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Rejected: Remove adventurers from the game

Started by Chenier, September 07, 2018, 03:09:22 PM

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Can still get captured and stuff by rogues without units.

Quote from: Bronnen on September 13, 2018, 01:42:51 AM
Can still get captured and stuff by rogues without units.

If their capital city was so tore up that rogues were a threat, Advies would be the least of their concern. ;)


Quote from: Bronnen on September 13, 2018, 01:42:51 AM
Can still get captured and stuff by rogues without units.

Nobles can. Adventurers cannot. Just to make sure we are all talking about the same thing.

Quote from: on September 13, 2018, 01:55:40 AM
If their capital city was so tore up that rogues were a threat, Advies would be the least of their concern. ;)

The capital was only tore up because of adventurers. The rogues did not pose a significant threat to it before.
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Quote from: Chenier on September 12, 2018, 03:00:24 PM

The attack came without warning. You can't even see adventurers in regions you aren't even in yourself, because of how unimportant they are supposed to be. When the attack took place, I immediately looked at who was in Wudenkin to see who was responsible, only to learn to my great dismay that the only people I could see there were my own wounded realm-mates.

Well, if you were unwounded and able to see all this, I am surprised that you made no effort to arrest or beat the offending advies. 
Sure would have made you a hero in your realm.

QuoteSpying is a !@#$ solution and you make me angry just for proposing it. Spying has been EXTREMELY detrimental to this game. Spying is a large reason why we can't have two characters per continent anymore. Spies create distrust, which creates secrecy, which create boredom. I have no issues with characters going turncoat if given proper justification, but to set out to implant spies on others is !@#$ty sportsmanship and, imo, a breach of the social contract.

Come on... REALLY???  You have been around long enough to know that this is a regular practice in BM. 
Both of the largest religions on BT have spies in each others halls. 
There have been, and likely still are, spies in both the north and south alliances on the EC.
I have never been active enough in the Colonies to verify this, but I am quite sure it happens there as well.
INFORMATION is key to surviving. 
Even without actual spies, keeping yourself informed of what is happening around you is only common sense.

This is a game of war and spying is part of war.  I have re-read the social contract and don't see how spying is a breach.
You and I may not like it, but it is acceptable. 
If this is not the case, please let me know so that I can report those players that I know have deliberately implanted themselves as spies.

QuoteThere was also no forewarning about this. The main realm behind this is themed after an evil faction in Lord of the Rings. No declarations were made, neither before nor after. How would we even know what to look for?

No forewarning? 
I was not involved in this in any way and I do not employ any spies.
Though I did not know the details of the operation, I did know that something big was going down almost three (3) weeks before this incident happened.  Looking back through my information now, it starts to become clear where that "something big" was headed.

QuoteCaputing all advies? Do you have any idea how impractical that is? And how worthless that is? There are huge hordes all around us. We can't police beyond our borders. And since they don't show up on scout reports, we can't even see them coming. Besides, it'd be of no help. Because advies don't act on TC. If at least it was that, it'd be a click-race after turn-change where all get an equal chance. But it isn't, the advies pop into the city only when its player is online. And he can immediately start blasting everyone away. You get a few seconds at most to figure out what is happening and react.

At least one realm on BT closed their borders to advies (warning sent to all realm leaders to be shared with their advies).  I am not sure how effective it was, but I do know that MY advy stayed clear of that realm to avoid any trouble. 
The fact that your realm only had one region has left you in an unique (poor/disadvantaged) position. 
Again, someone decided to "kick your realm while it was down".

QuoteDo you even play on BT to make such ridiculous suggestions? Because it ain't just BK. My priest has been in a few realms now, and even those with more than 1 region are plagued by huge rogue hordes, both around and within their borders. I'd LOVE to go hunt down all advies of BT and execute them all. But that's just not feasible.
Yes, I do (and have for almost 10 years) play on BT.  Before the most recent rogue problem, mine was one of the smallest realms on the continent.  We can now boast that only two realms have more regions and only one has a higher population.  Not bad with only 10 nobles.  We have come a long way.  We could have complained and given up, but we decided to make lenonaide with the lemons we were handed.


