Author Topic: The Current War  (Read 573568 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: The Current War
« Reply #645: April 12, 2012, 06:39:49 PM »
Your memory isn't so good I think, though it could always be me.

Even though it was under Tara's control for a little while, Lothruin somehow ended up under Coria's control prior to the treaty signing, which did cut us off. We had to travel through Elost for everything. Of this I am fairly sure.

As far as Coria reentering the war, we declared war on you. You might have been planning to do the same for all I know, but I know that I was the one who pulled the trigger. Of this I'm 100% certain.

As for the balance of forces, I don't know. Even if one side or the other has a numerical advantage, part of the equation is where those numbers are placed and how long it takes to move them around. You and your allies have enjoyed the advantage of interior lines for most of the war, which allows you to make more efficient use of the forces you do have. This problem was heavily exacerbated for us when we were unable to use Menedor and Lothruin.

I don't honestly know if in the end Coria being in the war is good or bad for us, but to me it feels like we've done better when Coria is a battleground. I don't think you understand just how ineffective the Northern Alliance was during the time Coria was at peace. We accomplished, well, about as much as Eston has been ever since they made peace with Coria. It was a stalemate, and one that did not favor us in any way.