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the war situation

Started by Gustav Kuriga, July 17, 2011, 12:56:16 AM

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Gustav Kuriga

I just wanted to open a thread for all the different wars going on in Far East Island. My character is new to the island (although I was part of it once before), so I'm not yet aware of how the wars are going. If people could report on the different wars going on, I would be grateful.


Well, as a very quick overview:

Arcaea vs Zonasa, Greater Aenilia and Kindara
Ohnar West vs Arcachon (linked to the above war as Ohnar West and Arcaea are allies, as are Arcachon and Aenilia)
C'thonia vs Cathay


Ohnar West is at war with Aenilia/Zonasa/Kindara and Arcaea is at war with Arcachon as well, but some weeks ago the leadership of Arcaea and Ohnar West decided that Arcaea would handle the southern front and Ohnar West would handle the northern so they wouldn't have to keep splitting armies to both fronts.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Splitting Armies, pfffft.

Everyone knew OW had it coming, especially when they started bragging about how unstoppable their armies were.  Don't get me wrong, they still have 2-3x Arcachon's CS, but there are no two armies in the Far East more different then those two.


Quote from: Heq on July 17, 2011, 07:32:00 AM
Everyone knew OW had it coming, especially when they started bragging about how unstoppable their armies were.

Really? Who said that? If so, they were poorly mistaken.


It started as Ohnar West and Arcaea vs Arcachon, but soon grew to Arcachon, Greater Aenilia, PoZ, Cathay (against C'thonia), Kindara vs Arcaea, C'Thonia and Ohnar West (which may withdraw thanks to the beating Arcachon has given it).
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Cathay seems to be on Arcaea's side though. Allied to Arcaea and Ohnar West, neutral to GA and Arcachon.


Quote from: Lefanis on July 17, 2011, 12:31:08 PM
It started as Ohnar West and Arcaea vs Arcachon, but soon grew to Arcachon, Greater Aenilia, PoZ, Cathay (against C'thonia), Kindara vs Arcaea, C'Thonia and Ohnar West (which may withdraw thanks to the beating Arcachon has given it).

Ha ha... ha... yeah... withdraw... That's what they tell you, is it? An 8 season peace treaty doesn't scream "we'll be in your lands in 8 seasons and 1 day from now"?


Cathay took a nice bite out of Aenilia and while they are sitting on the fence at the moment they are leaning toward Arcaea/OW.  I get everyone else, but Kindara still confuses the hell out of me.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Eh, you're not the only one. I'm the damn general and I still don't understand why we march to defend Aenilia.


I believe Kindara is playing a defensive support role for Zonasa - they won't openly cross into Arcaean lands, but they are willing to defend the lands of their allies (I believe this may also include GA but I haven't been paying attention, since my char in Zonasa isn't fighting).

Regardless, Kindara is in there because Zonasa called on them through their defense pact.


No, Kindara is acting in a defensive support role for Aenilia and will act to defend their original borders.

And we're in there because some in the realm feel Kindara owes Aenilia a debt of honour for actions in the past. I've heard nothing saying that we fight for Zonasa's sake.


Hey now, I just repeat what Erandi feeds back to us :D    Not my fault if he has a spin on it >.> 

We do have the Southern Cross Defense pact between Aenalia, Zonasa, and Kindara, but I'm not even sure that's in play, beyond RP from the Zonasan Council.

Regardless, you guys get to have fun with a war?

Not like you have many enemies in the South. . .


Quote from: Heq on July 17, 2011, 07:32:00 AMEveryone knew OW had it coming, especially when they started bragging about how unstoppable their armies were.  Don't get me wrong, they still have 2-3x Arcachon's CS, but there are no two armies in the Far East more different then those two.
Ohnar West's internal political situation is absolutely abysmal. I swear half the realm is Sartanian, and half is Adagharhinishismsm. )Or whatever it's called...)  And since the two hate each other, and we're invading the Adagharhinshimsic realm, at least half the realm doesn't want to fight the war. Arcachon has some fairly highly placed spies (at least high in the diplomatic circles, if not military.) Even if Ohnar West had a bigger mobile army than Arcachon (which it doesn't), there's no way that it could be coordinated enough to fight effectively. And any Ohnarian that thinks that OW's armies are anywhere near "unstoppable" is an idiot.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Phellan on July 17, 2011, 11:16:02 PM
Hey now, I just repeat what Erandi feeds back to us :D    Not my fault if he has a spin on it >.> 

Politicians putting a spin on things in their favour?! Surely you jest, good sir! :D

Anyway, I hear Cathay are intent on destroying C'thonia, not just taking a couple of regions. Anyone have any knowledge on that?