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Medieval II: Total War - A Newb Modding Attempt

Started by Richard Leonecoeur, May 20, 2011, 07:19:20 PM

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Richard Leonecoeur

So, I was looking into how to mod M2:TW. It'd be fun, I figure... That and/or Warband  would  be fun. I have awhile to go, but I figured out a few basic things.

So I can change settlement names and change faction emblems. There's tutorials I've found that tell me how to:

-Change the map
-Fully add new factions
-change factions
-remove old factions
-add new units
-create dismounted version of units
-change current unit information
-change banners, tabards, etc

More difficult will be to modify textures and such unless I can find someone with Photoshop. I'd like to full around more, albeit slowly... And the next step is choosing a few different factions to play around with on the base map, from Atamara in the past and present... A mesh of times if you will. I couldn't imagine a game like this without the majesty of ASI, Falasan and Abington fighting in massive battles.

I'd also like to make the shields look more like the medieval II style.


Disappointed I didn't see 'King Malice' and 'Proselytiser Norel of the Serpaentist States' in those screen shots :-P Cracking idea like, wish you all the best. I've always pondered playing around in the AoE 2 scenario editor to recreate ASI's last big war but like the written history of ASI, it's something I'm taking a long, long while getting round too! >.<

Richard Leonecoeur

Well, I'd have a lot of things to do. But I figure if I can't figure out the map part, I'd make ASI France since I always play as France. :p

From what I understand I could make others... But I'd choose a few. Richard the Courageous, of course. Malice, of course. Norel could take the role of the cardinal.

Richard would have an ancillary "Captain Sifeer" and have the trait "High Serpaent Guard" which gives +3  to Morale and +1 to the melee strength and defense of units under his command. :p

Richard Leonecoeur

Okay, so I figured out how to change the faction colors, and how to change the symbol in the faction-choosing screen for the grand campaign. The next step, I suppose, is  figuring out how to change banner textures and the textures on the colors men wear. Woo. :p

Well, actually, I suppose the next step is figuring out how to change the name of the faction. Medieval France is fine and dandy, but they're not the Ash Sea Islands, even if Paris is now Ash'rily.

Edit: I touched up the ASI logo to fit in the current shield style, less the stylized lighting. It looks much better even so.

Edit 2: Figured out how to add names and change starting character names as well as add starting characters. Need to figure out what made it crash, so reverted for now.

Edit 3: I now have a king Malice! I could do the same for Norel, really, but I'm now more interested in...

1. Creating a new map. Tutorial on it is pretty good... think it'll take awhile though.
2. Creating the factions as new factions.
3. Banners!

Not in  any real order.


Hm, does it have a map editor? I've been looking for something that can create BM-style maps for a long time now...


Quote from: Tom on May 31, 2011, 04:34:16 PM
Hm, does it have a map editor? I've been looking for something that can create BM-style maps for a long time now...

I think Rome Total War was the last game in the epic series to have a full set of mod tools. (SEGA have recently confirmed that  Mod Tools will not be made available and that the game coding will be made harder to actually stop Modders cos of DLC. TW:S2 may be the last one I buy :( )
To be True, you must first be Loyal.
Count Ramiel Avis, Marshal of the Crusaders of the Path from Pian en Luries


Too bad. I tried the map editor for Rome and it sucks so badly, I can't imagine anyone actually making a full map with it.


Richard Leonecoeur

Quote from: Tom on May 31, 2011, 04:34:16 PM
Hm, does it have a map editor? I've been looking for something that can create BM-style maps for a long time now...

Way old -- and I know I'd love to get back to this (life hit me like a truck and proceeded to run me over repeatedly for the next few years), but in case you're curious for an answer...

It's an involved process of creating images and plain text files mapping features, elevations, water, etc to particular locations on the map files themselves.

If I recall correctly, it's basically the same process as this for Medieval II.

More resources:

I'm trying to get into game creation myself, so I guess to that end this could still be put to the wayside. And I think I lost at least most of my work from the multiple moves since. Sorry for the necropost.

However, if there's still strong interest in something like this, maybe I'll hone some of my skills here with bits of free time now and then. This mod would actually focus on some of my weakest points I think; I am a software developer, and probably a rather pedestrian designer.