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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Quote from: Indirik on March 11, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
Oh please! Oh please! Oh please! I have been praying for this for weeks. Months?

And yet ironically, your own leaders have been trying to prevent this ;)


That's because they don't want me to have fun.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Darksun on March 11, 2011, 02:04:03 PM
It's not a prediction when you have perpetrated the events! ;)

MetaBets says differently!
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Too bad metabets went away before I started playing.   :(
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Wow...Y'all sure seem to complain a lot about a treaty that your realms had no reason to be able to influence. Coria fought a war against Eston, and Eston's allies joined in with them. Coria signs a peace treaty with Eston and Eston's allies should also then sign a peace treaty with Coria. Eston's the only realm that was at war with Coria that had any right to make demands of Coria.

At any rate, y'all are way wrong about Eston joining CE's sphere of influence. Kerwin knows quite clearly how much the word of Coria's leaders can be depended on. Coria and Eston growing closer in friendship and alliance is just one step in the entire upheaval of Atamara. It is easy to take a look at a peace treaty and think you know everything that is going on. Also, it is very easy to make up the thoughts of the leaders of many realms but unless you know why the diplomatic actions that are going on, you're just leaping to conclusions. I can guarantee you that things are going on in the background and stuff is shifting.

Anyway, Coria clearly lost the war, and Eston certainly gains more by making a friend than "trying" to assimilate the duchy of Barad Falas. Hammarsett being greedy and trying to take regions from Coria is the only thing slowing down the North's invasion of CE. Which I find quite amusing.

Want my prediction for this war? CE loses, simple as that. Unless some betrayals happen amongst one of the other two alliances (the non-CE ones) then it is bound to happen. However, if one of the two other alliances is broken up then the entire island will fall into chaos.

P.S. Whoever said the sword was mightier than the pen I invite to tell that to my Diplomat. ;)


I think the fact that I parked a 20,000 cs army in your capital for an entire week gives me some right to make demands.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 12, 2011, 03:05:20 AM
I think the fact that I parked a 20,000 cs army in your capital for an entire week gives me some right to make demands.

No, it gives Eston the right to make the demands as you initially joined the war on their behalf. (Based upon the original war declarations which my character as Ruler was all too aware of).

Also, although it makes little difference now, you're army would have been slaughtered had my character been in the city at the time.

Quote from: Silverfire on March 12, 2011, 04:31:57 AM
Also, although it makes little difference now, you're army would have been slaughtered had my character been in the city at the time.

That is your problem. Still the outcome matters.


Quote from: Silverfire on March 12, 2011, 12:28:01 AM
Wow...Y'all sure seem to complain a lot about a treaty that your realms had no reason to be able to influence. Coria fought a war against Eston, and Eston's allies joined in with them. Coria signs a peace treaty with Eston and Eston's allies should also then sign a peace treaty with Coria. Eston's the only realm that was at war with Coria that had any right to make demands of Coria.

-Bip wrooong. Coria fought a war with Eston yes but Darka was supposed not only to help Eston but to also attack CE.Our only way through was through Coria.

You see the only reason there was a win for Eston in this war was our presence there with almost 16k army.If it wasn't for Darka things would be different.Darka did not fight just to help Eston but to secure her way to CE since Talerium is out of the question and through Tara is like 4 days travel.Even without Eston,while Merlin was away from his city and that is HIS mistake ,Darka could easily come in Barad Falas for as long as their units could manage to stay out.
Of course and Darka has a say in this.According to my opinion it was a mistake to even consider signing a treaty on our behalf as well.Since when the real damage force is to be considered irrelevant?
If you really wanted to bring this on a 1vs 1 level you could easily do that instead of signing treaties.Make this a 1vs 1 war and win or lose it.
Darka had every right to claim her way through Coria's mountains and demand a say in this treaty.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on March 12, 2011, 01:03:40 PM
Even without Eston,while Merlin was away from his city and that is HIS mistake ,Darka could easily come in Barad Falas for as long as their units could manage to stay out.

I understand that not everyone has access to the behind the scenes information, and so I'll give you some background info on the state of the allies at the time.

