Author Topic: The Deeds of Astros Renodin  (Read 17172 times)


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The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Topic Start: November 14, 2017, 09:30:28 AM »
Yeah, its that time again. I created a new character. We'll see how long this one lives. Last time I created a less than good character he died in a duel to the death. Here's to hoping this one will be less foolish. Anyhow, let me give you a quick taste of the kind of individual we're dealing with here. I used this RP to introduce the character of Astros to the Realm. Hope you enjoy!

A Cheerful Tune

A meandering road led them to the outskirts of the main towns of Avengmil. Green lush trees swayed gently in the wind and trains of clipped geese waddled past. Constantly being harassed by a boy menacingly wielding a stick and his dog. Those geese the boy couldn't reach the dog would promptly jap at. Astros grinned as he saw the boy. The scene reminded him of himself and the early days. A self appreciating sigh escaped his red lips. Lips entirely hemmed in by a gruff stubble reaching well down his neck. Apart from his heavy eyebrows it was the only hair on his entirely head. The warm sun above made his scalp gleam and he liked to think that it occasionally blinded one of his men marching behind him.

The boy stopped dead in his tracks. His mouth fell open as he gawked at the troupe of warriors approaching. One and all big men. Decked not just in brigantine and leathers but most prominently in flesh hardened over years of training and innate physical prominence. Astros leading the pack and it clearly was a sign of power, especially over those that followed. The towering man's face was angular, sat atop a broad neck and his eyes shone with intelligence but were veiled with a far more sinister quality only truly masked by confidence and a smug little grin that played upon his features. Feeling particularly good Astros struck up a tune as he began to whistle. A cheerful, marching melody. It fooled the boy but not the geese. They hissed and beat their wings as they tried to hustle their group onward.

''Whoooaa! Real Knights!'' The boy exclaimed. Arriving at where the boy stopped Astros made an elaborate show of looking down on the boy and offering the broadest of grins. ''In the Flesh!'' and he winked. Astros' eye fell on the boy's satchel. Within he spied it contained a piece of cheese. Not really caring who saw or how the boy would feel he reached down with one heavy and armor arm. His fingers going straight for the cheese and while the boy deigned away, one ugly look rooted the boy in place. Having seized his price Astros bite off a large chunk. ''Scram you little !@#$stain.'' The boy couldn't comprehend for precious moments. Getting annoyed, Astros kicked the boy aside before continuing to march on. Laughing as the boy landed in a muddle of mud. ''Learn from this lesson boy! Better pay your taxes or else!'' The men laughed with their master and the boy knew resentment as his father had. Nobility, they're all the same.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #1: November 14, 2017, 11:26:03 AM »
A little Rp to set the tone and add flavour.

A Good Excuse

Eyeing the "Inquisition" guildhouse Astros carefully read the description and grinned to himself. Walking inside he did so with casual bombastic demeanor. Professing his keen interest in ridding the world of daimons and their ilk. Especially their ilk, the human ilk that only he would so carefully root out. Nodding to the official who took his membership papers and ever grinning from ear to ear like a hungry wolf.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #2: November 15, 2017, 09:18:23 AM »
This Rp is the beginning of Astros's first ever meeting with his Liege Lord and also the Grand Inquisitor (judge) of the Realm he is in (Obia'Syela). First the opening RP from the Player of Goriad II Gabanus and following my own reply. Enjoy!

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus   

It was early in the morning when Goriad II made his way to the market square in Rines. He was dressed in the dark brown fur coat he had received from Jarra and was accompanied by Sigmund. "Are you sure he will come milord?" Sigmund asked and he was answered by a short yet sollmn nod "I told Astros to meet me here, where they sell hunting equipment in the marketplace, he'll come." So the two of them made their way to the area of the city they both have come to know so well. As he walked he was recognized by some and before long a small crowd had gatthered. He stopped and took the opportunity to preach of Obeah, the same words he had used in Cjelegy for new uninformed minds and Sigmund snickered "You're slowly perfecting this one milord," and Goriad II smiled back "Yes, who knows."

As they arrived at the stands who sell trapping snares both of them stopped for a moment, it was slowly getting crowded already. "Do we even know what he looks like?" Sigmund ultimately asked, "No, we do not, but how many nobles do you think will arrive here accompanied by armed men?"

