Author Topic: The Deeds of Astros Renodin  (Read 16967 times)


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #15: February 24, 2018, 08:36:05 PM »

The next RP is by a character that is actually an undead. Long story, trust me.

Roleplay from Gythrul Attano  

Gythrul had heard that troops had been ordered to a tavern in Avengmil. Simply showing a servant the symbol on his breastplate terrified him enough to reveal to the Knight the tavern’s location.

The former Apostate made his way to the tavern, ignoring the wraiths and spirits that cluttered the empty path. With some force of will, he managed to make them disappear from his sight.

Finally he reached the street in front of the tavern, showing the guards his seal. They made an Obian sign to ward off evil before reluctantly letting him pass.

He saw a small gathering of nobles around this monster of a man. The greatsword he wielded was a massive slab of worked steel. The Wraith noted the gash in the door frame above the massive man. What he would have given to have him in the armies of Spearhold, he would have given a lesser Daimon a run for it’s money in a fight. He instantly felt respect for the man.

He also noted several archers with bows pointed at the staggering man in the doorway. Gythrul was unsurprised by the sheer show of force, given the man’s apparent strength.

He took a few steps forward, standing just behind the archers.

“He would give Erasmus a spot of trouble.” The wraith rasped beneath his mask. “Perhaps not.”

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre  

Jessica watched the newcomer approach the situation which wasn't unfolding. She had no idea who he was, but she assumed he was at least part of the aristocracy since the guards let him through the parimeter.

She looked at the hulking form of Astros. She wanted to yell at him, to break his stupor, but that was a physical impossibility.

So Jessica slapped him hard on the face.

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint  

The hairs on the back of Vahanian's neck stood up, something about this situation and the influx of nobles made him uneasy. He glanced around the gathering of people, mentally noting everyone that had approached. He turned and whispered something to his captain, and in a short time his soldiers who had been deployed around the back of the tavern had moved back to the front reinforcing the lines guarding his and the Grandmistress's back. He turned to his captain and said.

"Nobody gets beyond this point without direct approval from me. I don't care if it's a noble of this realm, the Oracle, or Obeah her self. Nothing moves beyond your perimeter without my direct authorization. You would do well not to defy me on this, Captain." 

His captain nodded and deployed the troops as such. "By the veil I miss Leatho.." Vahanian thought to himself. As much as he had disapproved of his brother's "wet-work" he always felt at ease around his brother.. they understood each other, they protected each other.

A messenger arrived, and was detained at the perimeter, Vahanian nodded to his captain allowing just that man through who handed Vahanian a scroll he read it over. He crumpled the paper and burned it. Before pulling a pipe from his cloak and stuffing some tobacco into it and lighting it. As he puffed on the pipe and chewed on the end of the pipe, he was mentally swearing. "So.. the self-proclaimed beauty of the world is moving from her tower of lies.. The harlot will only complicate things.." He thought to himself.

He was equal parts glad and frustrated. He was glad he had placed a spy within Kiki's court, and also frustrated that she was picking this moment to do something.

Roleplay from Kiki Raven   

From her caravan, Kiki was first to step over Avengmil Cjelegy border, behind her was army of servants, wagons filled with wine, fresh meat and masterfully made stools and tables for those who are fighting on the front lines. Only things Kiki demands are how great nobility is seated and that there was a seat for every great noble from the realm, even if they were not within Avengmil. Her knight Tom is to be seated left of her and Oracle's seat to her right, even if she cannot make it, there must be seat for great Oracle. After the Tom's seat every other knight's seat, while after the Oracle's seat is to be for grandmistress and after her The Government and lords/ladies of the realm. Lesser noble tables are front of Great table, placed sideways, Common soldier tables are furthest from Kiki, as she despises commoners and their diseases.
She also has her scribes start writing invitations while kitchen staff begins preparing for tonight. After giving out orders she prepares to meet with Usul, as she still wishes for the scrolls that he has to offer. She controls herself for the last time infront of the mirror, grabs her goldpurse and sets out.