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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Gustav Kuriga

That would be Darka burning down their northern regions.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on April 02, 2011, 07:27:21 PM
That would be Darka burning down their northern regions.

Yes. The other realms pretty much hit a massive fail all round. ???


Darka's allies !@#$ing up... gee, where have I heard that before...


Quote from: Sacha on April 02, 2011, 09:14:06 PM
Darka's allies !@#$ing up... gee, where have I heard that before...

Wait, Darka has allies?!?!?

I thought they were just bloodthirsty mongrels who convinced other realms to sign certain treaties so their children wouldn't be eaten?


The bloodthirsty mongrels part is just our hobby.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Quote from: Silverfire on April 02, 2011, 09:54:06 PM
Wait, Darka has allies?!?!?

I thought they were just bloodthirsty mongrels who convinced other realms to sign certain treaties so their children wouldn't be eaten?

You sure seem kinda butthurt...



Darka always had allies,the fact that some of her allies consider them as such only when Darka saves their buttocks doesn't make Darka the one imposing herself to others.You seem pretty upset with this treaty thing to the point it makes me wonder.Eston invaded you,tricked you as Duke out of the city just to have Darka sack it down..and you seem bitter towards Darka wanting to gain a safe passage to CE.I don't get it :P
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on April 03, 2011, 01:48:51 AM

Darka always had allies,the fact that some of her allies consider them as such only when Darka saves their buttocks doesn't make Darka the one imposing herself to others.You seem pretty upset with this treaty thing to the point it makes me wonder.Eston invaded you,tricked you as Duke out of the city just to have Darka sack it down..and you seem bitter towards Darka wanting to gain a safe passage to CE.I don't get it :P

To be clear, I was making a joke. Although it wasn't all in a joking manner. Who's to say that IC wise a realm of mercenaries wouldn't have some rumors floating around about them.

I doubt you would understand much behind it as few on Atamara do. At any rate, I look forward to the day that my character can lead an army into sacking the Darkan capitol as it sacked my character's city. Sadly this will be far in the future, but as a true veteran of Atamaran politics I'm willing to wait.

Gustav Kuriga

And us Darkans will be sharpening our swords waiting for your attempt.

Quote from: Silverfire on April 03, 2011, 02:22:43 AM
To be clear, I was making a joke. Although it wasn't all in a joking manner. Who's to say that IC wise a realm of mercenaries wouldn't have some rumors floating around about them.

I doubt you would understand much behind it as few on Atamara do. At any rate, I look forward to the day that my character can lead an army into sacking the Darkan capitol as it sacked my character's city. Sadly this will be far in the future, but as a true veteran of Atamaran politics I'm willing to wait.

That's all folks.


Oh i bet i would Silverfire if you count the fact i had a family in Darka  since 2005....see this is my second account and i had Lavigna in Darka for many years and i am very well aware of the politics in Atamara as i have joined enough realms and held leader positions multiple times there.

You may have a general issue with Darka and that is of course your problem but still in this particular are wrong. :P

Also if you are a true veteran you would know that such wishes are far beyond reality.I would give your dream a 5% of success in any future :D But then again that's just me
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on April 03, 2011, 04:30:23 AM
Oh i bet i would Silverfire if you count the fact i had a family in Darka  since 2005....see this is my second account and i had Lavigna in Darka for many years and i am very well aware of the politics in Atamara as i have joined enough realms and held leader positions multiple times there.

You may have a general issue with Darka and that is of course your problem but still in this particular are wrong. :P

Also if you are a true veteran you would know that such wishes are far beyond reality.I would give your dream a 5% of success in any future :D But then again that's just me

I never said that I knew I would be successful. You may know very well Atamaran politics, but that is not what I was referring. I was referring to the ability of certain individuals to shape the future of Atamara far above and beyond what their rank or station may contend for it to seem. Atamaran politics follow a trend, and many of the efforts of certain leaders can be predicted. These predictions allow those who know what will happen to shape the future, and influence those individuals who they "shouldn't" have influence over by forcing one issue or another.