A Fancy Fur Coat

Lounging about was great but even that had its limits. The sun had started to rise in earnest and the morning was officially beginning. Astros pushed himself off and away from the table he had been sat at. Upon it were the mostly empty remains of a rather lavish meal. Plates with pork ribs stacked haphazardly. Two nearly empty tankards of what smells like mead, a platter containing crumbs and leftover cheeses and a bowl stained with humus around the rim and bottom. He stretched his huge frame and it made his clothing taunt against his muscles. Clawing at his stubble he took two deliberate gulps of air. All the while looking around to account for all his men. The entire floor of the inn was practically filled with his boys. Each selected for their physical size and ability to wield big weapons. ''Calvin!'' Astros called out to his captain. Motioning to the innkeeper, a portly man sporting a black eye. ''Take care of the bill, will you?'' The words sounded sincere but the accompanying grin twisted them beyond their meaning.

Moments later Astros was donning himself in his brigantine armor and slung his great-sword over his back. A black handled blade longer than many a man was tall. Stepping out of the Inn and being engulfed in the day's first light Astros squinted his eyes and actually had to bend forwards as he exited through the front door. Filling out behind him were his men. They congealed around Astros like a pack of wild dogs. Very big, mean looking dogs. A triple layered, bordeaux and black belt circled his waist. From it a hefty, jingling pouch dangled alongside a rondel dagger and a small leather packed which was sealed with two straps. From the packet a strong, earthy scent permeated.

Walking down the street toward the market the waking people shied away from the company of warriors. Astros took in the sights and gave overly friendly smiles and grins to anyone that caught his eye. He was feeling particularly good today. A fine meal will do that for you. Especially one donated so generously. Licking his front teeth with an open mouth he nonchalantly grabbed an apple from a grocers stand. A single exchange of looks enough to shut the merchant up. He laughed malevolently as he recognized the man's resignation.

Coming up on the main market square in Rines Astros felt inside his pouch. His fingers confirming the Grand Inquisitor's letter was still there. ''Now what would I be wearing if I was the Grand Inquisitor..?'' He mumbled to himself. Eyes scanning the stalls and people before him. Not catching anything of interest. ''Probably some kind of fancy hat, probably..'' His hand informed him of something soft and he turned his big head to look at it. It so happened that his hand had come to rest upon a raccoon fur hat that was on display at a fur trader's stall. Astros's face lit up with childish enthusiasm. ''Always did want a furry hat of my own!'' He grinned at the man he assumed was the trader. ''Thank you for your donation to the faith!'' He promptly put the hat on his bald head and moved along. Feeling supremely confident. Only a few stalls further he took the hat off again. The jolt of excitement he felt at humiliating the trader had passed and with it his interest in the hat.

It was then that his eye caught a really fancy coat. Rich brown and hell'a furry. His large brown eyes grew bigger still. The skin on his forehead rippled like sand-dunes and his lips produced a sharp whistle. ''Oh damn! Ain't that a fine, fine coat!'' Loud enough for the wearer to actually hear him. Lazily Astros made his way to the man in the rich fur coat and his companion. Yet his steps were filled with purpose even as his arms and frame made a show of dodging out of the way of passers by and pushing goods aside that would otherwise obstruct his way. Following close behind him like an enveloping wave of water were his hulking warriors. They quickly came to flood the two men that Astros had marked out. Unbeknownst to them that they had actually stumbled upon the Grand Inquisitor himself.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #3: November 15, 2017, 03:11:36 PM »
Written by the Player of Goriad II Gabanus, all credits go to him of course.

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus

The Red Moon

He had already seen the gang of brutes coming, long before one of them whistled and quite loudly said "Oh damn! Ain't that a fine, fine coat!" and Goriad II shortly shook his head towards Sigmund who had wished to take action, instead they moved on slowly, untill they were surrounded by the soldiers. Their leader walked towards Goriad II, with a huge broadsword on his back. He could not help himself but wonder how usefull such a sword would be, in such close corners. Their leader tried to reach for the coat, not knowing that Jarra had hidden pockets sown into it allover, as she knew Goriad II's tendencies by now. Before the man could good and well speak, he was stopped.

"Now now, this coat was a gift to me, as was this blade," he said and now all eyes suddenly turned to his right hand in which he held one of his three short curved blades, positioned right against the upper thigh of the big man "Do you know why they call this the Red Moon my boy?" a grin appeared on his face, "I received this from leading the Red Moon army all the way from the desert into the coastal lands of Minas Leon, a most succesful raid..." he paused for a moment "But," placing a strong emphasis on the word but, "some say it is so named because when it cuts, men cry to the moon like a wolf bitch giving birth, the only difference is that you would never have children again."

