy won't take you far.Militaristic talking you are a big nothing alone.And i would like to see when this wars rings your doorbell again who will run to save you.And when you realize it will be no one i would like to see how your superiority in military will save you.

This is also a fact and i am sure it will create more and more discussions in here the future days and i would like to see then what you will have to say :)


Did I say anything at all about Coria's military strength or prowess? No. I stated simply we were part of the "most organized and efficient allied military system" That has nothing to do with how strong our military is. However the military leaders and cooperation that is involved in the alliance that we are a part of ( and contribute to) is unparralleled.


Even if that is what you mean which i doubt from what i 've heard in the past as well prove my point.You choose a side.When you choose a side and you admit to be part of it you seize to be a buffer zone.You simply are a pain in the butt for one side XD

You have a side and you pretend to not have one.It is arrogantly disturbing.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


And i quote : At any rate, I think it is hard to argue with the fact that CE, Tara, Talerium, and Coria have the single most organized and efficient allied military system on Atamara, and likely in the entire game

Maybe being a part is what you wanted to say but Have is what you said.IT was rather misleading.Except if down inside you actually believe it :P
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Over half the things stated against Coria is either complete hearsay, not stated by a Corian and in fact one of our allies on behalf of us, or fabricated by the northern alliance rulers to garner support against Coria.

Coria has the absolute worst strategic military position on the island, as we are stuck dead in the middle of it without any side to which we can feel safe without diplomacy. We are one of only two realms that are landlocked and being the 2nd newest realm on the continent doesn't help things either in that respect. If Coria had its choice it would have fought a 1v1 war against Eston, or a 2v1 war against Eston with Talerium as our ally. (Even this 2v1 fight would be fair due to the corresponding sizes and militaries of the two realms). Coria was denied its choice because CE, and BoM are both the most arrogant and proud realms on the continent and do whatever they want.

Yes Coria sought to get out of the war. We had no choice. We didn't want to fight a full blown continent war, and the only reason most of the north was fighting us was either because of something CE said on our behalf or because they only wanted to kill us to get to CE.

The fact of the matter is that there is very little a small realm like Coria (or Falasan for that matter) can do against 3 realms allied and much larger than them, working to destroy you. Shoot, you say Coria should just stay out of doing stuff, well until you play a character in Coria and know what it is like for your entire realm to dissappear of nobles (1. because the game is dying, and 2. because no one wants to play in a realm in perpetual peace when the rest of the continent is at war, 3. because Darka and Hammarsett are the ones breaking treaties and then blaming it on Coria) you should not speak about Coria needing to stay quiet. Watch your realm dwindle to nothing due to loss of nobles and no new nobles joining because the playerbase is leaving and then tell me we're a bad realm.

Please stop being so biased and unable to see from another person's point of view that you demean a realm that has had little choice in many of its options. Coria can support over twice its current noble count and still not need to take any more regions. Give us that, and I can guarantee you that Coria can one on one fight against Eston and win. Our military leaders are some of the best on the continent, but have very little to work with.


Quote from: Misericordia on June 26, 2011, 12:47:56 AM
Even if that is what you mean which i doubt from what i 've heard in the past as well prove my point.You choose a side.When you choose a side and you admit to be part of it you seize to be a buffer zone.You simply are a pain in the butt for one side XD

You have a side and you pretend to not have one.It is arrogantly disturbing.

When has Coria not claimed to have a side? We have public alliances with CE, Tara, and Talerium. Us being in their military discussions and part of their system makes perfect sense. We may be out of the war militarily and cannot offer our support against the northern forces, but that doesn't mean we no longer send any letters ever.

And, you've stated quite clearly my point. I don't care what you've "heard", most likely it wasn't true. Unless seen as a direct letter from a Corian noble or copied from a Corian noble, you can't know its true. There is so much propaganda in this game it is crazy.


If you want to give some interest in your realm on that matter then choose a side and if that side means dying with it then do it as well.Carelia did it for example.

Saving your realm and altogether trying to be honorable and right is impossible in this game.I never saw it happen on any Continent.

At this point the whole Continent is at war in one way or another.Even the treaty you say Darka broke (which apparently she did and i am honest about it but be sure she had no idea she was doing it because the treaty is SO messed up) well the treaty to begin with was denied to it's parts and was accepted only when death threats were put on the table.This is not how you get a realm stable in neutrality.

Falasan was always a gold producing realm.Other realms were fighting and bickering while Falasan was giving birth to gold.I will admit that when that was happening the game mechanics were rather different.Meaning too much peace was not a crime then while now it's something that can become your downfall just for staying idle.This is Battlemaster not Farmiville.It is essential that when you choose a side either you stick to it or stay out of it.

Coria is playing hard to get in any kind of approach and you tell me that the moves against your true alliance were not reported ages before they arrived on their doorstep.By that i mean that even when Darka did use the mountains to attack CE i would put my hand on fire that reports were send to CE before they eve touched their lands.

