Author Topic: Ingénue - Jarra's Bildungsroman  (Read 5196 times)


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Re: Ingénue - Jarra's Bildungsroman
« Topic Start: October 21, 2017, 12:21:11 AM »
Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

Jarra sat in her room flipping a small blade in her fingers, less and less clumsily each time. The room was not much, as was the hut her captain requisitioned from some local peasants when she got injured. It was certainly better than the tent. She immediately rubbed the little star on the side of her forehead and went back to that battle in Avengmil with her memories - her first battle scar.

The seven feet tall beastman, covered in fur, limping from the vicious blow of Maura's scimtar, left behind the line of her infantry unit, assumed to be dying... she then felt so adventurous - what wrong could happen, he's facing away from me and is already dying - she took an enormous swing with her pernach, jumping a bit in the process and heard someone shouting "NO!" - whose voice was that? - she thought as she saw her mace flying right back at her face after bouncing off the thick hide of the beastman that apparently decided to posture up just as the pernach was about to hit him. Afterwards she only recalled blue sky, beastman's head flying somewhere above her, some arms picking her up and then darkness.

The reverie was interrupted by Maura entering the room. After some routine reports Jarra asked about Goriad II, who was now a Lord of Ajitmon and Marshal of Inquisition. Upon learning that he's still unconscious and reminding herself that it was her mistake that cause his injury she enquired:

"Do tell, dear Maura, are there any scattered groups of those beastmen still in Avengmil?"

"We've counted signs of presence of four small groups m'Lady, as soon as they stop hiding our army will dispatch them with easy." - Maura replied.

"That won't be neccessary. Ready our men, fetch my horse, we're moving out."

"M'Lady?" - Maura asked, looking at her lady's forehead as if trying to decide if she's still a bit shaken from the injury.

"Akkan's tongue Maura! It's not alchemy, we outnumber them ten to one. Have our scout track the beasts, we'll improvise from there."

"Yes m'Lady."

Maura departed as Jarra hid the small blade back in her hair-knot. It looked neither as neat nor as insconspicuous as the first time because the trick wasn't as easy to apply as it seemed but it was constantly improving.

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus

Goriad II woke up once more this morning and the pain had been much lessened since he was first struck by the beast. As he had ordered his men to advance, he suddenly noticed they were alone and as he looked back to see where the banner of Jarra had been the two units clashed and Goriad II was not paying his usual attention. As his men did as instructed and opened up their ranks to lure in the beasts and cut them a thousand tiny cuts, their lord did not move as his attention had been towards the back. A giant creature, which looked like the mix of a wild boar and a grizzly marched one of its tusks at Goriad II. He turned around too late and was hit in the side and while he managed to ultimately kill the beast with some well placed strikes, he was bleeding badly. As his men heard his cursing mixed with a scream, they turned around and took their Lord of the battlefield who fell unconcious around half way in the retreat.

He sat up in his bed as he called in Sigmund "Get me Jarra in here, now!" His captain wanted to question his master's orders as he had just only come by, was half naked with his wound wrapped in cloth, but he dared not say a thing. "Get him cleaned up," Sigmund said against some of the soldiers, but his master countered his orders "No, I want to see her the consequences of failure of following orders. It's best to learn it young as we did, don't you think?"

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

Jarra was just reading the scroll with Sermon in Keffa when a heavy knock on the doors was heard. She turned her attention to the entrance and when it opened two infantrymen could be seen, not ones of her own - this much she could tell by the lack of blue gauntlets. She turned her attention back to the reading at hand and after a short while her captain indicated that those men were Forest Hunters and forwarded a message that Lord Goriad II is requesting her presence.

Jarra's reaction was ambivalent, on one hand Lord Goriad was trully extraordinary and after events in Melegra and on their way to Ajitmon she was certain that if there was adventure to be had in these wild lands, there's neither better nor safer place to have it than close to this inconspicuous noble hunter; on the other hand however she was certain that the man didn't became who he became by exercising forgiveness and mercy, and she did cost him a pound of flesh. Was it a misplaced letter or a misunderstood order? She couldn't recall, perhaps it was all because of her own injury - she pondered, rubbing the little red star on the left side of her forehead.

There's no point in guessing with that man, he could call me to rearrange my hairstyle for all I know - she thought to herself immediately moving her hand over to the "hairpins" in her hair-knot, even though fewer than originally they still weren't so neatly arranged.

After half an hour of dressing up and making arrangements she stormed out her hut and not a minute later she was already mounting her magnificent destrier. Silly choice - most would think - for someone so poorly armoured, courser would be much more suitable. But ever since her adolescence in Fatexna she had a way with beasts and whatever natural advantage she possessed she was never shy to use it, so she took the strongest, fiercest, most ferocious beast she could find.

On her way to Goriad's camp she encountered Maura and a dozen of her men escorting several peasants. Two of her men she noticed hauling firewood behind the squad, another two carrying big wooden logs. One of the captive peasants was shouting:

"No tribute to false idols! No tribute to false lords!
The true lord comes from the portal
to visit mortal plane
true lord really is immortal
his power never wanes!

Jarra stopped to enquire about the scene:

"Heretics?" - she asked and Maura nodded in response - "What will happen to them?"