Then, as all the men were on edge, the soldiers waiting for the order to attack, the blade was lowered and put back in his coat. "Now, I know the outfits of all militia in this city and there are no foreign troops allowed either, so I assume you must be Astros. Now I have a court to hold a mile further into the city, do have your men join us." Then he turned around again to Sigmund "Sigmund, I want 20 trapping snares and 4 bear traps, do let these fine big gentlemen carry them for you."


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #4: November 15, 2017, 03:27:02 PM »
Aaaand! my reply. Hope you like it. I'm curious what kind of a scene will be set but I'm sure it's going to be a good one.

To Each Their Burden
Then, as all the men were on edge, the soldiers waiting for the order to attack, the blade was lowered and put back in his coat. "Now, I know the outfits of all militia in this city and there are no foreign troops allowed either, so I assume you must be Astros. Now I have a court to hold a mile further into the city, do have your men join us." Then he turned around again to Sigmund "Sigmund, I want 20 trapping snares and 4 bear traps, do let these fine big gentlemen carry them for you."

~Goriad II Gabanus

The blade felt really uncomfortable upon his armor. Placed just right, between the plates that were worked into the brigantine. A move that was way too expertly executed for Astros to be comfortable with. His face a blend of a raging ocean with its stormy whitecaps and a venomous snake threatening to strike but really just wishing to retreat. His eyes following the motions of the man that was his Liege, the Grand Inquisitor. Before Astros could say anything Sigmund was already directing his men to follow. Realization dawned, it included himself. Grinding his teeth Astros complied. His shoulders tense and the look in his eyes dangerous.

The Grand Inquisitor's companion, Sigmund, was efficient in his dealings and didn't fuss over the fact that over three dozen warriors of large physical appearance gave him murderous looks. He didn't even seem rattled in the slightest. The same couldn't be said for the merchants he dealt with before instructing said merchants to hand over the snares and bear traps to the large warriors about. A casual finger indicating at random it seemed as eyes never even made contact. Astros made fists of his hands and felt anger swell in his bosom. When the whimsical finger was pointed at him however, he meekly accepted the load of a full fletched bear trap as his own to carry. To carry towards whichever destination was set, for that remained a mystery.

So Astros and his men were set to function as packmules for the Grand Inquisitor, very angry packmules. Muttering curses under their breath whenever the eyes of the Grand Inquisitor weren't looking. ''Grand Arse..'' Prominent among them.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #5: November 19, 2017, 08:00:46 PM »
An little RP ((Discretion advised! Foul language and behavior)) I wrote outlining some less than honorable behavior of Astros during a friendly take-over of a rural region.

You're Free, Celebrate it damn it!

Marching up and down the length of the main thoroughfare of the village Astros's muscular frame could be seen swaying from the left to the right. Handing out firm pats on the backs and shoulders of haphazard peasants who were more inclined to dart away rather than face the lumbering giant of a man with the wolf's grin.  ''What's wrong?! Why so glum! You're free now!'' Lips curled back into a sadistic smirk. ''No more bandits troubling you, we'll take care of them from now on. No more arguments with the neighbors about who's chicken that is or who's pig got !@#$ed. We'll take care of all that. They're our chickens now and our pigs as well! Isn't that great?!'' A whack of his mighty hand all but uprooted the scrawny peasant as he gave the man another pat on the back. ''All your worries gone like that!'' And Astros snapped his  fingers. ''Along with your coin, we're not doing this for free of course!''

Walking past the peasant Astros laughed and grabbed a carrot from a grocer's stand. Bit off a chunk as he meandered along and spat it out again. ''You people don't wash your vegetables?!'' He threw the remains of the carrot back at the peddler along with an angry glare. All without ever slowing his already slow pace.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #6: November 22, 2017, 10:58:50 PM »
Hey there, welcome. Today a not so friendly roleplay. Its accurately titled so if you don't like the title or what it may represent. Don't read it. Despite the harsh and nasty scene described, I hope it adds a certain aspect of life we should not forget nor suppress. It happens so we must deal with it. It is fleshing out the character and giving the other players a sense of what kind of person Astros is.


