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Close Region Borders

Started by Adriddae, July 13, 2011, 06:55:47 PM

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Have an option for lords to prevent peasant migration. Perhaps it shouldn't entirely prevent the peasants from moving, but at least make sure most of them remain in the region. Maybe an option to prevent them from leaving, or entering.

I don't know how realistic this is, but sometimes I want my region to grow to the max rather than having all the peasants move away.


If we were to implement something like this, it would have to be a constant drain on the region's stats.

People who are told they can't leave will not be happy about it, whether or not they wanted to leave in the first place.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on July 13, 2011, 07:03:30 PM
If we were to implement something like this, it would have to be a constant drain on the region's stats.

People who are told they can't leave will not be happy about it, whether or not they wanted to leave in the first place.

Well, how many peasants leave per day? 10%? To me, that sounds like a 10% penalty to morale.

I'd like to have some sort of control over how many peasants per day can leave, so that I can cap it at 50 peasants per day, or 1% of population, or something.

Alter the tax gold too, because something like checkpoints cost quite a bit to maintain and enforce.


Why? In most cases on Dwilight the next turn I have had enough new peasants to replace those that left last turn. At most when my region is sending out people to newish regions, I might be down maybe 100-200 peasants in any one turn.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I notice that the peasants can cross borders so I'd prefer if I could prevent that from happening to stop them from leaving to a neighboring realm. I'm unsure if they leave to enemy realms, but it would be good to prevent that as well. A morale penalty would be a good idea.


A potentially more flexible option would to add a Border Control section to the command menu that provides the option of enforcing different border controls upon different border types. All border controls would default to none but persist from one lord to the next.

It could be left to each lord to set the controls for all border types his region poses. In this case not all regions would have all border types. This would mean that dukes and rulers would need to instruct individual lords on how they want duchy and realm borders controlled. It could also result in inconsistent duchy or realm borders as not all lords HAVE to enforce the same controls along their stretch of duchy or realm border. The local lords also get stuck with the bill but they could potentially negotiate funds from the requester to "cover the expense".

Border controls could also be set by position. Region lords can determine the border controls for their region and fork the bill for that. Dukes determine what controls are enforced on duchy borders and pay for those controls and rulers manage and pay for realm border controls. When a region, duchy and/or realm border overlap the strictest controls apply.

So the border types might be:

Region Border Control
Duchy Border Control
Realm Border Control

Some possible options as to what controls can be placed on a border (could vary by border type):

Limit/prevent peasant Migration
Report/impede (all, non-allied, enemy) troop movement
Report/limit/prevent Report (all, non-allied, enemy) noble movement
Capture (all, non-allied, enemy) infiltrators and/or scouts

This could all be mixed and matched too. An example region might have the following border controls:

Region Border controls: Limit peasant migration to 5%, capture all enemy infiltrators, impede enemy troop passage.
Duchy Border Controls: Limit peasant migration to 2%
Realm Border Controls: Prevent peasant migration, capture all enemy scouts, report non-allied troop passage, capture enemy nobles, report non-allied nobles.

They all costs a bit of gold to start (for building the needed infrastructure, training, hiring), have maintenance costs and could involve a morale penalty. The start up and maintenance costs depend on how much border needs to be patrolled/controlled and what controls are in place. Morale penalty depends on how limiting the restrictions are for the residents of the region/duchy/realm. Slightly limiting migration across the realm border would cause slight morale penalties and completely baring all migration out of the region would cause more severe penalties to morale. Some controls might even boost region stats due to the sense of security they may provide.

A bit convoluted but I think it makes sense after the second read...


Have you noticed the size of most region borders?

Actually closing the region borders to anyone who really wants to cross them is nearly impossible.  You basically need a modest army to guard a single border (that's bigger than a bridge).
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan

Well, there is the close gates option....kind of. But yeah, if the Berlin Wall was any indication, it's still pretty hard to regulate movement even in a single (albeit fairly large) city, even with modern technology.


LOL. I agree. Any effort an any kind of border control is just that: an effort. At the same time that effort is almost universally made throughout history and around the world with varying degrees of success. Even BM currently implements border control in a more passive way and I am quite satisfied this implementation.

I do, however, enjoy playing with new ideas and just plain brain storming. I always believe that every great idea is accompanied by a hundred not so great ideas. Beyond that, discussing these ideas, good or bad, can be quite stimulating and lead to potentially great ideas. With this in mind I love posting ideas for consideration by others! I hope it does not bother too many of you!