Author Topic: The House of Gardarr  (Read 15817 times)


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Re: The House of Gardarr
« Reply #15: July 29, 2018, 03:37:58 PM »
Askileon, Luria Nova, Dwilight
Mid Morning

Veronica steeled herself and approached Captain Mikael, he was currently giving orders to some of the sentries, his back towards her. He was an imposing  figure, a veteran of many battles in Highmarch, she usually would have left this to Tess, but after receiving a letter from the Countess Bluelake, she knew she had to do this herself.

At her approach the sentries deferred to her in respect and the captain glancing at her dismissed them. "Milady, how may i be of service?"

"Do you serve me Captain?" she asked

Mikael seemed to stiffen a bit before turning fully to her and giving her his full attention "Always Milady"

"Then explain the box! Explain why i have received confirmation from the very respected Countess Bluelake, that monsters and undead and all manners of foul creatures of the night are real and infest this land?"

Mikael noticed she was starting to get worked up as only the Lady Gardarr could, timid usually but fierce when pushed.

"Milady, i will not hold the truth from you anymore, yes ... this land is beset by hordes of creatures and the undead the likes East Continent had not seen in decades. As for the box, i will not apologize for keeping the sight from your eyes. But i do apologize deeply for keeping the truth from you, as to that truth it was indeed the severed head of what citizens of Dwillight refer to as a Goblin."

Captain Mikael unsheathed his sword and bending a knee held it up to Veronica. "Milady i offer you my sword as per House Gardarr traditions, shatter it and i will leave your service in dishonor, as is your right"

Veronica carefully took the sword from his hands and looked down upon him. The anger that was boiling a few minutes ago had already left her. "Oh, don't be silly, rise Captain and take your sword, silly men with your silly sword and silly traditions, all i want from you is the truth and your protection. I expect that in future you will spare me the sight of the unnecessary, but i demand that you not hold back for fear of hurting my feelings."
Mikael took his sword from her and standing said "You have my word Milady"

"Now about the Lady Bluelake, she made me a interesting proposition which i would like to discuss ..."

Before she could continue she noticed Robert the butler out of the corner of her eye, he was just standing out of ear shot.
"Oh Robert you waiting for me?" she asked as she stepped towards him. "Milady, forgive the intrusion, there are two messengers waiting in the reception room. Usually i would deal with them but one is from the King and the other from the Emperor, and it seems neither will leave without handing their letters directly to you milady, some sort of pride between the messengers, it seems." From the look on Robert's face he was not impressed by their attitude.

Veronica beamed "More letters from the King and the Emperor, how exciting."

"Indeed Milady" Robert replied.

Robert started to follow as she swept past him into the Chateau. Mikael already forgotten for now motioned for her guards to follow after.

The Lady Gardarr stepped into the reception room with a flourish, all smiles. "Welcome to Chateau Pinean, so sorry for making you wait".

The two messengers was taken aback by her enthusiasm. She noticed some refreshments had been placed but as yet untouched. "Oh how wonderful refreshments", she stepped over and picking up some plates she loaded them with food, turning she handed each messenger a plate. The Messengers where so shocked they just took it and tried to juggle the plates with the heaped food and their messages.

One of the messengers, had a letter and a small ornate case, since he was juggling the most Veronica decided to to help him by relieving him of his burden. "Oh poor dear so sorry let me help you with that."

Now there is an unspoken rule between messengers a sort of pecking order if you will, and Veronica had just turned that on its head as she unknowingly took the letter and ornate case from the Kings messenger first. In cases like this there was not much that could be done, but the Emperors messenger was staring daggers at the Kings messenger who had the largest smirk on his face.

"Oh how beautiful." The King had sent her a fine necklace consisting of rare gems cut from the Chrysantalys Mines. "Oh how wonderful the King says they change color depending on the light"

Holding the necklace up she turned and asked the messenger "Help me put it on please?"

The Messenger almost dropped his plate, "It would be an honor Milady" Veronica moved her hair to the side as the messenger took the necklace and closed the clasp firmly. Stepping back he quickly retrieved his plate where he put it on the end table.

Giggling Veronica turned and said, "Its gorgeous, i will have to thank the king when i see him at the banquet." Still looking at the necklace Veronica seemed to remember there was another messenger in the room.

"Oh how silly of me, you have a letter for me from the Emperor?" she asked the messenger.

"Yes, Milady. His Imperial Maje...." Before he could finish Veronica had snatched the letter from him and broken the seal and was reading the letter.

With her hand on her heart she slowly left the reception room reading the letter, deep in thought, the messengers totally forgotten.
The Kings messenger eating from the plate Veronica had given him shrugged and smiled slyly at the Emperor's messenger, who in turn placed his plate on the table and left the Chateau Pinean in a rush, leaving the Kings messenger with the biggest grin ever.
Rand Gardarr/Tam Gardarr/Veronica Gardarr
Highmarch/Bara'Khur/Luria Nova