Author Topic: Goriad II's emigration to BT  (Read 9301 times)

Gabanus family

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Re: Goriad II's emigration to BT
« Topic Start: October 19, 2017, 12:48:10 PM »
Marshal vs Marshal, the great feud!

Vahanian had enough
Roleplay from Vahanian Blint   (2 days, 15 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela

Vahanian was surprisingly calm for the amount of fury that his words seemed to echo. He sat in a field chair sipping tea as Baldwin handed the challenge to a messenger.

"My Lord, forgive me, but you do realize you may lose this duel." Vahanian's eyes were not focused on any single thing, but had a bit of a glossy look to them as his mind wandered.

He finally returned to himself and his eyes cleared as he looked at Baldwin. "Aye, I may. But that proves what? That Goriad can beat a man twice his age? That he has spent more time in an academy with teachers than on a battlefield fighting alongside men and women who accomplished things beyond him? Even if I lose, I win. Sure, my respect might fall a bit in this realm, but ultimately I care about the respect of two. The Grandmistress and Obeah. Beyond that they can all go to hell."

Baldwin was surprised at how sound the logic was.. He didn't know quite what to say. Vahanian took another sip of tea and said "besides, Leatho has orders, if I am to fall at the hands of Goriad II he is to hunt down and execute every living member of his bloodline. Every last one." Baldwin was a bit shocked at this. Vahanian saw that shock and grinned wickedly, "Don't worry Badlwin, Leatho is the most capable man I've ever met. He would easily cut through that family line."

Preparing for the duel
It was early morning and Goriad II stood up from his bed. Sigmund had been standing in front of his tent for at least half an hour to help his Lord ready for the duel. When he heard his master getting out of bed, he entered and was met with a slightly annoyed Lord "Calm down Sigmund, this will be only a minor hunt, no need to stress. Here take off the bandages will you," and Sigmund did as he was commanded. As he went to reach for new ones he was stopped by Goriad II :"No no, I want him to see why I got wounded these last three battles!" Sigmund looked at him "You mean by going into battle again too soon while the wound from that first battle isn't healed yet milord? I can still clearly see where the boar pierced your stomach as well as the stitches."

"Yes yes, but the stitches are holding it together again now, plus I'm fighting an old man, not some beast, relax Sigmund. Here take some wine," he said as he poured a cup himself as well. Sigmund signed, but let his master be "Milord, what armor do you wish to wear then? I suppose the..." Goriad II just stood there smiling "Do you need to ask Sigmund? Give me the light wolf armor" and then Sigmund paused for a moment "But milord, that is pure decoration, it doesn't really do anything. It won't even cover up your wound at all, it'll be visible to all and easily hit."

Goriad II now sighed and shook his head "No your place Sigmund, this is Vahanian we're talking about, why put on armor? No, I want him to see the wound, I want him to smell it even as I dance around him and make a mockery of him. Let him try to punch me here," he said as his finger went over his still stitched up wound.

When they arrived at the location where Vahanian told him to go, there were several nobles and their men present already and Goriad II was still joking around, it was obvious he wasn't taking any of this serious, he didn't take Vahanian serious. Not even when they entered the fighting pit which had now been formed by the people joining, a large circle for both men. "So Vahanian, you brought your sword and shield?" Goriad II laughed again "I'll make it easy on you old man, I'll just use these two," he said as he took out two smaller curved blades. The swords were good in quick combat, but it would be difficult to pierce Vahanian's armor with them as they were not made for stabbing, or even straight up slashing, but Goriad II seemed to be unphased. "This way you'll have a chance,"

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint   (1 day, 20 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela

-Part 1-

Vahanian woke with the sun, he walked out of his tent and stretched his muscles and listened to the sounds of the early morning. He turned as the sound of boots on grass covered in dew announced the approach of Baldwin. The man handed Vahanian his cup of tea and the two stood side by side as friends on the hilltop.

"Bring everyone today, Baldwin. Armed and ready." Baldwin nodded and said "Do you expect trouble my lord?" Vahanian shook his head as he sipped tea, "I don't know, but I know enough to never underestimate Goriad." Vahanian finished his tea, went to relieve himself and returned to his tent. He began to dress, and Baldwin soon entered the tent to help strap on his lord's armor. There was not a lot of chatter to be heard in the camp, it was quiet save for the sounds of men preparing. Everyone knew what was at stake and everyone was ready.

Vahanian strapped on boiled leather and scale armor, it was lighter than plate but still offered some generous movement. It was the armor he was most comfortable in. He pulled his sword from it's scabbard and began setting to it with a wet stone, honing the blade until he was satisfied with it's edge. Baldwin cleared his throat and Vahanian said "Relax, he will not die by my hand this day. But I would be stupid to go into battle with a dull blade." Vahanian repeated the task with two of his daggers. The first was a normal curved dagger, that he kept strapped to his thigh, the second was his unique dagger he used to peel the citrus orange fruits he so loved.

When he was prepared he stood, and walked out of the tent outside, his men stood on either side of his tent, forming a long lane for him to walk down towards his horse. 20 men on either side and each of them was wearing their light leather armor, a short sword on their hips and a quiver of arrows on their backs. As he walked down the line they all nodded at him and muttered phrases like "My Lord", "Sire", "Marshal". He was filled with pride and honored to be their commander.

He rode towards the arena that had been selected, an open clearing of sand and dirt. His men filled out and formed a semi circle on one side of the arena. Shortly after that several nobles began arriving, their units of soldiers. forming the edge of the ring. Vahanian stood on one side of the ring waiting for his opponents arrival.

