Author Topic: Lord's caravans  (Read 7757 times)


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Re: Lord's caravans
« Topic Start: July 11, 2011, 07:21:34 PM »
This system is new to me so I have a few questions:

Type: Sell
Amount: 100 (Number of bushels to load on a caravan before sending out)
Price: 30 (How much to charge per 100 bushels)
Threshold: 200 (Stop selling when stores are beneath this amount)
Destination: Jumberland (Region to sell food at)

So, given the above settings, once the warehouse contained 300 bushels of food a caravan loaded with 100 bushels of food would be sent to Jumberland with instructions to sell it for at least 30 gold.

Does this sound right?

Type: Buy
Amount: 100 (Number of bushels to purchase at destination)
Price: 30 (How much to pay per 100 bushels)
Threshold: 200 (Stop buying when stores are above this amount)
Destination: Jumberland (Region to buy food from)

So, given the settings above, if the warehouse ever contains less than 200 bushels of food a caravan will be sent to Jumberland to purchase 100 bushels of food for 30 gold.

Does this sound right?

General questions:
  • How much food can a caravan hold?
  • How much does it cost to send out these caravans?
  • Does the cost vary by the amount of food carried, distance traveled, region infrastructure or other factors?
  • Will the caravan sell for a higher price if offered at the destination region?
  • Will the caravan buy for a lower price if offered at the destination region?
  • What will the caravan do if the destination region does not buy all the food it carries?
  • What will the caravan do if the destination region is offering to sell less food that is specified by the amount?
  • Will the food spoil over long journeys?
  • Can a food be bought in increments other than 100 bushels?
  • Does the old ox-cart system still function?
  • Is there a chance that caravans will be attacked/robbed during journeys?