Snuffling and snorting Astros made his way through the baggage train's food wagon. A thin shouldered quartermaster fearfully eyeing the grasping hands of the towering man. Greedily taking a jar of honey, a string of sausages and then the the beastly eyes returned to meet his own. ''Where's the bread?'' The smaller man gulped. ''Where damn it!'' White teeth flashed as Astros wagged the string of sausages at the lesser man. The quartermaster found his voice. ''Behind the casket of vinegar.'' he chirped meekly like a songbird poked. A grunt was the reply he received but more importantly the attention of the abrasive Astros had departed him. To be fixed once more on the food and indeed a large hand pushed aside the casket of vinegar and took possession of a loaf of spiced and seed covered bread.

As Astros turned away from the wagon the quartermaster darted in to check the damage but as he tried, it irked Astros. A fist clutching the honey jar swept in and slammed the lesser official in the temple. Reeling to the right the quartermaster instinctively reached for his face with his hands, trying to prevent further damage. ''Gnat! Who gave you the impression I was done?!'' More blows rained. The jar wielded like a weapon. Bashing several times more onto the quartermaster's face. Shattering his nose which caused blood to splatter the front of the wagon and then a blow to his ear made all sound fade but a high pitch screech. Endurance fleeing his body the quartermaster fell to the dirt. A hand bracing against a clod of dirt sporting a tiny tuft of grass. Slowly crushed under the weight of both men. One holding on and the other viciously dishing out a beating. Sausages dangled haphazardly from Astros's thick neck.

Finding the little man out of arm's reach, boots took over where hands couldn't reach. Kicking the huddled shape against the wheels of the wagon. ''Never! Presume I am done before I say so!'' Another kick to the ribs. ''Got it?!'' The words spoken much akin to a dragon breathing fire onto a peaceful village. Through blood caked, broken lips. ''Yeeesss..'' A hoarse sound followed. ''Yes, sir..! Never again!'' the quartermaster managed. Half of his face covered in dirt as he just lay there miserably.

Astros stepped back and rubbed his large hand over the side of his face. Noticing some beats of sweat that he quickly wiped away. ''Good. Now clean yourself up you worthless goat arse.'' Flicking the sweat onto the quartermaster as he turned about and walked off.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #7: November 24, 2017, 07:40:32 PM »
Welcome back, been expecting you. Yes I have. What you'll read next is about Astros of course but you're in for a real treat. One of his very first acts as an agent of the Faith. Serving the Faith and being good for the faith, yes sir. Anyhow, enjoy the read.

All for the Faith

Making his rounds ensuring that his men were indeed ''convincing'' the locals of the true, free and indeed pious ways of Obia Astros nonchalantly came to a halt at a merchant's stall. A big wooden wagon that was transformed into a veritable miniature shop. Roofed over and supported with extendable beams it really looked quite cozy if not indeed grand. Bending forwards to just dip under the curtain of goods suspended from the ceiling Astros nodded approvingly.  ''Looks mighty, mighty fine!'' A broad and piggish grim emerged upon his face as he uttered the words. His eye fell on a dyed, woolen scarf and instantly his eyebrows arched high. Making a fist out of his gloved hand Astros added dramatic effect by mock biting down on the top of it. ''Phhhhheeeww! That's a mighty, mighty fine scarf!'' Without preamble he casually picked it up and smelled it, inhaling deeply. ''I can even smell the sheep!'' Taking a brief moment to really rub and finger the fabric Astros ended up wrapping the scarf around his bullish neck. Allowing the two ends to drape and dangle on either side of his face.

The merchant smelled a deal and quickly dove into a flurry of compliments and cited the benefits of wool and the origins of the scarf. The casual grin quickly started to fade from the hulking Noble's face. Astros's eyes cast down and beheld the ground as he bit his lower lip pensively. He breathed in once, deeply, and slowly let it out again. ''We seem, to have a misunderstanding.'' Each word deliberately uttered and with each one, the volume rose. Ending with a very expressive ''Mis-Understan-Ding!''. His eyes no longer on the ground but bored into the Merchant's. He lazily licked his front teeth.