I understand you want to bring fan to both the players and at the same time save the realm but sometimes they can't be matched without causing havoc in general.So far you are indeed in a very bad position ,buffers are always bad in my eyes to be honest but at the same time is a very important position which when played well it can win a lot more than you think.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


If you mean Carelia (modern BM) then I fail to see the connection because it is too large to be destroyed by this war. There aren't enough nobles in CE or Tara to take over all of Carelia and destroy even if founding colonies is considered.

Yes, I don't want my realm to be destroyed and so we sued for peace because frankly our realm wasn't even stabilized yet. We had starvation everywhere and no one was letting us import food. That is a very difficult situation to be in. Coria is still a very strong gold producing realm, we have tons of it, but all of our regions are getting destroyed from Too Much Peace(or maybe that's just the starvation, i don't know), as well as our units.

We're discussing ways to avoid us just falling into disrepair and leaving a giant rogue gap between the realms, but frankly it isn't hard.

You're probably right about the scouting of Darkan armies. However, that wasn't excluded in our treaty signings for us to inform our allies of enemy troop movements in and around our lands. I wrote the treaty, so I know what it included. (literally its saved on my laptop).

and thank you for sending a message that at least convinced me that you aren't completely biased and can see things as they are. I understand disagreeing with things I say, but the tone of the msg changed significantly.


Quote from: Silverfire on June 26, 2011, 01:17:35 AM
Coria is still a very strong gold producing realm, we have tons of it, but all of our regions are getting destroyed from Too Much Peace(or maybe that's just the starvation, i don't know), as well as our units.

This is indeed what makes you different from Falasan in fact as i stated in my previous message.This game mechanic did change everything.That counts for many realms at this point i bet.

Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on June 26, 2011, 01:30:53 AM
This is indeed what makes you different from Falasan in fact as i stated in my previous message.This game mechanic did change everything.That counts for many realms at this point i bet.

Exactly, try staying neutral with that happening... it is a pain...


If you think peace was offered because Saeculo or Coria was "threatened" by any other realm, then you are sorely mistaken. Saeculo is quite stubborn, and I purposefully do not have him acknowledge threats. I'm sure Kerwin will agree that he has found this to be the case and that requests have been much more successful and this is exactly because Eston has not threatened Coria.

The accusation of backstabbing is ridiculous, especially from someone who hasn't even been involved in the Ruler channel. Saeculo has been perfectly clear where Coria stands. On numerous occasions.

I will agree that our Military is nowhere near the ability of CE and Tara. Or even of Darka or Eston or perhaps even Carelia. I personally don't believe a few months ago under my own leadership that we could have won most 1v1 wars and I'll openly admit that. However we do have some very experienced Military figures now involved in the Corian military and several mistakes made previously have now been learned. After all it was due to politics that our Capital was sacked in the first place. ;)

QuoteThey could really stay neutral in this war..but they don't.

I agree with the first part of your statement. We could really stay neutral (albeit with difficulty given the too much peace mechanic) but this would be down to whether the Northern nations were insistent on continuing to break the agreements made.

Both Hammarsett and Darka have attacked Coria since peace was agreed (on all occasions, no Corian was to blame) and in the most recent fighting, this was caused by Darka and BoM breaking the original agreement, if we did not act and defend Tara against such actions, then they could also claim we were not being neutral for allowing you into regions that you have never been given access to ;)

We also did not state that we would not defend our allies militarily, but in order to maintain neutrality we decided it would be best not to. Yet we're accused of not being neutral, go figure! To be honest, the Northern realms are no better than the CE, as Darka and BoM are just as arrogant if not more.

But I'm glad your character has a better grasp of  the politics and actions of Coria than its current ruler! 


Quote from: Misericordia on June 26, 2011, 01:30:53 AM
This is indeed what makes you different from Falasan in fact as i stated in my previous message.This game mechanic did change everything.That counts for many realms at this point i bet.

Indeed. TMP entered the game when Falasan was already without Barad Falas and, gosh, did that hit us hard. Each time CE and Tara withdrew to refit (and it happened far away), Falasan was without battles for over a week, and the TMP started to kick in (also, I think it still had some tweaking to do at the time, since it sometimes returned a couple of days after a minor battle). Unnerving.

But I also know this wasn't what doomed us: it was practically impossible for Falasan to be a neutral realm in that location, specially after the Ash Sea Islands were gone. And it was due mostly to the realm's long history and the fact that it was ripe for the taking, after losing Tucha and Barad Falas. The realm would have to live hanging on a whim of her enemies, and that was no good. The enemies were also whimsical and decided to end things once and for all.

I must say it was fun while it lasted (in a sort of desperate way). And, oh, the battles. Too bad so many of those good players left the game.

Nonetheless, holding position in between the lake and the mountains is pretty hard if you don't have an ally that will help you hold your frontlines and protect your back. Also, I don't think I ever saw true neutrality in BM. Anyone?
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