Yep you're correct, it was our own fault for having Merlin leave Barad Falas. But we were offered peace and requested to meet Kerwin in Anost. You tricked us, bravo, well done, it wouldn't have happened again so easily.

Yeah you had 20,000CS in Barad Falas, yet at the time that Kerwin signed peace, we had ~15k Taran, ~8k Corian and ~8k Talerium marching towards the city, around a day or two away. Both allies had just arrived in Coria having undergone a refit. From memory, I don't recall there being over 31K in the city at the time. So the damage you caused having been in our Capital would have been limited to what it had been even if Kerwin had not signed the peace.

The fact is, you've achieved a lot more out of peace negotiations now that Eston has signed the peace then you would have after weeks of fighting. So really, both the allies of Eston and Coria have Eston to be thankful for.

This War has always been exclaimed to be solely against the CE and those that get in the way of your actions against the CE. Peace has been offered on numerous occasions to Coria if we allow access to the CE, so the Darkans have actually achieved what they've always wanted.

The most interesting point I'm going to make is that the reasons justifying the War against the CE in the South is because of it's interference in their foreign politics. Yet this is exactly what Darka is doing with Eston. A few days after the peace, Kostaja was demanding that Kerwin break the peace and attack Coria again. Hardly the actions of respectful allies. ;)


We tricked you?Funny,we had no idea about Eston wanting to sign peace with you.Absolutely none.We only learned about that when Merlin came back to Barad Falas and told us.

See maybe you don't know your facts right.We wanted to pass through Coria,nothing more.Eston wanted her borders safe so we were kinda helping them with that before heading to CE.Coria was not our primary target,just something between our target and us.

To us is was a normal march and once we saw the Duke was out of town,we attacked.If you have issues about being tricked on that you should have asked Eston to explain herself.Another reason why Darka should NOT suffer the decisions of others.Things like that taking place behind out back and no one contacting Darka.

Also about Kostaja asking Eston to attack Coria?LAL? We were almost told that Eston would have signed her treaty and we wouldn't have access through Coria.You know what that means?Talerium doesn't allow Darka to move through her lands,Coria neither....are we the toys of others to win wars for them and then not being allowed to travel through wherever we want?I freaking don;t think so.

You asked Eston a peace treaty in the first place because DARKA was the one to loot to the ground the mountains and then camp the capital of Coria.We won this chance for peace treaty with Coria for Eston.If you fail to see this and understand that this is giving Darka the right to demand a part in this treaty ,then what can i say.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


I do find it hard to understand what Darka is complaining about with regards to the treaty overall though. Darka solely wants military access to CE. They have it. They have the single fastest route to CE that Coria is even able to offer you. What route exactly do you want? There are many slower routes that we can offer, but we expected the fastest one was preferred.

Unless of course the purpose of the war "isn't" to fight CE. If it is to destroy Coria even though we are cooperating, then that is of course something which I'd be interesting in having your leaders present to us.

Not to mention, we offered the only route Coria actually has to CE without going through Tara. So if you intend to attack Tara instead that is also worth noting.


The trulyironic thing is Darka working so hard to get access to fight the Cagilan Empire through Coria. So complicated, so much of a  diplomatic mess, a war, etc. When the EASIEST way to get to the Cagilan Empire is to march through ONE RURAL Talerium region. No mountains, nothing. One rural region stands between Darka and the Cagilan Empire. But Darka trembles at standing up to Talerium, even though I'm pretty sure Darka could run over Talerium by itself, not to mention the fact that Eston and the Barony would definitely back them up in this.

Nevertheless, this should be put behind, everyone. It's over now. The only thing keeping the allies from marching over the mountains through Coria (since they've agreed to allow us access) is King Regulus being completely uncompromising and quite ridiculous when it comes to making a peace with Coria.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Well, unlike Eston, Darka does consider its relations with other realms before making unilateral decisions. There is a long-standing respect between the two - it saved Eston's ass before, even - that we're not about to break for a shortcut to CE's lands.


Hmm, popular topic.  Is this mainly an OOC or IC discussion?  Or a murky middle ground? ;)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.