''What!'' A vile smirk passed over Astros's features. ''Is the third Law of the Veiled Goddess?!'' The merchant was equal parts startled and dismayed.  He stammered as he tried to regain his mental footing. ''Come now!'' Astros barked. ''It's easy! What is the Third Law of the Veiled Goddess?! Speak!'' The display made grander and more public as Astros spread his big arms wide as if to invite all other bystanders to witness. The merchant began to form words in his mouth in a rush yet failed to make a legible answer. A pleading look crept into his eyes. ''What did you just say!?'' Astros leaned closer for theatrical effect. ''Was that your -final- answer?!'' The vile smirk returned. Astros turned away from the merchant and addressed the small crowd that had gathered. Shrugging apologetically ''The man doesn't know the Third Law of the Veiled Goddess!'' Both hands rose into the air. ''How is that possible? How?!'' Taking on the posture of a sage, deep in thought, Astros rubbed his chin while looking back at the merchant. Taking a que from the lull in words, the merchant pleaded. ''I'm sorry, I truly am. I'll study her words from this day on. Every night and every morning. Really I'll know her Laws by heart!'' Eyes darting from Astros to the crowd and back again.

Shaking his big, bald head, several lines formed on Astros's forehead. ''That! is not enough!'' A huge malevolent grin split his face in two. The heavy stubble on his chin contrasting with the shiny skin that covered his skull. ''How could it?! You didn't know the Third Law of the Veiled Goddess.'' The words ringing with a certain finality. ''There can be but one! Punishment, that can apply!'' He motioned his men over and directed them to grab the merchant. ''A straight ticket to the Goddess herself!'' Bending his knees as he said the words and pointing at the sky. As if he announced the date for a big celebration. His grin mean like a predator knowing he's going to make a kill. Seeing some of the people standing around covering their mouths in shock Astros faked being surprised at their reaction. ''Don't you worry good people! I know. I know it's not enough. I'll make it all well again, don't you worry.'' The toothy grin returned. ''-All- of these here goods, will be donated, to the faith.'' Smug and contend with his own words Astros placed a caring hand upon the stall's counter.

With the theatrics over Astros fiddled with the scarf a bit as he devoured an apple while watching his men string the poor merchant up from a nearly tree. The goods and the stall? They were conveniently taken to Astros's camp, never to be seen again.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #8: November 30, 2017, 08:44:58 PM »
A little Rp to illustrate Astros' reaction that I wouldn't otherwise be able to portray in a letter.

Having a Laugh

Deep inside one of the time worn taverns that Rines' old quarter was rich in Astros and his men were enjoying some time off. The new recruits were undergoing mean and sadistic initiation rites while their Liege, Astros was devouring a stack of greasy pork ribs. In between tossing bones left and right after picking them clean he guffawed and snorted as his eyes read the words of fellow Nobles. ''Hear this one boys!'' He called out to his men. ''I do not offer my apologies, nor are you deserving of them. ~Vahanian Blint'' Astros's normally loud and rough voice mimicked that of a prim lady as best he could with his low timbre. A thunder of laughter ensued which made the bulky man grin with glee.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #9: December 13, 2017, 09:38:48 AM »
A little RP written after a fight against Undead. Most units got pretty much wiped.

After the Battle

Brushing off after the battle in Cjelegy, Astros found that he was surrounded not only by dusty bones where the skin was taut like leather, stacked in heaps, but that under said heaps of long dead corpses, a flow of crimson cut the soil like a small river. Turning his bull neck and looking behind him Astros saw but two of his men still standing. Panting heavily and covered in gore and grim they were the only two remaining. The rest lay either dead or well on their way towards death. Squeezing the two handed grip of his massive greatsword Astros felt anger. His jaw clenched and his eyes screamed murder. In frustration he kicked over a nearby stack of now, permanently dead, bone.

''You dead F*ck! You damn dead teeth clatterers! Why couldn't you just stay dead the -First- Time!'' In a fit of rage and spare energy, wherever he had summoned it from a mystery, Astros vented and unleashed his anger on the dead.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #10: December 13, 2017, 05:59:38 PM »
Some responses to Astros's behavior on the battlefield. All due credit go to the players that wrote it. They all have my thanks for enriching the story. Enjoy.

Roleplay from Yxevarii Auru'in   

As Herald-Inquisitor Yxevarii observed the battlefield of Cjelegy, distant Astros could be seen covered in the excretions of both living and dead, panting like a tired old dog. Only two of his men remained standing where countless others had fallen. A somewhat ridiculous greatsword rose slowly as Astros futilely kicked at the corpses that so recently reduced his men to bloodied heaps of sundered flesh.

