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Make way for Prince Asher!

Started by Antonine, December 09, 2017, 09:34:08 PM

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Roleplay from Alfhelm Sussex   (just sent)
message to all nobles of Highmarch
As Prince Asher and his entourage arrived in Highmarch an enterprising bard had already composed a song to mark the occasion and proceeded at a safe distance ahead of Prince Asher, singing the song and hoping he'd get paid for it afterwards. It was just unfortunate that Prince Asher's entourage wasn't quite as extravagant as the lyrics had anticipated:

(OOC: with apologies to Disney and Robin Williams -

Make way for Prince Asher
Say hey! It's Prince Asher

Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar
Hey you!
Let us through!
It's a bright new star!
Oh Come!
Be the first on your block to meet his eye!

Make way!
Here he comes!
Ring bells! Bang the drums!
Are you gonna love this guy!

Prince Asher! Fabulous sir!
Asher Renodin
Genuflect, show some respect
Down on one knee!
Now, try your best to stay calm
Brush up your sunday salaam
The come and meet his spectacular coterie

Prince Asher!
Mightiest sir!
Asher Renodin
Strong as ten regular men, definitely!
He faced the galloping hordes
A hundred bad guys with swords
Who sent those goons to their lords?
Why, Prince Asher

He's got seventy-five golden eagles
Purple peacocks
He's got fifty-three
When it comes to exotic-type mammals
Has he got a zoo?
I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie

Prince Asher! Handsomest sir, Asher Renodin
That physique! How can I speak
Weak at the knee
Well, get on out in that square
Adjust your coat and prepare
To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Asher!

He's got ninety-five white Cathayan monkeys
(He's got the monkeys, let's see the monkeys)
And to view them he charges no fee
(He's generous, so generous)
He's got serfs, he's got servants and flunkies
(Proud to work for him)
They bow to his whim love serving him
They're just lousy with loyalty to Asher! Prince Asher!

Prince Asher!
Glorious sir! Asher Renodin
Heard Fontan city was a sight lovely to see
And that, good people, is why he got dolled up and dropped by

With sixty horses, hounds galore
With his bears and lions
A brass band and more
With his forty knights, his cooks, his bakers
His cats that constantly purr
Make way for Prince Asher!


Adding it to Asher's Rp thread 100% sure  ;D


I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. I guess I'kk  Craugh.
Apsu@Legends. BM: Yxevarii Auru'in, Grandmistress [Ruler;Priestess-Inquisitor] (Obia'Syela-BT); Sigrid Gudrun Auru'in, Avenging Exile of Xavax, Countess of Slimbar (Redhaven-EC);  Masalu Auru'in, Linguistically-Challenged Sumerian Death-Cultist (D'hara-DW)