Author Topic: Redhaven  (Read 43253 times)


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Re: Redhaven
« Reply #30: January 23, 2018, 06:29:07 PM »
People can't seriously be entertaining a scenario where Xavax city is reclaimed militarily? I hope?

The war is far from over and it's too early to tell how things will look like in the long term, but Greater Xavax had how many nobles when it died? Dozens at least. And it was solidly anchored in their regions. Redhaven has 15 nobles, most of them seemingly inactive, with just about a few nobles and 4k CS making it to the front. I can't lie, I view the secession of Redhaven as a boon to the SA on all accounts. Seceding with the its capital on its southernmost tip is of dubious legality, but it's not gonna matter much if it can't do any better than what it did in this last campaign. The odds of Redhaven getting utterly slaughtered is infinitely more probably than the odds of the Northern realms ever managing to pull off a military campaign all the way to Xavax city to then found a realm there that will be sustainable.

Kazahk or Avamar might have made military sense, but I have a hard time seeing Redhaven achieve its objectives out of where it is now.

The SA isn't invincible and we are likely to suffer more setbacks in the future. But I can't foresee the North achieving anything more than a stalemate at best. Since I arrived in Highmarch, I've only seen the North's military continuously erode. Refit times are longer, order compliance is lesser, coordination is failing, the number of blatantly inactive nobles is increasing. The statistics page confirm my observation, the number of "active" characters the North has is in constant recession.

Krimml was a display of strength. We can't stay there forever, we don't care to. But it's only the beginning of something new. I've won wars where we were terribly outnumbered in terms of economy, CS, regions, number of realms, and yet came out winning. This huge coalition we have? It may not be invincible, but it's more than I ever aspired to lead.
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