''You dead F*ck! You damn dead teeth clatterers! Why couldn't you just stay dead the -First- Time!'' In a fit of wanton rage and wasted energy, Astros unleashed his anger upon the dead with reckless abandon.

Shaking her head, the priestess finished praying for yet another lost soul and plunged a dagger into its waning heart. Better a quick, silent death than to wake and find one's ruptured entrails cast serpentine across a leg severed at the knee. One down; countless more to balm, bless, soothe - and if need be -  liberate from this mortal coil. The din of wailing agony and scattered soldiers did soon overwhelm what she then spoke.

"Save your energy for what lies ahead, young fool... The battle has only just begun. May Obeah have mercy on your soul, for the damned have none to spare."

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint 

Vahanian wiped the dirt, mud, and blood from his face and caught his breath. It had been a long fight, only a handful of his men still stood, some were with the healers and others with the Veiled Goddess. Vahanian accepted a skin of water and looked up at the sky before drinking and muttered. "Obeah grant me strength."

He looked out across the field and saw Astros acting like the child he was screaming and throwing a tantrum. "Save your energy boy. You'll need it later." Vahanian muttered under his breath. He turned and saw Countess Yxevarii watching from a hilltop. He turned to Baldwin and said "Invite her to dine with us tonight, its long past time she and I talked. I will check on the men, and meet you back at camp." Baldwin nodded and hurried off to send the invitation.

Roleplay from Alacrix Galar

Alacrix heave the last wounded on to the cart to be taken to the healers. He pulled out a handkerchief that he had bought on the day he arrived at Rines. He paused to stare at it. He missed his former estate, but the order was given by the Oracle so he had to leave it. He heard a shout in the distance and he saw the infamous Astros bellowing his rage and attacking the undead. “I know how you feel Astros I know.” He began to remember the battle of Greck and how his men were decimated there and on the journey to Rines. In an unusual feeling of kinship he shouted. “BROTHER ASTROS FIND ME AT THE INN I WILL HAVE A FLAGON WAITING FOR YOU!” With that he turned and started the walk back to the healers tent.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #11: January 30, 2018, 09:47:08 PM »

Ouch, Astros will never be a nice man I fear and this RP is another one of his malevolent deeds. Enjoy the writing.

Damnation, another Confiscation!

Having stopped a small time merchant deeply invested in the wine trade Astros had his captain pour over the man's bills of sale and records of inventory. His men, big and brutish as they were shied away from the yet greater physique of their Master, Astros. He paced deliberately around the merchant's donkey drawn cart. Stuffed with small casks, flasks, bottles and even two full sized wine barrels. Hands early roven over the goods and non to carefully grabbing items left and right. Clinking crude glass containers together to the point of breaking and bringing haphazardly opened bottles to his lips for ''sampling''. Ensuring the authenticity of course.

''This doesn't seem like Melegra noire! No sir, it does -not-!'' A deep sigh accompanied a highly theatrical slump of the shoulders. ''This won't! Do!'' The bullish neck swung the huge head from left to right. ''Not, at, all!'' Indicating the entire cart and contents with his free hand. ''In the name of the Inquisition, I confiscate these goods!'' A wicked glint sparked in Astros's eyes. He saw the growing desperation in the merchant. ''But sir! Good sir.. This is all I have. Its all documented and, and..!'' The poor man's words were cut short by a vicious punch in the stomach.

Astros looked up in mild surprise. ''Well have I ever. Well, Have I ever?!'' A broad grin began to dominate his face. ''Anticipating my every wish captain!'' Several appreciative nods later Astros focused back onto the merchant again. Whom by now had begun to regain his air. ''You do not want me to ask you about the Third Law of the Veiled Goddess, do you?'' Astros leaned in close and stared the now huddling merchant down. ''N..n-nn-no. No good sir.'' The merchant dared to glance up at Astros for a second. ''Good!'' A huge hand whacked the man on the shoulder and was forceful enough to send the diminutive man crashing into a roadside puddle.

Laughter erupted from the band of Brutes as they began to take possession of the wine cart and began to move it along. Before following them Astros planted his steel sabbaton clad foot on the prone merchant's back. ''Don't even think about complaining to the Templars, the Inquisition knows all.'' A murderous look had accompanied the words but it miraculously swift turned into a twisted grin as Astros left the man where he lay. Linking back up with his men, he too joined in on the laughing they did.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #12: February 13, 2018, 11:05:54 AM »

Hey there and welcome back.
Today I've got a little RP that is about retrospect. That and in a way I wrote it in thanks to the player of the Gildre Family who saw fit to gift 1000 gold for no particularly reason to my character hehe. Here's to you!

