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Under Debate: Declare Support

Started by Axton, June 22, 2018, 11:03:58 PM

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Title: Declare Support

Summary: Allow players to have their characters declare support for a council member in a manner similar to but inverse from protests.


  • Add Declare Support action choice to Politics Page
  • Create Declare Support page with an explanation and inputs akin to the Disagree or Protest page.
  • Have the Declare Support and Protest options feed into a calculator to determine if that turn the council member has more support or disagreement.
  • Provide extra honor/prestige or remove honor/prestige according to how much stronger the support/disagreement that turn was.

Benefits: Allows characters to support actions by council members and prevents vocal minority from draining honor/prestige from a council member who is supported by a majority of the realm.

Possible Downsides/Exploits: Possibility of honor/prestige farming from repeated Declare Support actions with nothing to warrant it (actions to warrant would include things like taking actions agreed with or to counter protests from dissatisfied realm members).


Exploit could be avoided by not granting prestige, but instead limiting or negating the prestige hit from protesting.  This should be a reactionary only option, having no effect unless there are currently active protests going on.
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I actually quite like this.
A couple of people can really screw with a council member, would be nice if people can also work with the council and help them.


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I could see implementing something like this; however, it would not be a direct mirror of protesting.

I think a better way of making it would would look something more like this:

  • When no protests are happening, support does not "decay"â€"it's something you declare and it remains in force until you deliberately revoke it, except that...
  • ...every month or quarter (not sure just what the period should be), everyone's support is automatically reset (and they are given a reminder to re-declare it), and depending on how much support a given council member had, they may gain some prestige and/or honour at that time.
  • However, when someone is protesting against a particular council member, support does require repeated re-declaration, but also counts up to one-for-one against protests (might try it at a lower ratio, not sure).
  • I suspect that this would also end up requiring some adjustments of the thresholds protests need to hurt council members, as it should still be possible for an upset minority of the realm to cause them problems, if not outright remove them from office, regardless of whether they also have support.
Timothy Collett

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Does support matter when there is no opposition though? Or are you looking to make it more rewarding to hold government positions by allowing support to give honor/prestige?

It'd not be hard to make it so that protests and supports are tracked by position on a table, then after a public protest is declared, only make it have penalties if not enough people declare support in a day or two or three or something.

I'm kind of leery of anything that can become "set and forget", even if you have to reset it every few months--then you just have people complaining about the timeline and when they set it and how it didn't count when they thought it should of.

If it's going to be directly countering protests, you may want to consider also how many people are in a realm that can support or protest. If 3 people protest and 3 people support, the situation is different in realms of 6, 15, 25, and so on.
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My view is that it should mostly be an inverse of protesting, but also with ability to support council member and give them small h/p bonus (3/1?). But the h/p bonus gained from support should have a very quick drop-off. That way when a councillor does something you like, you can offer support for that policy, but its prevented from being something worth maintaining support over unless councillor does something neat.


I agree with Vita.
It should be something used to counteract protesting, but when done by itself not provide too much, as that would be abused.


I'd rather not get spammed every month by "support" game-generated messages.

I'm not sure what the need for this is. People who unceasingly protest tend to either get their way, or get dealt with.

I think the protest mechanics are fairly balanced as it is, really.
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I do like the idea of treating support as a resource, like their being a bonus for characters who maintain a certain threshold of support. It rightly be an honor/prestige boost. maybe even a fame point.

In my younger days, we tried to RP a somewhat similar system (anyone remember the Great Houses in Dwilight? lol).
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