Author Topic: Various beginner questions about Religion and Lordship  (Read 3746 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 3
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For the taxes, I suspect that you only considered your estate's income, and failed to consider the tax you levy on your knights' estates' income. Just a guess, though.

No, I did take into consideration the taxes I get from my own estate as well as the taxes I get through my (not yet existing) knights. I'm pretty sure that the 'problem' I'm facing has to do with two of three estates in my region being empty. To throw around some numbers (none of them are exact as I toyed around with the tax setting since this happened, but they aren't far off either):

Under the estates page, I see that I can expect to levy around 25 gold. Being the ruler of the region, all of that gold belongs to me. The other two estates in my region - both being empty - each expect a tax income of ~15 gold, from which I as the lord get half (Lord's Share of 50%). That would leave me with ca. 40 gold (40 + 7,5 + 7,5).

Now, when tax day comes, I'm told through the tax report that I managed to collect 54 gold in taxes on my own estate alone. Added to that are the taxes from the empty estates, both collecting 13 gold. All of that gold goes into my coffers and leaves me with a total of around 80 gold instead of the expected 40. That's quite a difference. Now I do understand that the numbers on my estate/region page are not final - it even says so - but getting roughly double the amoung I was expecting is indeed a bit... fortunate.

Have you tried asking these questions in character?
Its a great opportunity to forge bonds to help and get helped by other characters.

I did think about that in regards to my question about religions, but unfortunately I didn't find the time to visit a temple or otherwise contact religious authorities.