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Rejected: Upgraded Routefinder

Started by T0mislav, June 16, 2017, 03:09:30 AM

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Upgraded Routefinder

Presumptions of present Routefinder is that when user is searching route to some destination he is interested only in finding:
- the shortest way
- for his present unit
- from his present location
and that the only variation he might be interested in is to find such route trough any territory or trough the allied territory only.

This presumption is fully incorrect... it is correct that sometime user can search exactly that, but often user wants to know information about: "What is distance and how long would it take to travel from region A to region B trough regions C, D E... if he has unit of size X, without being in region A and without having unit of size X".

That is why Routefinder should be upgraded allowing 2 opition:
1. Shortest way finder (modified version of present Routefinder),
2. Distance finder / Travel time estimator.

Upgraded Routefinder should allow 2 options:
1. Shortest way finder (modified version of present Routefinder),
2. Distance finder/Travel time estimator.

1. Shortest way finder (or Simple Routefinder) would act the same as present Routefinder with one change that instead having only:
- drop-down menu to select destination (where character's location is predefined as starting location and where calculation is made for size of unit the charracter commands) and
- "find route" button
user will be able to chose all:
- size of unit
- starting location
- target location
so the feature would need:
- drop-down menu for user to select starting location
- drop-down menu for user to select destination
- blank box for user to insert size of unit (size of the unit that users character commands can be automatically offered, but user should be able to change it)
- "find route" button
Clicking on the "find route" button should return the shortest route from selected starting location to selected destination for selected unit size and information about total distance on the route and estimated travel time.

2. Distance finder/Travel time estimator (Advanced Routefinder or Builder of entire Route)
This is completely new feature for user to be able to find distances and estimated travel times for desired unit on desired route.
This feature should do exact opposite of the feature that is supposed to find the shortest route... while feature for finding the shortest route should calculate:
- the shortest route based on by user imputed started location and destination and
- total distance and estimated travel time based on by user imputed unit size and the calculated route
this feature should calculate:
- distance and estimated travel time based on by user imputed route and unit size.

The feature would need:
- blank box for user to insert size of unit (size of the unit that users character commands can be automatically offered, but user should be able to change it)
- drop-down menu where user can chose starting location among all existing regions on the continent
- drop-down menu for user to chose 1st destination and where offered choosing options are ONLY regions which are bordering whit the region which is set as the starting location
- Buttons:
         - "Add Next Destination" - which if clicked will open new drop-down menu for user to chose Next destination (calculated as previous + 1... so if previous was "destination 1" then clicking on "Add Next Destination" button will open "destination 2") and where offered choosing options are ONLY regions which are bordering with the region which is set as previous destination (user should be able to add as much "next destinations" as he likes)
         - "Find Distance and Estimate travel time" - which when clicked will return:
                - total distance on the route
                - distances between all individual segments of the route ("starting location" to "1st destination", "1st destination" to "2nd destination" ... "(n-1) destination" to "(n) destination")
                - total estimated travel time for unit of imputed size
                - estimated travel times for all individual segments of the route ("starting location" to "1st destination", "1st destination" to "2nd destination" ... "(n-1) destination" to "(n) destination") for unit of imputed size.

1. Benefit of having "Shortest way finder" over present Routefinder:
A situation... Character is stationary in region A with unit of size X and he wants to move to region B, but he first needs to go to capital to recruit more men and enlarge his unit to size Y.
- with present Routefinder the only useful information user can get is route from region A to the capital for his unit... he also can find route from A to B for his unit, but this information is useless to him.
- what user can not find with present Routefinder and what he could using "Shortast way finder" is the shortest route from the capital to region B and estimated travel time for unit in size Y from the capital to region B.
Using "Shortast way finder" user stationary in region A could find entire shortest route A-capital-B and he could estimate travel time counting in change in the unit size.

B situation... Character has large unit and needs to get from region A to region B in some time.
- By using present Routefinder user can only check estimated travel time for his unit from A to B... but if he wish to leave some soldiers to increase travel time he can do it only using "try-fail" method by leaving few soldiers and checking the route again - repeating it till satisfied... but repeated leaving soldiers drastically affects unit moral.
"Shortast way finder" would allow to user to calculate how many soldiers he has to leave in order to reach region B in desired time.

2. Benefit of "Distance finder/Travel time estimator":
A situation... User wants to estimate travel time from region A to region B, but there is rogue horde in one of regions that is on the shortest route and he wants to travel to region B using different longer route which will avoid monster horde.

B situation... Marshal is preparing attack on enemy region X. Army is stationary in the region A which is bordering with the region X, but parts of the army are stationary in region B which is also bordering with the region X.
Presently Marshal has to contact commanders of largest units in both regions A and B to ask them for their travel time to region X.
"Distance finder/Travel time estimator" would allow Marshal to get those information instantly.

Possible Downsides/Exploits:
Can not think any.
It is only information that should be IC known anyway... I mean, if we take Routefinder as person who creates route for the character... and if he is capable to calculate the shortest way from character's location to any location on the continent, that directly implies that he knows distances between all regions on the continent... and since he already has those information I see absolutely no reason why not to share them with the character.


Referring to your previous post & discussion on this thread already:,7863.0
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Quote from: Wimpie on June 16, 2017, 08:24:28 AM
Referring to your previous post & discussion on this thread already:,7863.0

Yes... I posted it here as well because Anaris said that I should do so:
QuoteRe: Upgraded Routefinder
« Reply #1: June 14, 2017, 08:41:28 PM »
As a feature request, this should be posted in the appropriate subforum, and follow its formatting rules.
Report to moderator   Logged
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Yes, but I posted the link so everyone could see the discussion on there as well.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)