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Rejected: New Class - Hospitaller

Started by JeVondair, May 23, 2017, 10:56:24 PM

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Summary: Since this is Battlemaster, i think it would make sense to have a class devoted to helping wounded soldiers heal after battle.

Description: If you haven't heard of the Knights Hospitaller, they were a chivalric Medieval military/religious order chartered to treat and care for the poor that arose in the 12th century. They were not necessarily priests, neither were they cavaliers. While they eventually became a formidable military order on terms with the Knights Templar, their origins were centered around hospitals. I envision a class with similar honor/prestige requirements to the Cavalier. But instead of leading larger amounts of troops, they lead less. After a battle, in the actions tab, they can select from a dropdown menu listing all units in the region and choose to "Heal Wounded" and select how many hours they want to spend doing so. This would not effect wounded nobles (that was on the rejected list), but it will help their units recover their strength for another round of fighting. It would require a new statistic, healing, to be added to the game. Like priests, they should be required to be affiliated with a religion in order to adopt the class. Unlike priests, they can lead troops to war and should have a higher cap than Courtiers. Say 50 men total. Unlike Cavaliers, they do not gain assured honor/prestige from battles. Rather,they earn it through service acts like healing, civil work, etc. Maybe their healing affects religion percentage to a small degree in regions.

Benefits: Fits Milieu and time period. Troop number/honor-gain limit will discourage players from spamming the class. Will be a plus to small, impoverished realms as befitting hospitaller historical origins. Add's new options for RPing (especially for those of you that love druids)

Downside: As always with big updates, I'm sure there will be a ton of bugs to work through.
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I really don't think we'll be adding any new classes anytime soon, especially with BM's playerbase as it is. I'd be more open to combining classes.


Would you be averse to adding this function to priests? Priests did perform a similar function as local healers administering what care and last rites they could to the wounded
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


I can't guarantee approval (I'd like to mull it/see what discussion arises first), but improving existing classes is far more likely than a new class being added.


Thanks! Do you think this ability might be best for the pries class or another?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


I haven't given it enough thought, but priest does seem a natural choice. Or maybe it can be a special perk for those priest/hero chars.


ooooooo I like that idea. Like all the class combos having a specific bonus ability not available any other way?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


I'd not advocate revamping class abilities everywhere, but I think it fits here. As a priestly counterpart to the 'add volunteers to unit' non-priest hero ability have, I'm thinking.


"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


ANYTHING that makes the priest class more desirable I think should warrant serious thought. I think it is horribly underutilized and more options for gameplay would increase its RP value.

I am pretty anti priest as a player, but if this option was made a reality I would seriously consider it for one of my characters.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Tom had always been firmly opposed to priests becoming D&D-like cleric healers.

There's also the risk of removing priest freedom by giving them "useful" features so that their realm will order them to help the army and that foreign realms will less readily accept them/more readily persecute them.
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I read that on the Wiki, but interpreted it as an opposition to players healing other players, not wounded soldiers.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: Chenier on May 24, 2017, 04:32:20 PM
Tom had always been firmly opposed to priests becoming D&D-like cleric healers.

There's also the risk of removing priest freedom by giving them "useful" features so that their realm will order them to help the army and that foreign realms will less readily accept them/more readily persecute them.
Yes, tis why I'm hesitant to approve, but I think if its roughly akin to the 'recruit volunteers' hero perk, it shouldn't be imbalanced. Noting that I think recruit heroes needs its effectiveness improved, a touch, not too much. I think its worth discussing, at least.


Quote from: Vita on May 24, 2017, 08:13:12 PM
Yes, tis why I'm hesitant to approve, but I think if its roughly akin to the 'recruit volunteers' hero perk, it shouldn't be imbalanced. Noting that I think recruit heroes needs its effectiveness improved, a touch, not too much. I think its worth discussing, at least.

I'd see no issue with greatly buffing the hero, personally. You risk *dying*. Considering that with all of my heroes, I never once got to recruit locals, and only sporadically got to tell my tale, the experience was rather underwhelming and, in my mind, placed the subclass into the "only pick if you HOPE to die" category instead of "only pick if you are willing to accept the RISK to die". If more people take it, then... great? Characters dying leave vacuums for other people. Also weakens the realm, even if the guy remakes a character right away. If anything, increase the hero perks greatly, and risk to die slightly.
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As for the priest, I can't really think of anything that it should be given, for the moment. It's underutilized not because of the class itself, but because of the religion game as a whole. Playing "guild-tender" is not for everyone.

Imo, to re-invigorate the religion game, the best approach would not be to make the priest class more alluring, but to democratize religion, by making it actually matter to non-priests. Religious options available to everyone and a religious subclass. Right now, typical knights can't really do much about religion, so how to make them care? But if the army could do more religious tasks, it'd be easier to use religion as a basis for foreign policy. Because right now, if heathens are next door, about the only thing the army can do is go destroy that realm. Alright, you can burn temples too, which granted is meaningful, but that just takes a few nobles to accomplish, it doesn't really occupy the whole army like takeovers do.
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