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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Meh, we're not waiting for Hammarsett. It's those damn mountains that are the problem.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


QuoteMeh, we're not waiting for Hammarsett. It's those damn mountains that are the problem.

Being able to access Galadia helps solve the mountain issue. You're not able to use Galadia until Coria signs peace with Hammarsett, so I'd say your leaders would probably agree with me that you're waiting for Hammarsett. They've stated as much in letters ;)


That's only if you assume he's telling you and me the same thing. :)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Munro on March 13, 2011, 03:54:19 AM
I'd agree that it was murky middle ground, but I don't think any of it can, or should be used IC. For example, the fact that Carelia might attack Tara hasn't even been considered/talked about IC (that I know of anyway) as our characters wouldn't know about it.

I find it amusing that people think that my comment meant Carelia was considering attacking Tara, when all I was referring to was the fact that Tara was and is very obviously trying to drum up a reason to attack Carelia.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Bleh, i thought i will not open my dirty mouth here... but oh wells...

Overall, Darka got a bit pissed cause Eston signed that treaty even every other part on their side disagreed about it. But finally Darka thought it got what it wanted from that war... but there is still troubles on northern border of Coria. Eston made a mistake and weakened severly our negotiation "tools" by signing that treaty.

If Darka would be "nasty" it would just simply agree with Eston and go through Talerium lands, it would be fastest and most effective route to take and we could weaken Talerium good... but there is problem. Darka consider Talerium as their friend. Even thought Talerium and Darka has been diffrent side of war fronts for a long time, we have had decent relations and we have honored each others borders. Darka has not interfered Eston vs. TAlerium wars until there was Eston vs. Talerium, CE, Coria, Tara... Then Darka thougth enough is enough. We had also disagreements with some Eston leaders but it was also important to Darka that CE´s influence wont get any closer to our border. If Darka would not have interfered with BoM... and if South would not have started war against CE, Coria would now share border with Darka. And knowing how big influence CE have/had to Coria, i bet war with them would be on hand.

After CE started to threat Darka that it will move war to our lands, Darka started to do survey with other realms and got some surprising replies. Allies of CE were not too happy about CE´s actions. CE had chewed too big bite and tried to mess around with too many people. When i realized that south would not join crusade against Darka i declared war to CE and to have goal to weaken its power. It will be long war, this war will measure participating realms skills to handle pressure and frustration. Darkas position geographically is sucky. ONly route to CE for us is through those mountains. When south started war, our job is to support them. We will tie up Talerium/Coria/Tara here north, so south have chanche to keep up with CE.

I prolly was not clear enough with my goals and plans with Eston, or Eston underestimated Darkan and Talerium relations.

Taras tone have turned pretty aggressive towards Carelia, and i wouldnt be surprised that if our route to Coria would have been blocked that TAra would propably have started open war against Carelia when their northern border would have been secured. Now Darka have atleast in theory chanche to threat Tara if they turn offensive on this war.

This is intresting war. KK have always been pretty patient and thus i see long war to be on our side as long as we stay united. Coria negotiations were tought test of our unity.

I have deep dislike all kind of OOC babblering and i prefer to keep everything IC.
~Violence is always an option!~

johnny Hammarberg

Thanks , now you made me start yapping as well ;)

I for one like the twist the war have taken with the lack of communication as our greatest enemy and as the biggest fault to the mess the north are in or should I say was as we do have common ground and an understanding to why and how we got into it. When talking about information I would like to say that misinformed characters are even worse as the players start to believe something that simply isnt true.

Many are under the beliefs that Darka and the Barony rushed to Eston when they got attacked but I dare those of you who actually believe that to take a look at the declarations of war made back then. Many think that Hammersett took Elost because it was an easy thing to do and then simply joined the North, if your character is curious then he might sent a tell to Regulus and ask about the history behind the TO of Elost. The Barony took a rouge Fiddleford just before the war...or did they actually take it? Hammersett dragged Minas Ithil into the war is something I read alot and I smirk every single time as I am aware of some of the politics behind it and all I can say is that Minas Ithil wasnt asked to join and they was not threatened in any way into doing it.

I dont know how many times my char have said this but share vital information with atleast a few trusted involved or it might come back and bite you hard, its not fun to be proven wrong because you was misinformed or simply not informed at all so when playing think of your fellow player and share what can be shared in order to increase the fun of the game and in order to prevent eventual mishaps to occur.

If you think my character was pissed at Eston for dealing in the dark behind our backs then you are right, this is now something he and Kerwin have discussed and I think both have came to a greater understanding and I bet it will not happen again. The Eston way of dealing with this on their own could have been solved by either fully share information and intentions from the start and/or involving everything in the negotiations, the way it went now information was lost and false information leaked out causing more harm then good.

