Author Topic: Portals in Iglavik and Narrowdep  (Read 4986 times)


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Re: Portals in Iglavik and Narrowdep
« Topic Start: August 23, 2018, 01:00:39 AM »
Letter from Rolf Cruscavas
Message sent to everyone in Iglavik (4 recipients) - 5 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes ago
Sir Jitney, Sir Zane, greetings.

While we would enjoy hosting you in our dungeons, the experience will be considerably less pleasant for you. So leave. Now.

For Oritolon,
Rolf Cruscavas
King of Oritolon
Royal of Oritolon

message to everyone in the vicinity of Narrowdep - 5 days, 7 hours, 25 minutes ago
Altard the Adventurer was camped near the magic beam when a Voice from within announced, "Sacrifice your Best". Such was the loudness of the Voice that it echoed through The Arakir.

Roleplay from Zane Ilwaukim
Message sent to everyone in Iglavik (4 recipients) - 5 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes ago
Zane points at the magic beam and shrugs.

message to everyone in the vicinity of Iglavik - 5 days, 4 hours, 36 minutes ago
Mid-shrug, the Voice from within announced, "Sacrifice your Best," and fire scorched the air above Zane, singeing his hair.

Roleplay from Zane Ilwaukim
Message sent to everyone in Iglavik (5 recipients) - 5 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes ago
Zane looks over at the stone gargoyle statue next to him, seemingly oblivious to the smoke coming off his hair.

"Mortimer, you've improved your ventriloquism.  I could have sworn I heard that coming from above me."

Zane pauses and cocks an ear toward the statue, as if listening to a voice nobody else can hear.

"Oh fine, I'll play along.  'Sacrifice your best' you say?  I seem to have left my best in the pocket of my other robe."  Zane looks around and his gaze falls on Jitney.  A thoughtful, and somewhat evil, grin slowly spreads across his face.  "Take Jitney.  He's twice the knight most realms seem to produce.  There's a reason we call him Jitney Two-Times."

Zane dope-slaps the statue on the back of the head, "Shut up Mortimer.  Get those rocks you have for brains out of the gutter."

Roleplay from Mortimer
Message sent to everyone in Iglavik (5 recipients) - 5 days, 1 hour, 44 minutes ago
Nobody knows where the granite statue of a gargoyle came from or how it arrived in Igalvik.  One moment it was just an empty spot next to a crossroads.  The next, a granite statue of a gargoyle was sitting there.  When Zane breezed through in his palanquin the statue appeared completely uninterested.  Unsurprising since it is a statue.   Strangely, though, when the bystanders looked back at the statue after looking away something seems subtly different.  As if the statue moved when nobody was looking.

When the light spoke of sacrificing our best, everyone looked up - if for no other reason than to mock Zane and his smouldering hair.  When the noise died down, however, someone noticed the gargoyle was now holding a matte black arrow in its hand.  The arrow was held up in gesture of giving or offering of a sort, although a peasant who tried to grab it was unable to pull it from the statue's fist.  As night fell the gargoyle nearly disappeared in the darkness, silhouetted by the burning light, its stone arm outstretched.

Pyre of Plenty
message to everyone in the vicinity of Iglavik - 3 days, 20 hours, 59 minutes ago
Several peasants had attempted to free the arrow from the statue's grasp. All had failed.

Another group was trying when fire flared from the column of light towards them. They scattered away just in time.

As the flames reached the arrow, the statue's hand was activated by the heat and released the arrow. The tendril of fire extending from the beam of light followed the arrow's fall to the ground, where it consumed the arrow.

The fire-tendril withdrew back into the column of light upon the Dark Arrow's destruction, yet the ground remained afire and kept burning without any fuel source. The Pyre of Plenty had begun, ready for sacrifices to be added to its flames.

The Voice then spoke, "Zane does not own Jitney."

Roleplay from Oak
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Narrowdep (8 recipients) - 3 days, 10 hours, 50 minutes ago
Smiling as he walks to the bonfire of Narrowdep, Oak proceeds to offer Brilliant Aegir to the bonfire.

Both Zane and Mortimer were arrested by the militia at that point, so someone else will have to post the rest. :-)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 06:40:41 PM by Zane »