You may have had a character in Darka since 2005, but that makes little difference in predicting the full future of Atamaran politics. Having a character in the realm does little as to determining how things may flow. Certain things can be known, but unless your character individually is acting on the larger and more hidden political spectrum which isn't always visible, then you won't always have direct access to how things are shaping up to change. I believe few people would have predicted in 2005 that Falasan would be destroyed in the way that it was at the time it was by an upstart colony (with or without the help of its founding realm is not relevant in this case). Or that Norland would be destroyed by its former allies due to some dumb mistakes being made.

Specific happenings can't always be predicted, but general trends can be. Shaping those trends may be difficult but not impossible. There are those that know how to do this, and I believe that it is interesting watching them work in Atamaran politics in both the foreground and background.

It may be true that there is about a 5% chance of a Corian army sacking the Darkan capitol in any future. But, you forget that I never stated anything about it being a Corian army doing the sacking. Also, things are far from what they seem on the surface with regards to all of the politics of the current times. Things are even different than what they may seem a single layer under the surface.

Trust me when I say that there are still a few more surprises to come before this "war" is over. I can't predict who will win or how exactly it will end, but I can say that Atamara will be far different after the war than how it was when it began.


I will tell you this.Darka has already beat all the odds of surviving .I mean imagine a realm that almost never had a war on personal level while it has battled almost half realms of Atamara, if not all and still owns the same power it was born with.

Yes it is a fact that at some point a war will be unleashed  towards Darka and that will be when the real conflicts have ended and this Continent reaches the balance it should have in both sides.Atamara ALWAYS worked like that.Small realms got sacked fast ,then buffer zone realms followed..then big forces such as Abby and Falasan for ex bringing the result everyone was expecting ....huge overpowered realm and unbalanced sides.

Most wars if not every single one of them was predicted for those who were members of the Continent for a long time.Seriously no surprise in any of the realm deaths that took part so far.Darka WILL face a war at a point ,mostly when it 's only allies grow weak day by day but that will happen only when major issues of the Continent are settled and certain realms received what they believe they deserve.

For example right now the problem is CE.That will take a while to settle.In the process though many alliances will suffer internally and that will burst more wars in the near future.Be sure that Darka will always be the last target because as arrogant as it may look..some people know where it's vulnerable and believe that the moment they decide to bring it down,it will be achieved.

So far Darka survived because it served well those that now hold the power.CE and Tara that is.They almost fought all their wars with the Darkan Army on their side.Once we decided to aid another side for a change under payment of course then all the threats reached our way.They were mostly "sit boy" threats.But no one attacked because their real conflicts came first and because Darka was always a good asset in any army for a good victory.

You are wrong in believing that knowing the previous politics doesn't count mostly when many realms in atamara have realm Veteran players and characters still in charge..Talerium...BoM...Carelia..Tara...and Darka ,you would be surprised...politics almost never change in Atamara because there are strong bonds behind many realms.There are people who pull strings but is not enough.

In poor order for Darka's capital to be shacked the rest of Atamara must become a continent full of peace and love.That's what i mean.Also give yourself the benefit of the doubt  because sometimes you sound very arrogant to the point it makes your opinion weak. :P

On the fun part of this conversation i will tell you this :I ve heard in Atamara several scenarios of betrayal that gave hope to people and in the end,they all proved them wrong.And when i gave that 5% of course i didn't mean Coria...i would give Coria invading Darka's capital a -5% chance and even that would be extremely generous :P
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Misericordia on April 03, 2011, 05:21:11 AM
You are wrong in believing that knowing the previous politics doesn't count mostly when many realms in atamara have realm Veteran players and characters still in charge..Talerium...BoM...Carelia..Tara...and Darka ,you would be surprised...politics almost never change in Atamara because there are strong bonds behind many realms.There are people who pull strings but is not enough.

You are wrong in thinking that is what I believe. I agree with you and believe that which you have stated. That is why I state that it can be predicted and manipulated.

P.S. as far as the arrogance goes, that would be my character's point of view slipping in. Not me as the player. Hard to stop but I attempt to.


Oh i know it's the char talking :D it 's the same with me when it comes to Darka,i take it too personally.

But as far as the manipulation goes,all i 'm saying is that this donkey(Atamara) is a pretty old and stubborn one to change it's ways so easily :) Predict is easy yes,manipulate requires a lot of skills.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-