Author Topic: Building an in Game Pantheon or Who wants to play god?  (Read 5005 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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So for a while now I've been trying to get an in-game pantheon off the ground on East Continent. The idea will work entirely with the current religious system, the only problem is I need three (possibly four) other players to get on board. You see each deity in the pantheon gets their own religion and all five religions will start out with a "variant" stance towards each other.

I've took the first step by establishing the Church of Aaron. Aaron is a Hermes type figure, he's a messenger and mediator between the other four gods. The four of them are constantly in conflict with one another but all are friends to Aaron. For more information about Aaronism check out the wiki page The first Avatar of Aaron, Sigurd is dead and a new one will not be seen until 17 in game years have passed.

The other gods are roT the slain, Reina the Huntress, Solomon Lord of Plenty and Mariana of the Abyss. Right now I have a candidate for the Avatar of roT but I'm open to this particular god requiring a mortal to prove themselves in combat before he will name them his Avatar. Each god has a personality and a set of domains. These domains are based on region types and certain gods are supposed to be represented in certain regions. On top of that certain actions can be considered an "affront" to a deity, and certain in game events considered a sign that they are displeased and the "pax deourm" has been disrupted.

The domains are organized as follows:

Exclusive domain- all other gods forbidden, Aaron may have a lesser temple.

Supreme domain- their temple must be largest in the region other gods may be welcome

Claimed domain- deity has a right to a presence in this region, though may be subject to another god's supremacy

Disputed domain- circumstances mean that this region may be in dispute and thus its status must be settled through deliberation with Aaron

claim on all regions,
no exclusive domain

exclusive- Townslands
supreme- central rurals
claim- on cities and coastal rurals
disputed- coastal towns (Mariana), fortified towns (roT), rurals with hunting as a major industry (Reina)

Exclusive- forrest, badlands, mountains, rurals where hunting is a major industry (Montauban)
Disputed- coastal badlands, mountains or forests (Mariana), rurals with hunting as a major industry (Solomon), regions with militia (roT).

Exclusive- Strongholds
Supreme- cities with a fortress
Claim- any region with militia or fortifications present
Disputed- coastal strongholds (Mariana), coastal cities (for supremacy with Mariana), towns with fortifications or militia (Solomon), forests with militia (Reina).

Exclusive- none
Supreme- any coastal region
Claim- none
Disputed- coastal strongholds (roT), coastal badlands, mountains and rurals (Reina), coastal towns (Solomon)

Aaron has no land domains but diplomatic agreements are supposed to be blessed by a priest of Aaron and disputes between the Avatars must be mediated by the Avatar of Aaron if one is manifest. Since Sigurd is dead the highest ranking priest of Aaron may observe disputes only.

The head of each religion will be called "Avatar" signifying that they are their patron god's living representative on Earth. There is only ever one Avatar for each god at a given time. So when an Avatar dies a new one is born that very moment. The priest holding their place is not considered an Avatar but essentially a steward until enough time has passed that a new Avatar can arise (17 in game years). When a religion is without an Avatar they cannot take part in mediations between Avatars, renegotiate any of the guiding laws of the gods, or claim, for certain, that anything is a sign of divine displeasure (because only an Avatar actually knows if their god is angry). They can however intervene in direct attacks on their temples, shrines, priests and followers and respond to standard affronts to their god.

Signs of displeasure are as follows:
roT- Undead
Solomon- food rotting, droughts, famine
Reina- monster attack
Mariana- pirates (do we have this for the ferry lanes in East Continent?), monster attacks on coastal regions (sea monsters), characters "dying" at sea.

I had a list of ways to settle disputes but I lost it. I'm open to suggestions but here are the two I remember:
-Disputes with roT can be settled by duels
-Disputes with Solomon can be settled through a marriage to a priest of Solomon

This is my general plan but I can be somewhat flexible about it. So who wants to play god with me?


  • Mighty Duke
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Not sure about playing god but Selenia's back if you need a devil  ::)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


  • Mighty Duke
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Not sure about playing god but Selenia's back if you need a devil  ::)

I think the closest to that would be a high priestess of roT.


  • Mighty Duke
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My characters and family are long gone so can't join this pantheon XD. Would have done so if I could play Kurlock the Thriceborn but he ain't coming back from the deleted data realm.


  • Mighty Duke
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My characters and family are long gone so can't join this pantheon XD. Would have done so if I could play Kurlock the Thriceborn but he ain't coming back from the deleted data realm.

Make new ones?


  • Mighty Duke
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I think the closest to that would be a high priestess of roT.

I'm listening... 8)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


  • Mighty Duke
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I'm listening... 8)

Well I haven't founded it yet because I think the Avatar of roT should have to earn that place through combat. However once founded I have an idea that the Avatar would routinely step down and return in order to participate in battle and so a high priest would be vital to keep the church around in the meantime.