BattleMaster > Development

Different way to nerf militias

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Daniel Coffey:
Thanks for the reply Zakky, I have realised that the small playerbase is cause for a number of problems, which is a shame. But that doesn't mean we should just work with what we've got, after all, this is a suggestion for dev direction :) Also, sucks to be you Chenier, I wouldn't dream of facing 2k CS at the moment, let alone 10k :P

Firstly, what I meant when I said making RCs Ducal/Region, I meant that you can just recruit from any Ducal capital or if not possible, any region, full stop. You get the full recruitment list that you're currently allowed in the capital and just allow it everywhere. Perhaps restricting it to any city could work? But currently I feel too much emphasis is on the capital, which restricts nation growth, which restricts player vs player interactions.

I understand about making them all local though, that would be even worse :P

Secondly, in what scenario would you have 4 RCs in any one territory for the militia with the system I suggested? That would equal to around 200+ gold upkeep per week, at half upkeep costs. I can't see that being economical at all. However, I do see what you mean, and I think it's another good suggestion. Having a slider/cap for RCs so you pick between militia/troops could work... I see one problem though.

Everyone will just put max militia in every province that isn't really efficient archers/SF at the current rate. Maybe 1 or 2 RCs for INF just to use tactically but no more.

I had another idea, if you'd hear me out. Why not detach militia from noble management altogether? Create a new building named 'Guardhouse' or 'Muster Field' or something, very cheap to start off but more expensive as you upgrade it. It creates a small group of 'peasant militia', much like the peasant mobs that attack you if you raid regions and such. That way, in a large group the militia could beat 10-20 monsters/undead, but would be hopeless against real soldiers. Exactly what a militia would be.

I would suggest an upgrade path like 10/25/50/100 militia. I doubt 100 will do much against any mobile army, but it will deter small raiding and rogue groups, which is what a militia should do. Upkeep wise for the buildings? I'm unsure what would be considered balanced.

Again, just another 2 pence, I hope the suggestions get taken in. Going back and forth about perceived problems with no suggestions won't get anyone anywhere, but I feel this community as a whole cares about the game and therefore these suggestion threads are for the better more often than not.

I don't like militia at all. Used to be only about preventing random raiding parties from targeting key regions like cities, thanks to the high walls to back the up and the large income to sustain a lot.

Now? Random regions spawn them on their own for free. Free militia that auto-spawns with more CS than many realms' mobile armies combined.

It's not PvP anymore when most of the CS lies upon auto-generated armies.


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