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Started by Indirik, January 02, 2018, 08:18:07 PM

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The word rolled across all of creation. The power contained within that single word wrought changes. The rising of a continent upon the face of the world. The separation of one element from another. The introduction of ... difference. The distinction of one thing from another thing.

The creation of difference out of the unending sameness wrought changes unforeseen by that which caused it to be. For the creation of difference brought with it the need to understand that difference. To explore all of its parts. To understand it in all its glory. The need to know. To know everything.

However, knowing could not simply happen by itself. How can knowledge of the unknown be gained with nothing to do the gaining? How could knowledge of such a far-flung thing as all of creation happen without something to go there and do the learning? This could not be accomplished without ... a journey.

And with this, a second word rolled across the world.


This word was much softer, less overt than the brutal power that had raised the land from the seas. That is not to say that it contained no power, for it did indeed. Rather, it was a different power. A different need that drove it. A hunger for knowledge. A drive to explore to seek out that knowledge however far away it lay.


Notes: Since this is a personal creation myth/story, I have taken a slight liberty with the exact ordering of events. But really, this all happened a long time ago, so who’s to say this isn’t how it really happened after all?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


This is pretty interesting. So far, most immortals were created before the creation of Ardein. This is the first immortal story that actually contains one of the stories.


Benefit (penalty?) of coming late to the party.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Now time for you to write a story!


* Indirik thinks...
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.