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Best kept secret in BM?

Started by Noble family, March 03, 2011, 07:56:00 AM

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Quote from: Kai on October 24, 2011, 09:25:10 AM
oritolon is a joke now its filled by wankers who think they are sun tzu or something



Quote from: Ketchum on October 24, 2011, 04:11:50 AM
Haha, if Oritolon(me) really come with Lukon to kill things, then we going rule the whole Colonies island. Best to keep some realms alive for entertainment purpose eh?  :P

I dont know.  I try not to play that way.  I play my characters...not the situation.  If one wants the  world I wont stop him from trying.

QuoteThe 2000 gold demand is suggested by some character named Khain, he is a good strategist player  :-X

he was asking Lukon for gold also... and it came across as tho he was putting Oritolon for hire.  Not a big deal really, but to Val it was.  That almost caused a very large war.


The Colonies kinda suck in general.  Lukon wouldn't be so bad if they would actually roleplay when they attacked.  They just come and go, silently slaughtering.  A few in OT will roleplay a bit, but not as many anymore. 


Revan, he is Actrial alright. Nobody has more sarcastic tone in Oritolon than he is, haha  ;D

Yes, we try play our characters than situation itself.

I do receive news that Lukon fear if Oritolon hold 3 cities(the time before Minas Thalion creation); Oritolon city, Alebad city, Alowca city. Somebody even go so far as to mention that Gods will lightning bolt those who hold half the Colonies island lands. Haha...  :D In truth, Oritolon facing strain to hold the 3 cities, The Realm Control and Morale and Independence streak of the peasants, those unlearned peasants who dare to cause instability to the lords and dukes. Is this the best kept secret in BM?  8)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: von_neumann on October 25, 2011, 04:00:57 AM
The Colonies kinda suck in general.  Lukon wouldn't be so bad if they would actually roleplay when they attacked.  They just come and go, silently slaughtering.  A few in OT will roleplay a bit, but not as many anymore.

I think most are older players, like myself, with kids and little free time. Roleplaying takes time.


They colonies are different.

Yes there could be more RP... but many like my self have had to deal with people doing RP that was long and boring and just not what we were interested in reading... so I dont do it that way.

Instead I live my character.  I treat it more like an exercise in acting.

My advice to you, is the next time you are at war with Lukon (who you must remember is full of old men and women who have killed for ever and are immune to the suffering) offer them ale... ask them to help you burn your dead so that they do not come back as undead... and ask them for a story.


Quote from: egamma on October 25, 2011, 04:44:21 AM
I think most are older players, like myself, with kids and little free time. Roleplaying takes time.

A roleplay doesn't need to be a long drawn out affair.  Even a simple "Argh!, Shiver me timbers!" would be worlds beyond anything I've seen from Lukon.


I see that sort of thing all the time in Lukon.  Well... as much as anywhere on any island.

Are you in Lukon?  Sounds like you are a little bitter about something. *shrug*


Quote from: von_neumann on October 25, 2011, 07:01:19 PM
A roleplay doesn't need to be a long drawn out affair.  Even a simple "Argh!, Shiver me timbers!" would be worlds beyond anything I've seen from Lukon.

Red/Black Beard Pirates doesn't say that? That's a shame!


lol they say it all the time.

Letter from Red Beard Pirates   (8 days, 3 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (26 recipients)
Ransom Money (18 hours, 39 minutes ago)
The family of Dropo bought his freedom for 42 gold, twice the ransom you had set. Your dungeon wardens convert the ransom into bonds and send it to you.

Harhar, twice in one week. I'm making a living offa this guy.
And I only took 50 to the beach, suspecting it would be all
play and no work anyway. So light payday for me. I'm rich y'all.

Red Beard Pirates
Arch Priest of Lukon

Difficult to read that without it sounding like a scurvy dog arrr....


I suppose I am a touch bitter, the Colonies were once very fun and wide open, far and away my favorite isle.  Perhaps it is I, not the island that has changed.  I'm glad there are roleplays about in Lukon.  Were there any RPs or other interesting player interactions in that big battle Irdalni yesterday?


Not much between MT and Orit.  Little bit and the chance for more but not much.

You are right tho the island has changed.  It does need a boost of energy from somewhere.  The colonies were always smaller then the other realms...less action...and as the game has fewer players so does the direct proportion.

It could be that Lukon and Orit take over the entire island, or it could be that something happens and we all enjoy a fresh start.  Or even something greater.... oooor perhaps all the old farts in Lukon will die and it will crumble to dust (I do mean old! hah! I imagin these ol rusty boned long grey bearded fools ridding about yelling to war!!! and thats just the women.)


Lol, nobody bother much about RolePlay Irdalni big battle yesterday. MT didnt even yell "Oritolon nobles lost their humanity self by siding with the undead to win the battle"  :P

Not much RolePlay in Ori either, except by that good new Lord of Iglavik, Orlen. I posted his RP in my character Battlemaster Wikipedia somewhere for the record. Pity MT plan to assassinate the good RolePlay characters. So that's how all good RolePlay characters die out, a dying breed  ;D

From the whole posts by Von_neumann so far, I can guess you are from Outer Tilog. Your passion is indescribable  ;)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


A few random notes in passing (my passing away, that is, har)

I've played most of the islands. The Colonies is hands down, by far, the best.
Now that the travel times have been halved, it is even better. Best people. Best cultures
(as in distinct and unique, where I found pure homogenization everywhere else, all like the other.)

This board was like a walk down memory lane.  So many great and interesting characters
have roamed the Colonies through the years.  I'll add a couple that I didn't see mentioned,
The Mighty Wolfgang and the Noble Margrave. Both enemies, both men of character and honor.

There is plenty of RP. It's just not the fake, idiotic, pretentious, pretend RP of other places.
It's the real deal. Real people saying real things about the in game activities they are engaged in.
But yes, it is true that we have killed so many for so long, that it really is just business to us and
we do not really put the effort into making the passing of our enemies as special as they deserve it
to be. I am completely serious about that. It is lazy and disrespectful, and, if I had it to do over again,
I would try harder to let the corpses on the end of my sword know how very much I appreciated them
being there for me. har  On the other hand, I do not think you will find anyone saying we ever said anything
disrespectful to or about them, neither are we braggarts and buffoons, drunken with self affection.

OT is my favorite realm.  Don't get me wrong. My heart belongs to Lukon, but OT is just the most fun.
There is just nothing you can say to them that puts them off in the slightest and they will always say something
spunky and crazy and in your face and funny as hell, no matter what the odds or potential outcomes.

I like it that the Assassins are allowed to exist and operate pretty much unfettered by the other realms.
Lately, they have been acting more like a normal, land grabbing, out in the open warring, Colony kingdom.
But the idea that all the realms (well, save Wetham maybe) accepted them as an interesting part of life,
said a lot about the unique politics of the Colonies.

I wish they would open that little island (Linden Stones) as a two region realm with a boat or bridge to mainland.
I wish you could go to the Anrak area and find monsters and stuff to fight.
I wish wars were easier to fight and harder to win.  And there was a more complicated battle system for city attacks.
And that rogue regions quickly healed themselves and returned to the nearest fold.  This going around starving out
entire realms without fighting a single battle is just hella, mega lame. No rural area that has enjoyed trade and goods
and markets and the culture of their urban neighbors, is likely to willing slip back into primitive subsistence.

I don't know if it is a secret, and I do not want the "Forsooth Fair Lady..." crowd to even think about it, but again,
the Colonies are the best. A TL can make a mark there and not be lost in the crowd and ignored by the cliques.