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Under Debate: Advy scouts

Started by BarticaBoat, May 19, 2017, 05:44:40 PM

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Add a risk of capture for advies who scout a region for snooping around military establishments.


I'm open to discussion on this.


I think this would be great. It would solve a couple problems. Most notably, the "can you trust an adventurer in your realm from a player who has a character you are at war with".

Advies are supposed to be independent of the family, but there is always that OOC suspicion that they could be a double agent. If this were approved, then you would have reason and grounds to interrogate an advie from your own realm, ask him/her why they are poking around, torture them, gain intel, and send the lil bastard off to the gallows.

If this were approved, I think it would be worthwhile to make an advies scout report much more like a scouts, with units and numbers. An increase in risk should be partnered with an increase in reward. It would also make advie scouts MUCH more desired. I would personally love to see more employability of adventurers.
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Quote from: Gildre on May 24, 2017, 12:41:35 AM
If this were approved, I think it would be worthwhile to make an advies scout report much more like a scouts, with units and numbers...It would also make advie scouts MUCH more desired. I would personally love to see more employability of adventurers.
That's not going to happen. Advies are not meant to be military scouts, so we're not going to make their scouting more desirable or more employable.


The moment advies become useful to armies is the moment that people will go on large hunts for them everywhere, imo.
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Maybe send a warning to local/realm nobles instead, let them hunt the advy down.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


I know it's not a voting, but if it were a voting I'd vote no for this update. Advy scouting is much less usefull than real scouting, hence it's not something that has a huge effect.

On the other hand - advy scouting option being viable gives one more reason for nobles and advies to interact, gives advies something fun to do, engages them in big stuff. Come on people.
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Quote from: MTYL on May 25, 2017, 09:36:29 PM
I know it's not a voting, but if it were a voting I'd vote no for this update. Advy scouting is much less usefull than real scouting, hence it's not something that has a huge effect.

On the other hand - advy scouting option being viable gives one more reason for nobles and advies to interact, gives advies something fun to do, engages them in big stuff. Come on people.

Doesn't give advies more to do if nobles start arresting and executing them left and right.
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Would it be a better fix to remove the Infrastructure tab from advy reports? Is that the actual concern here, BarticaBoat, or others?

A warning is also a decent suggestion, similar to the 'captured scout'. Or a chance of either capture (as a captured 'scout'), or message stating 'but they slipped away before they could be captured'.

It's not a vote on approval, but input is valued in threads like this one, so thank you.


I strongly disagree that advy reports are useless: if you k ow the approximate mobile cs of a realm and the number of nobles that's a quick guess of the region CS as well as army movements and patterns.

Either add more inconsistency to the reports akin to rumours or hearsay or add a risk of capture. Players are copy pasting the region stats alongside their scoutings, as per torture reports my character receives. In regions of vast size there is no way or reason to know all the nobles in a region.

It also adds incentive to play adventurers as there is one less uncontrollable​ reason for capture or execution.