And my guess for the outcome of this war? I do not make guesses but I think there will be a twist or two happening that no one really thought might happen before all this is over.

In war, truth is the first casualty.  ~Aeschylus


Quote from: johnny Hammarberg on March 15, 2011, 09:41:21 AM
When talking about information I would like to say that misinformed characters are even worse as the players start to believe something that simply isnt true.

At least I know for sure that my character is certainly not misinformed on any of the current issues. It always pays to have connections. ;)


Quote from: Bedwyr on March 08, 2011, 07:04:09 PM
And yes, I'm mildly annoyed as Leta and my character Malcolm staked their careers and the entirety of Carelia on this war, and we were counting on the northern realms coming to assist...

Why do you think Berlas of CE regards the Carelians as cowardly jackals? Given the above, and the apparent backstab that they gave the Empire, as well as the diplomatically near-impossible switch that Caergoth and Suville did (Hey we're at war with the snakes/hey, we're best of buddies), he has quite a lot to be unhappy about.

He wouldn't mind if Carelia got destroyed totally - not a single tear. Serpaents and corruption...look how Carelia started the war after all.


Quote from: Bael on March 15, 2011, 10:46:06 AM
Why do you think Berlas of CE regards the Carelians as cowardly jackals? Given the above, and the apparent backstab that they gave the Empire, as well as the diplomatically near-impossible switch that Caergoth and Suville did (Hey we're at war with the snakes/hey, we're best of buddies), he has quite a lot to be unhappy about.

He wouldn't mind if Carelia got destroyed totally - not a single tear. Serpaents and corruption...look how Carelia started the war after all.

You are aware that the CE threatened to attack Carelia if it didn't cede regions to Caergoth and Suville as well as destroy all Magna Serpaensist temples and shrines, remove all nobles who follow it from any position of power, as well as threatening to attack Caergoth and Suville if they didn't agree to a CE-brokered peace, yes?  As well as informing Carelia that nothing it did would be trusted and that Cagilan senators would have to be dispatched to check on compliance with the CE's demands?

Caergoth wanted MS out of Ser'quea.  That happened when Carelia got pissed enough at the CE to decide it wasn't worth fighting over when there was someone else ordering a hell of a lot worse.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bael on March 15, 2011, 10:46:06 AM
Why do you think Berlas of CE regards the Carelians as cowardly jackals? Given the above, and the apparent backstab that they gave the Empire, as well as the diplomatically near-impossible switch that Caergoth and Suville did (Hey we're at war with the snakes/hey, we're best of buddies), he has quite a lot to be unhappy about.

CE pretty much threatened all three of those realms with war and you're surprised they banded together against you? :)
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Quote from: Bedwyr on March 15, 2011, 12:11:50 PM
You are aware that the CE threatened to attack Carelia if it didn't cede regions to Caergoth and Suville as well as destroy all Magna Serpaensist temples and shrines, remove all nobles who follow it from any position of power, as well as threatening to attack Caergoth and Suville if they didn't agree to a CE-brokered peace, yes?  As well as informing Carelia that nothing it did would be trusted and that Cagilan senators would have to be dispatched to check on compliance with the CE's demands?

Just to be clear, we are talking about one incompetent ruler, yes? Who has since disappeared (player timed out).


Moot point. He is the one that drove the south to band together and attack you. The fact that you elected a ham-fisted clown is hardly our fault, is it now?


Quote from: Bael on March 15, 2011, 12:23:33 PM
Just to be clear, we are talking about one incompetent ruler, yes? Who has since disappeared (player timed out).

Your Ruler.  You elected him.  CE still won't admit that there were open threats.  Which means no apology.  Which means continued lying.

Not to mention that the CE has threatened to wipe out each of the realms in the southern bloc at least twice.  The issues with CE dictating to Carelia on religious policy date back before that "one incompetent Ruler" as well.

And, go figure, everyone gets tired of the CE telling them what to do.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

johnny Hammarberg

It seams like some people have a hard time keeping things OOC, calm down and dont say it is not IC because from a bystanders point of view it is!

The events that now plays across Atamara is the fruit of a long era of CE trying to dominate more or less every single realm, it is not something new and its not something you can blame one player to have caused. The lesser skirmishes with the pen is talking about things that clearly wasnt explained to those involved, how many new rulers havent been punished for lack of knowledge caused by either a lying or a silent predecessor ? You all can throw accusations back and forth but as long as your character wasnt directly involved you simply cant be sure you are speaking the truth.
In war, truth is the first casualty.  ~Aeschylus


Quote from: Silverfire on March 15, 2011, 10:22:58 AM
At least I know for sure that my character is certainly not misinformed on any of the current issues. It always pays to have connections. ;)

Judging from what I've seen you post on these forums, I'd have to say that this is certainly not true.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.