"They will be sternly reprimanded." - Maura replied - "Most of them will have to pay fine, double taxation. The most vocal one will be flogged."

Jarra seemed satisfied and continued towards Goriad's camp, deliberating - why would my men carry the firewood? Why wouldn't they have the peasants carry it for them as part of the punishment? Oh, nevermind, it's not even that cold tonight.

Upon arriving young Lady was met by Sigmund, who had apologetic face while motioning towards his Lord's quarters, she couldn't understand why untill she entered... whatever she was expecting, it wasn't that.

During the long silent seconds Jarra's eyes opened as wide as her facial features allowed. Her slightly opened mouth wanted to form a proper greeting but could only mutter out:

"L-Lord Goriad..."

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus

Goriad II was sitting upright in his bed, giving orders to servants, soldiers and going through the great many letters he had received untill he heard several men approaching and entering the tent, bringing Jarra with them. She was well dressed as usual, but also had some of his 'pins' in her hair, fewer than he had given her, and not as neat, but she war them. ""L-Lord Goriad..." she finally muttered, before she went silent again.

"Jarra, just the one I was waiting for," he said with a sly smile as he ordered everyone else to leave the tent "Sigmund, none enters, do you understand?"

He got up from the bed, grunting from visible pain but still he got up. As it was summer he only had some cloths on that would resemble a medium sized under garments, although for some reason he was wearing light armor covering up his thighs and also his forearms, although he wore no further clothing on his upper body, just the pads with wolven ornaments.

"The consequences of failure are dire Jarra," he said as he now follow had stood up "I want you to understand that," and Jarra looked quite concerned as she didn't know what exactly Goriad II was capable of and would do. He then placed his hand on his bandages and tore them of in a single yank. Blood started to seep through the wound once more, although it was further covered in herbs as well. "A single failure of an inquisitor, can be the death of another," he said, now smiling. "I was looking back to see where you were and let this bastard surprise me, but they can't kill me this easily."

He placed his hand on his wound, taking up the blood seeping through it on his hand and ensured his entire hand was covered. He then moved to Jarra, placed his two hands on the sides of her head and said "Do you understand the consequences of failure?" As he released her, the right side of her head, her cheak and all, were now covered in a single bloody handprint.

Roleplay from Jarra Bennet

"The consequences of failure are dire Jarra," Goriad II said as he stood up from his bed "I want you to understand that," - what does he mean - Jarra thought watching him walk towards her. He then placed his hand on his bandages and tore them of in a single yank. At the sight of uncovered wound Jarra went a bit dizzy but she swiftly came back to her senses when Goriad placed his hand on his wound, taking up the blood seeping through it on his hand, ensuring his entire hand was covered. He then moved to Jarra, placed his two hands on the sides of her head and said "Do you understand the consequences of failure?" - the metallic taste of his blood found it's way to her mouth, it was soured with herbs. Her mind was blank, single out-of-context thought that went through her mind was that it's curious how in shocking moments like this one all narrative in your head stops and gives place to a deeper and much less loquacious part of your self. As he released her, the right side of her head and her cheak were now covered in a single bloody handprint.

It took her a while to shake off the initial shock and when she did the question her host asked out loud was still present in his stare. "I-I d..." - she stuttered trying to answer, quickly she closed her eyes and clenched her teeth - "I do." - she repeated in calm voice. Seeing the wild, feral flash in his eyes she instinctively wanted to step back but fought off the impulse. "My unit will join you in line from now on. I can't say what really happened last time, I was recently injured..." - she motioned towards the little star-shaped cicatrizing wound on the left side of her forehead, and mid-motion her finger caught on one of her 'hairpins', when a silly notion crossed her mind - pointless, you silly girl, this may well be the second best warrior you ever met  - she thought to herself waving the tought away and continuing - "... the monster group that injured you, I've ordered my men to form hunting parties, I've led one of them myself, the beasts are all dead. One of them would make an astonishing winter-coat, I tell you." - she laughed studying the reaction of the... half-naked huntsman lord before her, however hard it was for her. Is he suppresing a smirk? - she thought, suddenly outraged and narrowing her eyes she pointed towards the long scar going over his chest - "This one, whatever caused it, looks much worse than the other. Mind to share the story?"

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus

"the monster group that injured you, I've ordered my men to form hunting parties, I've led one of them myself, the beasts are all dead. One of them would make an astonishing winter-coat, I tell you." Jarra said to him and Goriad II could not help but imagine how her blue puppets were busy slaying the beast, making loud noises while 'sneaking' up on their enemies. "This one, whatever caused it, looks much worse than the other. Mind to share the story?"

Goriad II's eyes narrowed a bit "Then where is my astonishing coat Jarra?" he said with a very slight smile on his face "And this one, it was a short battle, I think I was only 11 or so when that piece of !@#$ thought I wasn't studying my military strategies hard enough. He was perhaps the greatest swordsmen of that time and the coward self proclaimed warrior King thought it a good idea to fight a boy to teach him a lesson!"  and after Goriad II spoke these words they were both silent for a while untill gave a small pinch to Jarra's cheeck "A good thing I'm a more lenient teacher isn't it"
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)