BattleMaster > BM General Discussion

Abusive Players?

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Wrong. What Delvin said was if a bunch of people switched to priests for this sole purpose, it would be abuse.


--- Quote from: Stabbity on October 20, 2018, 11:13:23 PM ---Wrong. What Delvin said was if a bunch of people switched to priests for this sole purpose, it would be abuse.

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And that's pretty much would would have been required to amass the same number of priests as they had advies, so your distinction is moot.

I don't know about that. I was under the understanding that it was five Advies, no? The SOS alone fluctuates between 3 and 5 priests at any given time. It would have been possible to recruit career priests from several realms.

Also made moot by the repetition, again and again, that pretty much all players of BK said they'd have been fine with it done by priests instead of advies.

Note that the feature request I made following this event wasn't the removal of magic (though I don't like magic much), but the removal of adventurers. I never expected it to be accepted, but the fact it was adventurers were always at the core of why so many of us were so angry with this.

This discussion isn't moving anywhere since it was first had when the events first took place.


--- Quote from: Chenier on October 21, 2018, 03:30:10 PM ---This discussion isn't moving anywhere since it was first had when the events first took place.

--- End quote ---

I agree with this statement. It is a done issue. I am going to focus my energies on something else.


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