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Isadril's Tower of High Sorcery

Started by Antonine, August 30, 2017, 02:42:22 PM

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(The periodic roleplaying relating to The Tower of High Sorcery estate in Isadril on East Continent)

Letter to all nobles of Vix Tiramora
My Lords and Ladies, please permit me to make bold with an introduction.

I am Alfhelm of House Sussex and it is my great pleasure to join all of you in the service of Vix Tiramora.

I look forward to making your acquaintances in person and to playing my part in bringing greater triumph and prosperity to our great democracy.

For now, should anyone wish to contact me, messages may be sent to my new estate at the High Tower of Sorcery in Isadril from whence my servants will find a way to dispatch them to wherever I may be at that time. Or at least they will once they have finished clearing the mysterious powders, potions, animal remains, eldritch objects and scrap parchment from my new quarters. And found a way to keep The Librarian from hounding me for my predecessors book fines.

Yours sincerely,
Alfhelm Sussex
Knight of Isadril


Report from Alfhelm Sussex
Message sent to all members of the Central Democratic Army (27 recipients)

My men have captured a scout in Isadril who claims to have been sent by Hallvar Schancke, Margrave of Tota, is currently camped in Tota. I doubt the Xavraxians are foolish enough to attempt an assault on Isadril with their numbers so I suspect they are just scouting the flanks of their army.

Alfhelm Sussex
Knight of Isadril

Roleplay from Alfhelm Sussex
Message sent to all members of the Central Democratic Army (27 recipients)
Alfhelm stared thoughtfully at the bloodied and bruised scout currently shackled to the floor of one of the lower rooms of the tower.

However, Alfhelm's pondering on what to do with the enemy scout was rudely interrupted by a noisy commotion from the end of the corridor with one noise coming across clear above the sound of clattering armour, shouts and groans.


Alfhelm's face suddenly paled. The Librarian.

The noise quickly got louder, as did the periodic "Oook!" until it was outside of the door. Then a muffled voice came through the door.

"My lord? The, um, Librarian is here. He's waving a piece of paper with a list of overdue book fines on it. He seems very agitated and we couldn't stop him. Please open the door my lord - I have a family!"

A very loud, booming "OOOK!" followed for emphasis.

Alfhelm had a sudden flash of inspiration.

"Ask The Librarian if he'd like a new assistant to help in the library in lieu of the fines" he shouted through the door.

There was a long pause and then the voice of his guard replied "I think he's happy with that my lord! He's put me down now!"

Alfhelm unshackled the scout before unbolting the door and standing aside.

"Your new library assistant is in here, I've unbolted the door!" he called.

The door slammed open and The Librarian, a short, strange looking man, completely covered in orange hair with very long arms and legs burst through and into the room.


Alfhelm reflected that the "oook" had sounded satisfied this time as he watched The Librarian grab the poor scout and practically drag him out the room. Off to the library where the unfortunate soul would probably spend the rest of his life shelving books under the stern gaze of the strange and terrifying man who only seemed to know one word, clearly had no concept of obedience to lawful authority and was astonishingly fond of bananas.