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Started by Tom, December 21, 2017, 11:03:48 AM

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Facts of the game world that can be re-used from legend to legend.

While immortals can simply invent and write about nameless humans, villages, forests as much as they want, any of these and many more can be created as (semi-) permanent features of the game world. Some possible creations are:

  • Heroes - mortals touched by Prime, i.e. explicitly created by an immortal. Many legends feature such heroes as story characters.
  • Artifacts - often magical, or with a specific fate or meaning.
  • Places - lakes, forests, mountains, rivers, even entire continents.
  • Settlements - villages, towns and cities of humans.
  • Cultures and religions - abstract collections of rites and habits, rituals and beliefs.
  • Kingdoms - and other realms and political constructions.
These creations can be created at any time in a story (effect: new creation), at which point they will get a name. Names are unique. Depending on the type, they will also have other mandatory attributes - for example, places have a location on the map, settlements are of a specific size, etc.
Creating and adding attributes to a creation costs Prime.
Creations can also be killed, destroyed, etc.

Enter and Exeunt
Existing creations can be added to a new story for a Prime cost much lower than creating a new, similar creation. They can then be "exeunt"ed, removing them from the story. While they are active in one story, they cannot be activated in another story. At the end of a story, all participating creations are automatically freed up again.

Creations controlled (see chapter on Influence and Control) can only be entered and exeunted by immortals from the controlling council.

All creations are linked to all the stories that they appear in, and in this way have their own history.

Mobile creations (such as heroes or artifacts) can be moved to other locations on the map as an action. To give all participants a chance to contribute, and to make creations vulnerable at times, only one travel can happen to every creation per chapter. If you want to write a story about a hero travelling through the lands, each station on his travel needs to be one chapter.

Note that characters can also travel using this mechanic. This can be necessary e.g. to tap Prime Sources.

Creations are a blank core element of the game and extremely versatile and powerful.


Note that things can be created as "side effects", including geographic features. The mountain or river, the town or the kingdom don't need to be the main aspect of your story or chapter. You can just write in your story about meeting a wise man in the mountains - and with that put those mountains on the map. The kingdom can be mentioned as a part of the background, but get created through that.

What is a Creation and what not does not depend on what is in the spotlight, but what you spend Prime on.


Rules for travel have been added.