Author Topic: The Deeds of Astros Renodin  (Read 16968 times)


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #15: April 06, 2018, 07:18:48 PM »
Alright, some smaller Rp's that I really should have posted before. Enjoy them though!

After recruiting more men for his Unit:

Astros cackled as he saw the men gathered before him. Each selected for their big physiques and their ability with equally big weaponry. He cared not for their track record, criminal or otherwise. ''They'll do fine, Mighty fine!'' He roared a laugh and the men before him weren't sure how to respond. Like a crowd of children gathered before an adult. The sense of their malignancy so compared to that of their newfound leader.

Getting ordered Around

Finishing his drink in the Onyx Dog Tavern Astros nearly spat out the mouthful he had intended to swallow. ''Pigface! Hairy assed Pigface!'' With a mighty thump the crude wooden tankard slammed into the table. White foaming beer splashing up and outwards, covering its surface in its golden liquid in seconds. What fell next onto the table wasn't drinkable at all. Rather it dipped itself into the frothy brew and sailed upon it like a great ball of a ship.

Getting up on his feet with a lot of unnecessary noise Astros kicked the bench he had  been sitting on. His heavy boot knocking the thing over and causing nearby patrons to look up with annoyance. ''What!'' A mighty vein defiantly swelled up in his neck. ''Give me a reason! A Mighty Fine! Reason!'' Spittle accompanied the words and brazenly, formidable and ivory teeth came on full display. Gloved hands balled into anvil hammers and adopted a posture that screamed violence.

Coming to the rescue was Astros's captain. A man that seemed a dwarf next to the towering maniac. ''Come away Sir. Remember what was said!'' A giant blue eye beheld the captain as Astros paused in his actions. The white receded as the eyelid returned over the fierce blue orb. The captain's hand was angrily shrugged off. The man had placed it instinctively on Astros's shoulder and was glad to have it returned to safety. Guiding his master out of the tavern some of the patrons looked at the crumpled up letter that remained on the table. One of them, an old scribe with a saggy beard pinched his eyes near shut as he attempted to make sense of the letters visible. ''V.. Vahan..ian Blint..Grand Templar.'' He muttered. The rest was indecipherable from his seat. Neither did he have much time as one of the brutes in the big man's employ snatched it up and tucked it into his shirt before following his master out.