After a Night of Feasting

Precariously balancing between the table and the chair Astros was sleeping off last night's drinking bout. The chair ever more straining under the weight of the huge man and the table ever confident that it would never give an inch. The result being that with every heavy breath, the big man pushed himself and the chair a fraction further away from the table and thus, safety. ''Sir?'' The word piercing the dream Astros was having and pulled him out of the dreamscape and into the waking world. A weak gripping left hand sought purchase with the table as something deep in his head told him the world was unstable. A haze of alcohol diluted thoughts cascaded through his mind as his eyes failed to make sense of what was around him.

A loud smack brought about an end to the seemingly ever revolving world and brought with it, a sharp pain. Originating from his chin and quickly spreading across the entire left side of his face. ''Sir?..'' This time far more pensive. ''What?..'' The word formed slowly in Astros' mouth. ''What?!'' More akin to a barking dog as he tried to put more force behind it. Realizing he was on the ground Astros tried to push the chair away that now ensnared him on the floor. Making noise and actually knocking the chair over so that it crashed loudly onto the wooden floorboards.

''What did you wanted us to do again with the chests?'' The tall warrior uttered the words with more uncertainty then befitted his appearance. With broad shoulders, well made armor and a weather-worn face he looked the part of a grizzled fighter yet somehow, he didn't sound the part in the company of his master. A low rumbling noise emanated from Astros' throat as he brought himself to rise to his feet. Supporting himself heavily on the table as he rubbed his face and bald scalp with his spare hand. Rubbing his particularly prominent nose felt especially nice for some unexplainable reasons so he did it a few times over.

Peering through his fingers at the warrior the situation mentally congealed for him. The chests of silver the man had meant. The reason they'd been drinking all night. Celebrating their good fortune to have received such a windfall. ''What about it?'' Astros growled at the warrior. ''Well sir, the innkeeper is getting nervous having so much wealth on display in the main commons room.'' Eyebrows conveyed that a similar concern was shared by the man.

Picking at the sleep that dutifully tried to keep his eyes shut, Astros flicked the stuff at the man. ''Fine! then bring the chests to my estate in Avengmil.'' As blood coursed through the veins on his neck and the side of head Astros felt a pang of insecurity. ''And Don't you !@#$lubbers dare to lose even a single coin of it!'' A murderous look accompanied the words that were part borne from the rising headache Astros felt coupled with a need to smash something in an attempt to alleviate said headache.

So Astros recalled the feasting he and his men had done when they had received the bountiful gift from Lady Jessica of House Gildre. Unable to understand why they were the beneficiary but quick to cease caring all together as mouths filled with copious amounts of alcohol.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #13: February 14, 2018, 11:25:39 AM »
Hey there and welcome.

Today I have a battle.. well, kind of a fight RP. There was another election for the position of Ruler and with Astros being one of only two contenders, he was particularly unhappy about not winning the election. Here's how he reacts when he gets the news.

Bad News

Passing a roadside Cairn enscribed with a small and crude depiction of a lizard-like creature with wings inside of a house  situated in the bend of a curving line that pointed left, Astros and his men were intercepted by a messenger. The woman rode a simple yet healthy four legged beast. The Noble variety mind you. A coat of hazel brown and bestowed with a jet black snout.

''Sir Astros?'' The messenger lady intoned. Her voice like hammered Iron. Clear and piercing. At the mention of his name Astros looked up at her. The early morning light cast by the dawn sun reflecting white off of his bald scalp. ''Well hello, there.'' An ugly grin revealed his white teeth. The messenger didn't show any sign of emotion as she resolved to refuse the nasty man that pleasure. ''The results of the election are in.'' She stuck out a sealed scroll and Astros took it. Curious he thought, as his eyes informed him that the messenger remained. Did they finally see reason? His fingers carelessly broke the seal and saw the solidified wax fall among the weeds below.