You are starting to sound rude. 
If you are going to respond to posts please take the time to read them first.

Quote from: Chenier on September 13, 2018, 01:19:32 AM
No... Advies never get arrested or beaten by rogues, wtf. The rogues protect the advies, the rogues are a large part of why advies are unstoppable.

Quote from: PolarRaven on September 13, 2018, 12:45:16 AM
And advies run the risk of being arrested or beaten in any and every region they pass through, not only rogue regions.
There is no region that is truly safe for advies.

Strange that you would be relying on the Rogues to keep you safe from other nobles though.

Any noble in any region, be it rogue, allied, neutral or enemy regions, has the right to arrest or beat any advy they see.
A noble in an invading army can even arrest or beat an advy in the advies home realm.
Regardless of who owns the region, a noble has the right to arrest or beat any advy they find.

I hope this is a little more clear for you.

Medron Pryde

And I will reiterate.

The Emperor of Wudenkin joined a religion that specifically calls for the sacrifice of humans to the Daimons.  The idea that such a declaration of war against all of humanity would not be answered is ridiculous.

If you wish to lie down with Daimons, the single religion with the longest history of fighting Daimons will take notice.  Especially when there's a certain, rather aggressive, magically-endowed, guild that happens to have been formed by rather active members of the church to deal with perceived threats to the church and humanity.  They appear to have been on to your game long before I was.  Months I think you said this religion was welcome in Wudenkin.

They decided it was time to act and brought out the hammers of gods in one of the better IC acts of total war that I've seen in a while.

Of course they told the Elders of Daishi about your temples first.  And then my character sent one of her agents to see if the reports were true.  They were, as she reported to the church.  And then Yao Ling made her declaration throughout the halls of Daishi that the religion of Mordoc was evil for worshiping a Daimon and that their temples and influence should be removed from these lands.

The attack came after that as I remember things.

Wudenkin made itself a serious threat when it seemingly welcomed a Daimon-worshiping religion into its fold.

You can shout until you're blue in the face that this happened without any declaration or warning, or via OOC gaming the system, but it does not change the truth of the matter.

Human realms who lie down with Daimons do not get good treatment from other human realms.


End of Line.


So we all don’t forget to think ahead...

I want to remark that the two advies that were killed due to the GM intervening are still dead and I would expect a statement on this from the GM and what they will do so the affected players and how in general the players will be granted the safety to know that they can continue playing this game without their chars being suddenly killed due to a non-previously announced one-sided GM intervention.
My suggestion is to simply revive the two advies.

And to Chenier/Bronnen...if Angmar would have wished we could have sent also our nobles with our teleportation scrolls there and would have done exactly the same to you. We didn’t as we have to fight a threat called rogues in BT. But we could have done it without you noticing anything.

In fact yesterday one Angmar noble did this in order to look for the corpse of Khamul and use a Scroll of Healing but he did not find him. But he could have also blasted again 1-2 of you with Accident scrolls away if we wanted this. You would have again noticed things before they were too late. The Witch-king decided otherwise and you have IC no idea that we were there or should have received at least a magical message.

And before you start again with your sudden IC whataboutism that “why should a noble do this to heal an advy”, let me say that to nobles a dead advy who theoretically still should have a dozen Daimon banishment scrolls on him is very precious. To me as player who played him for a long time he is precious as char, and definitely no alt. You insinuating all the time otherwise and this is honestly just poor gaming and I suggest you drop it, you just harm your own reputation here.


Quote from: Medron Pryde on September 13, 2018, 07:10:58 AM

The attack came after that as I remember things.

That is correct, the attack came after the war declaration of Daishi, this was actually the green light for the Morgul Order to start action.


Quote from: Witch-king on September 13, 2018, 07:12:04 AM
So we all don’t forget to think ahead...

