Author Topic: What's Minas Thalion like?  (Read 26972 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: What's Minas Thalion like?
« Reply #15: February 13, 2012, 04:40:07 AM »
It does make me chuckle how badly Oritolon has done. We thought we were lions taking on lambs! I really hope Minas Thalion survives. They deserve it. Tbh, it doesn't seem all that much like she will fall. Whether or not Lukon is really intent on taking down Minas Thalon, they definitely appear organised enough to survive the onslaught. Maybe not forever and ever, but I do think Minas Thalion will be with us for a while yet.
Haha... Oritolon is nothing, but unorganized realm at its worst declining moment. It is a wonder why Lukon still stick up beside Oritolon  ::)

Yes, Minas Thalion will be with us for a little while longer. I can see Lukon saw a bogeyman in MT. But then again, somebody has to balance OT against Giblot war  ;)

I'd bloody love it if Spearhead just came to life tomorrow, grabbed this war by the balls and just generally reinvigorated all of Oritolon. Doesn't seem like Actrial or Spearhead are actually that bothered any more though. Hard to believe they're the same people who overcame the theocracies.

Honestly, those guys ought to be paragons of what Oritolon stands for. They should be setting an example to everybody else, helping foster a decent, vibrant realm culture. Instead Spearhead is so quiet he might as well be dead and Actrial just sits back making snide remarks. Maybe if either of them stepped up and rose to the challenge, things would change for the better?
Hmm, it would be nice if Spearhead is actively participating like he was before. Unfortunately what he really care is his family home region, Windaria lordship. Which is why he could not win the Oritolon Ruler election on his own. The last Ruler election had 3 candidates; Actrial, Rhiannon and Spearhead. Your guess is as good as mine why Rhiannon keeps winning  ???
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