Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 564792 times)


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Re: The Current War
« Reply #270: June 26, 2011, 03:34:28 AM »
If you think peace was offered because Saeculo or Coria was "threatened" by any other realm, then you are sorely mistaken. Saeculo is quite stubborn, and I purposefully do not have him acknowledge threats. I'm sure Kerwin will agree that he has found this to be the case and that requests have been much more successful and this is exactly because Eston has not threatened Coria.

The accusation of backstabbing is ridiculous, especially from someone who hasn't even been involved in the Ruler channel. Saeculo has been perfectly clear where Coria stands. On numerous occasions.

I will agree that our Military is nowhere near the ability of CE and Tara. Or even of Darka or Eston or perhaps even Carelia. I personally don't believe a few months ago under my own leadership that we could have won most 1v1 wars and I'll openly admit that. However we do have some very experienced Military figures now involved in the Corian military and several mistakes made previously have now been learned. After all it was due to politics that our Capital was sacked in the first place. ;)

They could really stay neutral in this war..but they don't.

I agree with the first part of your statement. We could really stay neutral (albeit with difficulty given the too much peace mechanic) but this would be down to whether the Northern nations were insistent on continuing to break the agreements made.

Both Hammarsett and Darka have attacked Coria since peace was agreed (on all occasions, no Corian was to blame) and in the most recent fighting, this was caused by Darka and BoM breaking the original agreement, if we did not act and defend Tara against such actions, then they could also claim we were not being neutral for allowing you into regions that you have never been given access to ;)

We also did not state that we would not defend our allies militarily, but in order to maintain neutrality we decided it would be best not to. Yet we're accused of not being neutral, go figure! To be honest, the Northern realms are no better than the CE, as Darka and BoM are just as arrogant if not more.

But I'm glad your character has a better grasp of  the politics and actions of Coria than its current ruler!