Eyes scanning the parchment as it unfurled in his hands. His jaw came ajar, his nostrils flared and an angry sound started to rise from the depths of his throat. A private smirk was treasured by the lady messenger as she readied to depart. Skillfully handling the reins that controlled her steed. Mid turn and almost out of harms way it happened. Astros threw the parchment away. It dove into a bramble bush ripe with raspberries and thick with ferns. Before she could react and with her flank exposed, Astros unleashed his anger in the form of murderous steel. His massive hands gripped the black handle of his greatsword and in a display of rage and monstrosity that silenced even his most vile followers he hacked at the woman that had brought him the fateful news. She barely saw the blow coming. The greatsword entered her body at the right shoulder and sliced all the way down to her hips. Rending skin, muscle, bone and clothes. Her silent scream captured only by her face of fright. Lungs unable to produce the air or volume as they too were cleft.

As her feet were snug in the stirrups the lower part of her body remain in the saddle as the top part, now awkwardly top heavy, lurched to the left side. As gravity pulled, what remained of the connection of top and bottom half, tore apart. Blood squired under pressure and a fine yet sticky, crimson mist burst forth in a tiny cloud at the very moment the two halves were finally and completely separated.

A red fresco of droplets of messenger blood grimly decorated Astros' face as he turned to his men. Right before the muffled crash of the messenger's body hit the ground below. Wordlessly he stuck his tongue out and beheld his men with madman's eyes. Many of which averted their eyes and couldn't stand to meet such insanity head on. Was it insanity or was it something else. They didn't know and none of them wished to find out for real.

The rest of the day was spend in quiet avoidance. None spoke of the event and they all dutifully followed their master to the battlefields of Avengmil.


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Re: The Deeds of Astros Renodin
« Reply #14: February 15, 2018, 11:46:32 AM »

Hey there!
A little continuation of the previous RP. Allowing plot hooks for other players. That was my intention.

Some more Bad News

A drum and flute indicated the arrangement of the defense in Avengmil. Steady and sharp as they mingled. A puffy officer of the army strutted over to where Astros and his men were stationed along the palisade. ''Stationed'' being a broad term for they were merely hanging around a given section of the flimsy defensive structure closest to a tavern they fancied. Its proprietor held mixed feelings about this for his own reasons. One being a steady inflow of coins from Astros and his men but on the other hand, they kept other customers largely at bay with their presence. Making his establishment their de facto headquarters.

''Sir Astros?'' The pig nosed officer declared as his beady eyes studied the much larger man before him. Astros felt anger rise in his gut like a slow tide. He turned to face the officer whom he instantly, immensely loathed. The officer's prim voice was already grating against his nerves. ''Yes, I do suppose you fit the description..'' The officer muttered just a little too loudly as he pulled his nose up at Astros. ''You are to hold here as the Beasts advance.'' A clammy hand produced a thin, stick-like finger that somehow still managed to scream the word piggish. It indicated the palisade right next to them. ''Pointing out the obvious eh? Porkstubbs!'' A voice came from among the throng of Astros's warriors.

The fatty officer's cheeks flushed. ''Who said that!'' His voice pitched. ''Who! I demand it!'' He raised his chin imperiously and half turned which caused a curl of his hair to come free in a most unseemly wayward manner. Rolling his shoulders Astros managed to shift the heavy metal pauldrons that framed his head and guarded his upper arms. ''Run along, little man.'' Astros's voice was utterly calm but laced with barely contained malignance. Startled at the promise and stepping back as he realized, the puffy officer stared with eyes wide open as he saw the throng of men come alive as a single creature. Borne from wrath and sniffing the scent of fear. Astros's men stirred and moved, nay, flowed around the officer. Taking another two steps back the officer didn't wait for what would come next and turned sharply about and all but ran away.

The ensuing battle, if you wanted to call it that, was over before it truly began. The beasts ran towards the palisades but none of them made it. All died due to the iron rain that fell upon them. Sprung from the bows of the faithful.

Afterwards however, Astros was informed of something perhaps far more dangerous. His little outburst on the road to Avengmil had been witnessed. The Lady messenger that he had murdered. Hacked in two you could say. Several commoners had seen him do it. One was a bee keeper inspecting the ''grazing'' grounds of his bees. Another was a lumberjack while the third was a traveling scribe, about to take up a new posting with a local magistrate.

Thoughts raced through Astros' mind. He then growled at the warrior that had informed him. ''It doesn't matter! They wouldn't dare wag their tongues.'' He knew they might, it made him angry. A foul mood that endured all throughout that day.