Author Topic: Dwilight Anthropology Project  (Read 42898 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Dwilight Anthropology Project
« Reply #30: July 21, 2011, 11:02:01 AM »
I think what is wrong with the Peoples of Dwilight page is that it is primarily northern and also seems to have an Everguard bias that makes it difficult for anyone else to role-play. I'd keep some of those elements while broadening other things to make it more applicable to Dwilight in general.

Here's some ideas I was thinking of the top of my head.

Marromen- Otherwise known as Woodfolk. It is from here that the name Maroccidens derives ( occident being a modern addition that the civilizers brought). These people lived mainly in the dense Marwood where it was easier to hide from the monster hordes. The coast of present day "old Maroccidens" was largely uninhabited due to it's openness and thus vulnerability. The Marromen existed in small tribes that warred occasionally but were also largely cooperative.

Ostro-Marromen- similar in culture and traditions to the Marromen of the forest, their were slight differences the biggest of which being that the Ostro-Marromen lived in the western town flats of present day Maroccidens. Also, while the Marromen lived seasonally in temporary villages, the O-M lived in more permanent settlements.

Ooc: something like the early Germanic tribes of the black forest (but in a jungle)

I'll go into less detail for the rest since I wanna see what people think but:


Eastern Mesoccidens: the Phantarians, also wood folk something something. Perhaps an archer civilization that lived in tree forts? (stop me if I'm getting a little fantastical haha)

Western Mesoccidens: Eichurian civilization, quite advanced, lawful and scientific in their own right, perhaps something like Babylon

Madina, the Fissoan Peninsula:

I'll let someone from the area offer a potential name but I was thinking a particularly unadvanced culture similar to early Australian aborigines ( no offense). Originated on the madinan isle and colonized the surrounding areas quite slowly. Contrary to Madina's current seafaring history, the culture before them were poor seafarers and mainly kept to the coast. They expanded somewhat into the Fissoan area and even less so onto the Candiels Peninsula.

Modern day Greater Luria

Unlike the Marromen and who hid from monster hordes and the Ostro-Marromen and Phantaraians who built their homes out of harms way, the ancients of the Lurian area consisted of a dozen or so organized tribes that actively faught the monsters in quite bloody affairs. A very warlike and proud people that eventually went extinct after a series of very difficult years of monster surges immidietly prior to colonization ( ie the arrival of pian en lurie) ( similar in my mind to an Iroquois confederacy)

Darfix and surrounding plains:

Steppeners ( the name assigned by the Peoples of Dwilight page): I envision them as a Mongol likes people who were nomadic, tamed and herded horses and were excellent riders.

I won't go into more detail now since I feel like you guys get what I'm aiming for but the remaining tribes in my mind would be one or two on the east side of north occidens, a viking like civilization around Valkrya, a civilization based around donghaiwei (perhaps based somewhat on ancient china ie. Relatively advanced society, organized, scientific) and a mountain people around balances retreat.

Ideas, criticisms, suggestions?

Fyodor, Terran.   Vitaly, Enweil.