Goriad II arrived and entered the ring, clearly not taking the matter seriously which didn't surprise or bother Vahanian. Goriad II called out
"So Vahanian, you brought your sword and shield?" Goriad II laughed again "I'll make it easy on you old man, I'll just use these two," he said as he took out two smaller curved blades. The swords were good in quick combat, but it would be difficult to pierce Vahanian's armor with them as they were not made for stabbing, or even straight up slashing, but Goriad II seemed to be unphased. "This way you'll have a chance,"

Vahanian who'd brought a shield decided then and there he wasn't going to use it. He turned to Baldwin and handed him the shield. He walked forward and looked over Goriad II, he noticed that the man's unhealed wound was exposed. "Mistake." Vahanian thought and made a mental note. He walked forward a bit and looked over his opponent and his soldiers. Then he called out and the grounds grew quiet:

"Baldwin, should I fall and this whelp kill me, kill him first. Then I want you to kill Sigmund." Baldwin stepped forward and said "Aye My lord, t'would be an honor."

Vahanian looked at Goriad II's eyes and saw nothing but a jovial nature. He said in a quiet voice to Goriad II "Prepare yourself whelp."

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint   (1 day, 19 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela

- Part 2 -

Vahanian stepped backwards and returned to his original spot, he drew his sword and took his ready stance. Goriad II walked up opposite Vahanian and took his stance. Vahanian thought back to a conversation he'd had with Baldwin on their journey to the arena.

"My Lord, he will no doubt try to goad you into making a mistake. You mustn't fall for them. He will be tricky and slippery. You need to engage and end the fight quickly. He is younger and unfortunately probably has more stamina than you. On the other side, you have the experience he does not. Use that, use what you know and trust your instincts."

Looking at Goriad II now, Vahanian knew that everything his captain had said was true. A noble from the crowd stepped forward and said "This is a fight until first blood or surrender. Combatants, prepare..... FIGHT" As soon as the noble had called out the word 'Fight' Vahanian charged forward. He let loose with an onslaught of strikes and slashes. For a brief moment he thought, but couldn't be sure he saw a flash of panic on Goriad II's face. Goriad II danced and dodged around parrying strike after strike, until he spun a way that Vahanian didn't expect, and caught Vahanian off balance. He kicked Vahanian forward with a boot on his back, and charged after him. Vahanian stumbled and a gasp went up from the crowd. He hit the sand with one knee, flung sand backwards with his left hand hoping to hit Goriad II in the face, he missed, and hit him in the chest. He spun in the sand and drew his dagger off his thigh and blocked and parried the incoming strikes from Goriad II. Vahanian stood back up and pressed the attack once more.

His strikes were targeted and precise. He wasn't wasting energy on wild strikes of brutal strength. He didn't need to. Vahanian started a feint and Goriad II went for it, Vahanian spun around the man's back and for a moment they were back to back. He continued in his spin until he was on the other side of Goriad II and with the hand that was holding his dagger he, in rapid succession, slammed the butt of the hilt and then his fist into Goriad II's exposed wound. A cry of pain leapt out of Goriad II's mouth, and his right arm dropped the sword he was holding. Vahanian faced the dazed man and with brutal strength kicked him in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards and fall to his back. Vahanian walked over and stood over the man, flicked the other blade from his fallen opponent's hand and held his sword point at Goriad II's throat.

"Right where you belong, on your back and at my feet. Whelp. Now Yield." Vahanian's voice was dripping with lethality and hatred. Goriad II squirmed in pain and stared defiance up at Vahanian through eyes that were readily fighting back unconsciousness. Goriad II didn't say anything, just stared defiance back at Vahanian. Vahanian, with all his speed and might dropped a knee onto Goriad II's wound, casuing another cry of pain and him to roll onto his stomach. Vahanian grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back and whispered "I want you to know that you live this day because I allowed it. You do not have my permission to die, yet." He pushed Goriad II's head into the sand and stood, sheathing his blades and turning his back. The same noble that started the match re-entered the arena and said "Lord Goriad II is unable to continue the match, Templar Marshal Vahanian is the victor!

Vahanian returned to Baldwin and said, "Come, let us leave him in the dirt."

Goriad II's point of view
"This is a fight until first blood or surrender. Combatants, prepare..... FIGHT" He was ready to fight, well fight, he was ready to play a bit with the old man. He smiled and in his mind he was going over the different possible ways he could emberass his enemy when suddenly he was met by a sword already. Vahanian had started very aggressively and charged at him. He wasn't expecting this, but managed to parry his attack just in time and the next. Goriad II was showing off his blades and nearly danced around with them, goating his opponent still with smiles, small words "Is that all huh," and Vahanian continued and came at Goriad II  who continued as well: "trying to get me off guard huh, you're too slo..." too busy with his game, he had failed to recognize Vahanian's attack as a feint and suddenly found him back to back with his opponent failing to finish his sentence and before he ever could finish he was hit with the back of the hilt of Vahanian's dagger.

The pain he had been used to by now, it had been the same pain he had suffered the last 3 battles, still he could not ignore it and as he screamed 2 thoughts went through his head, nearly intertwining. "That old bastard, I will get him!" and "How could I be this blind, I am not him!" As he was kicked in the chest he only barely understood what was happening as the pain still held him in his grasp. Several stitches had once more opened and blood started to sip out of it after the kick, but Vahanian wasn't finished yet as he held his sword point at Goriad II's throat.

"I made the same mistake he did, I am not him!" he kept repeating to himself as he looked at Vahanian. He no longer thought about the battle, he knew he had lost, in stead he thought back to his youth. "High and mighty will he fall" it had been his motto always whenever Ginas had him beaten for whatever reason, yet now he had been arrogant himself and fallen because of it. ""I want you to know that you live this day because I allowed it. You do not have my permission to die, yet." Vahanian said and as he walked away Goriad II only mumbled "He did not have mine either, he was mine."
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela