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Under Debate: Hunting Reports shared with (Vice)Marshal (maybe even with Army)

Started by T0mislav, September 02, 2017, 05:33:02 PM

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Hunting Reports shared with Marshal

When Nobles who are members of the army Hunt, results of the hunting should be shared with Marshal and Vice-Marshal of the army (similar to when courtier does courtier work in a region, the region lord automatically receives the report of the action).

Considering that under "Command/Army Information" Marchal and Vice Marshal have insight in which members of the army are Hunting, this is different then looting (which Nobles might want to remain secret) so there is absolutely no reason for Hunting Report to not be automatically shared with Marshal and Vice Marshal (maybe even with entire Army).

Marshal and Vice Marshal should not need to constantly beg for reports. There are not really game changing benefits, but those reports are interesting to see.
Copy-pasting reports can be hell... especially when using mobile phone. This option would make this report (which actually has nothing that Noble might want to hide) automatically shared with Marshal and Vice Marshal (maybe even with entire Army).

Possible Downsides/Exploits:


Instead of this why don't you just request marshal and vicemarshal to receive hunting operation results? That would cause less redundancy.


Why do people share hunting reports? I don't really see any point in that, scout reports already show the presence or lack of scattered foes.

Sharing looting reports I get, because it tells others if there's still gold/loot worth plundering. Sharing foraging reports I get, because it tells others if there's still equipment to be found. But hunting? A scout report is both much more revealing and much less spammy.

At most, a marshal could get a summary report at turn change of the likes of "5 nobles of your army hunted in your region, killed 50 enemies and lost 10 men", but I don't really see much usefulness in that either.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Koitalike Family on September 02, 2017, 06:08:15 PM
Instead of this why don't you just request marshal and vicemarshal to receive hunting operation results? That would cause less redundancy.

IC hunting operation results are called Hunting Reports... they came in form:
QuoteHunting Report (2 hours ago)
One hunting party of 10 men meets 8 enemies of the Monsters unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 4 of your men die during the fight.
One hunting party of 24 men meets 6 enemies of the Monsters unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 0 of your men die during the fight.
One hunting party of 13 men meets 4 enemies of the Monsters unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 0 of your men die during the fight.
One hunting party of 21 men meets 6 enemies of the Monsters unit, who immediately surrender.
One hunting party of 12 men meets 5 enemies of the Monsters unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 0 of your men die during the fight.
One hunting party of 18 men meets 3 enemies of the Monsters unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 0 of your men die during the fight.
Morale rises by 4 points.


Quote from: Chenier on September 02, 2017, 06:33:14 PM
Why do people share hunting reports? I don't really see any point in that, scout reports already show the presence or lack of scattered foes.

Sharing looting reports I get, because it tells others if there's still gold/loot worth plundering. Sharing foraging reports I get, because it tells others if there's still equipment to be found. But hunting? A scout report is both much more revealing and much less spammy.

At most, a marshal could get a summary report at turn change of the likes of "5 nobles of your army hunted in your region, killed 50 enemies and lost 10 men", but I don't really see much usefulness in that either.

This is roleplay game...
As I said under Benefits: "There are not really game changing benefits, but those reports are interesting to see."... For those who are doing only things that are important for efficiency this reports are indeed absolutely useless, but for roleplay part of the game all information are relevant - considering Hunting Reports, my character who is marshal is not ordering hunting only for efficiency (to eliminate as much as possible enemies), but also for roleplay fun (he makes hunting contests where he awards best hunters).


Quote from: T0mislav on September 02, 2017, 06:52:39 PM
IC hunting operation results are called Hunting Reports... they came in form:

Instead of that maybe Marshals can simply get the total. No point on seeing the result of individual hunting parties


Quote from: Koitalike Family on September 02, 2017, 09:50:59 PM
Instead of that maybe Marshals can simply get the total. No point on seeing the result of individual hunting parties

That would be fine as well... but that is not "simply" - that would actually be harder to make... It is much easier to make code that will forward entire existing Report then the one that will annalise the report and forward sum of individual hunting parties.


One unit alone can easily have a dozen lines of report. As a marshal, I really don't care to get spammed by 10 000 lines of useless data.

If you want to make a contest, then isn't it all that much more engaging to have people hand in their own reports? People could lie, but then again... RP-wise, why shouldn't they be able to?
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chenier on September 03, 2017, 01:54:44 AM
One unit alone can easily have a dozen lines of report. As a marshal, I really don't care to get spammed by 10 000 lines of useless data.

If you want to make a contest, then isn't it all that much more engaging to have people hand in their own reports? People could lie, but then again... RP-wise, why shouldn't they be able to?

When you say that: "As a marshal, I really don't care to get spammed by 10 000 lines of useless data." - that is not saying you as Marshal (since any real life marshal would be very interested in such information), but it is you as player... As player you do not have to read what you do not want.
Some players would say for all RPs that they are just useless spam considering the fact that there is absolutely no practical use of them (except having fun), but still this is RP game... Things like Hunting Reports are practically RPs considering that they are detaily describing what happened IC and it would be really nice if they are automatically shared. Those who do not want to read them do not have to... My point is that the game should allow to those who want to read them to receive them automatically and that is why I am requesting this feature... For those who do not want to read Reports maybe can even be added option similar to one in paperwork where players could, similar to "Refuse to become ruler", check box "Refuse to receive automatically shared reports".


Without following too much of the discussion going on here, I personally am not a big fan of sharing hunting reports automatically with the marshal/vice marshal (or even army).

Would like input of Delvin/Vita.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)