I want to remark that the two advies that were killed due to the GM intervening are still dead and I would expect a statement on this from the GM and what they will do so the affected players and how in general the players will be granted the safety to know that they can continue playing this game without their chars being suddenly killed due to a non-previously announced one-sided GM intervention.
My suggestion is to simply revive the two advies.

And to Chenier/Bronnen...if Angmar would have wished we could have sent also our nobles with our teleportation scrolls there and would have done exactly the same to you. We didn’t as we have to fight a threat called rogues in BT. But we could have done it without you noticing anything.

In fact yesterday one Angmar noble did this in order to look for the corpse of Khamul and use a Scroll of Healing but he did not find him. But he could have also blasted again 1-2 of you with Accident scrolls away if we wanted this. You would have again noticed things before they were too late. The Witch-king decided otherwise and you have IC no idea that we were there or should have received at least a magical message.

And before you start again with your sudden IC whataboutism that “why should a noble do this to heal an advy”, let me say that to nobles a dead advy who theoretically still should have a dozen Daimon banishment scrolls on him is very precious. To me as player who played him for a long time he is precious as char, and definitely no alt. You insinuating all the time otherwise and this is honestly just poor gaming and I suggest you drop it, you just harm your own reputation here.

You could have used teleportation scroll, but you didn't. Because you said it yourself, the trip back would be too perilous, and it'd leave your realm exposed. It'd have an actual cost.

I don't know how things are in all of your cushy coastal realms, because it doesn't sound like we are playing on the same continent at all. There are always hordes of rogues in all regions surrounding Wudenkin. Every now and then we'd get an opportunity to expand, it'd rarely take long before we'd get smashed by a horde. And it's not density mechanics, because we are the densest realm of the continent. There is zero way to patrol any region beyond our capital at the current time. Even if we had more regions under our control, it would change nothing.

But you obviously know this already, because you said it yourself, you didn't have the army to spare. I couldn't care less if you set out with all of the realms of the continent to invade Wudenkin. Because you would get annihilated by the rogues long before reaching us. I know it. You know it. And I know you know it.

So stop pretending that nobles could have pulled off the same thing, because if nobles had anywhere near as much potential, you wouldn't have given all of your scrolls to advies.

As far as the dead advy with his scrolls, I agree the scrolls shouldn't disappear. Devs, I think you should make it so that when you execute a character, the judge immediately gets all their items and scrolls.
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Why do people even think that Mordok worships daimons when the entire point of the religion is to stop the invasions. People don't like to read.


Since you seem to know what I know the discussion is pointless and we can leave it here.
(Seriously that is now getting ridiculous when you start to argue this way.)

Now you know how the Witch-king felt when nobody believed him that he is on the human side. What goes around comes around, what a boomerang for Josiah actually, just realised that now after your message here. But that’s karma I guess.

I am just coming here as I am waiting if and what the GMs will do regarding the unilateral intervention and the consequences that some players had to face due to this, since it is now been clearly said that it is no bug but chars still got trapped and thus some of us lost their precious chars.


Issue is, Witch-King sided with the demons during a war so...


Quote from: Bronnen on September 13, 2018, 05:42:31 PM
Issue is, Witch-King sided with the demons during a war so...

“Why do people think that the Witch-king sided...”hahaha


Quote from: Chenier on September 13, 2018, 04:02:52 PM

I don't know how things are in all of your cushy coastal realms, because it doesn't sound like we are playing on the same continent at all.
Cushy coastal realms?  I think not.
Maybe it is not where we are playing, so much as HOW we are playing.
Instead of alienating the entire continent, we have chosen to work with our neighbors to help each other regain territory.

I don't see how you think that worshiping something that creates Daimons is going to win you allies on this continent.


No, coastal realms on BT are 100% guaranteed to be getting less badly hit by monsters than central realms right now, due to aspects of the way they decide where to rampage.

(Basically, a monster at point A who wants to go to point B may be just as likely to pick a coastal region as an inland region as their point B, but the regions between A and B are vastly more likely to be inland than coastal, and they get hit even if the monsters aren't hanging around there.)
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan