Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 572406 times)


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Re: The Current War
« Reply #345: July 18, 2011, 04:41:21 AM »
As for our relations, it's as much Coria's fault as ours. Your leaders are at least as good at annoying us as vice versa. I've never dealt with Merlin myself, but if he was anything like Saeculo then he would have gotten on Laszlo's nerves too.

I have to say I agree, there are two sides to every story and I have no doubt that Coria and Saeculo annoys Hammarsett just as much as vice versa. In fact, I'm glad, because I try bloody hard to annoy Hammarsett, Saeculo hates them, he wants them destroyed. Ask his allies ;)

Whenever he has dealt with the North, there has been few occasions were he has included Hammarsett. There was a phase were he refused to recognise their existence and sovereignty, seeing them more as a terrorist realm. As an IC decision I've had my Servants burn any letter with a Hammard seal before delivering it to me.

 It's a shame because as a player, I wanted to see more smaller realms, and I wanted an end to the dominance of some of the bigger ones such as the CE. Yet all this War has done to my character is bring him closer to the members of the Central Alliance and determined to destroy Hammarsett.

Looking at it from a player perspective I honestly can't believe the beef the North has with Coria. When I say the North I mean BoM and Darka because we don't have much against MI.

We were told the reason for War was to attack the CE. You've done everything but this, and as a character Saeculo gave you direct access to the CE. Just because the terrain wasn't optimal, that's hardly the fault of Coria. Not only this, but you had the opportunity to attack the CE and then retreat back through Coria and you knew you wouldn't be followed by the CE as they were unable to use our lands to attack you. Our agreement was much more favourable to the North than it was to our own allies, and personally I'm glad you broke it, as it leaves the CE safer or with the chance to at least fight back.

Eston is a completely different kettle of fish, and Saeculo really likes Kerwin, whether this is to the detriment of Coria shall remain to be seen, but after this War is over, I can't see either realm being very bitter about the other. Which is fortunate as I'd much rather burn Darka or BoM to the ground than Eston... haha  :-* But seriously, there seems to be a mutual respect between Coria and Eston which is why we get on well, whereas I've always felt that Kostaja and Sordnaz have never been the most sincere. Saeculo trusts Kerwin whereas he doesn't the others and perhaps this has an influence on how Coria is seen by the North.

I don't pretend that Coria is an angel, we've used certain things to our advantage. But during the period in which we were neutral, we were completely neutral and I see the declarations against us more as the North's frustration at the lack of success in the current War.