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Started by Sacha, February 20, 2017, 11:51:37 PM

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Anyone pick up this game yet? I saw one of my favorite YT channels do a playthrough of the demo, and it looked so fun I got the full game yesterday.

Starting a grand campaign with Belgium in 2020, by 2050 I've turned the country into the financial capital of the world with a fully green economy and hypermodern infrastructure. I also have claim on the Moon, somehow. Next I'm thinking of slowly turning the country into a totalitarian regime, expanding and modernizing my military and maybe doing some aggressive expansion onto France, payback for them trying to tank my stock market several times.

Meanwhile China has been at war for two decades, using nuclear weapons against Russia, India, Korea (which was unified in the 2030s) and Japan. The USA have more or less collapsed, with constant rioting and rebellions. ISIL has taken over most of the Middle East. Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia have become superpowers in their own right.

This game plays like a very simplified version of Europa Universalis, if I had to compare it to anything. I can highly recommend it to people who enjoy such games.



It is now 2075, and I've taken Belgium to the #9 spot on the GDP ranking, earning me a spot on the UN Security Council, which I promptly used to introduce anti-democratic resolutions, seeing as I've gradually slid towards mild authoritarianism without even noticing it. I have colonies on the Moon, Mars, Phobos and Deimos, and Venus, as well as Victorialand in Antarctica, and two underwater bases, making me the envy of most of the world. Thankfully, I now have stronger army than most other nations save the traditional superpowers. I am hoping to unify the BeNeLux countries into one nation, and then I'm going to pick a few bones with France...

Speaking of, China has gobbled up Korea and parts of India, and is currently warring Russia (which has taken Belarus and the Baltic) for control of Central Asia. America has fought bloody wars with Canada and Mexico, taking heavy losses but securing the independence of Saskatchewan, Quebec and Chihuahua. Their standing in the world has collapsed entirely, and even the UN has deemed them a viable target for anyone wanting a go at them. Which I might, since I am allied to Canada and Mexico, and most of the US forces have been destroyed in the wars. The Balkan has split into East and West Yugoslavia, which are embroiled in bitter conflict.

And ISIL... well, they destroyed Israel, and then unified most of the Middle East. They are currently fighting a bloc consisting of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran.


Sounds like a pretty fun game.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


It is, although it does get a bit silly at times. For instance, around 2090, I got a notification saying the zombie apocalypse was starting in my country. All options (like 'call Dick Rimes' or 'build personal bunker complex and let the country fend for itself') except ignoring it would've cost me all my income. It sounded like a joke anyway...

So now Belgium has officially become Zombieland, spreading zombie culture across Europe. At least I got to destroy France completely carrying the black, gold and red into battle before turning undead. The game still works as normal in every aspect except the name change, though.


Well the grand campaign ended in 2100 with a narrow Belgian Zombie victory, barely edging out the United States on the ranking in late 2098. I ended up seizing lands from Germany and Italy, beating back a UN-led coalition in the process. Massive resource shortages across the globe sparked tensions, breaking up alliances and triggering wars everywhere.

So now that that's done, I've gone complete supervillain. Destroying France gave me French Guyana and a foothold in South America, so I've taken out Surinam and Venezuela in preparation for an invasion of Brazil. And then, hilariously, the US tried to invade my lunar base... I beat them back, went on a counter-offensive, and, well...


Looks interesting. I put it on my Steam wishlist, if I can pick it up for a discount I'll give it a try.