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Who sets the realm share of taxes?

Started by Velax, July 15, 2011, 06:07:30 AM

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Who is it that determines how much gold the individual regions and cities send "To Realm" and "To Duchy"? Is it the Banker, the dukes or the region lords?


I believe the "to realm" share is set by the lord, while the "to duchy" is a tax imposed by the duke the region is a part of.
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no such thing as region->realm (aside from imperial regions i think.. banker sets that i believe..)

duke sets region->duchy (including his own city!)
banker sets duchy->realm - caveat is that the % is % of "to duchy" collected from all the regions in that duchy... so basically if the duke sets 100% to all regions aside from his own city which is set at 0%, then banker won't be taxing his city at all.


But in Arcaea, there are non-city regions that send gold to the realm and not the duchy:

Region   Taxes   to Duchy   Duchy Share   to Realm   Realm Share

Obtal   34 gold                                                   5 %   1 gold
Orbeh   70 gold                                                  10 % 7 gold

But I can't find anywhere in my region lord taxes page where that figure would get set.


Legacy, I believe.  Tax system worked differently before, and if you had shares set to the realm they sometimes didn't get cleared when the switch to a more duchy-centric system was made.  Although, in point of fact, I'm not sure if they actually are sending gold or if that's a mistake on the tax report.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


used to be.. the lowest decide how much to send up. now the higher up decide how much they grab.

aside from banker... who sort of does and sort of doesn't XD


You're right, actually, Bedwyr, although oddly it seems just the three regions of the Nocaneb duchy that send gold to the realm are not actually doing so, which includes the stronghold of Nocanab itself.

So does that mean what it says on the Realm Taxes page on the Banker tab is complete bollocks?

"You can use this power to finance your government or personal efforts, but also to support or punish dukes and lords. Raising a dukes or lords realm tax rate is sure to get his attention.
The realm tax rate you set here is taken after all expenses are paid, but before any knights or the duke/lord himself receive their share. As such it can be anywhere from 0% to 100%. However, for administrative reasons, you can not raise or lower it by more than 5at once.

The Banker can't "support or punish" anyone as all the duke has to do is send nothing to the realm and the Banker can do squat about it. And the second paragraph seems to imply the tax rate he sets will be taken from the taxes collected from each individual region, rather than the duchy contribution, which is also wrong.


old text

duke can't send to realm anyway. all he's doing is send bits of city's taxes to duchy (alongside the other regionsin the duchy that he taxes)... which is himself.  that's the bit the banker taxes


Quote from: fodder on July 15, 2011, 08:58:58 AM
old text

duke can't send to realm anyway. all he's doing is send bits of city's taxes to duchy (alongside the other regionsin the duchy that he taxes)... which is himself.  that's the bit the banker taxes

The few times I wanted to share with the realm I've put a large duchy tax on myself and asked the banker to set a large realm tax on it.

But then it tended to starve my city's knights as their oath is an amount that applies after taxation, not before., so I rarely ever do it.
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that would work only if you do it permanently. because it'll involve changing the knight's oaths

basically you decide how much you want your knights to have in total.... and then stuff everything else into duchy share and make your knights' share go to 100% in total and then ask the banker to leave whatever % you want to keep and tax the rest.

in theory anyway. chances are it'll lose a chunk to realm wastage anyway