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Unique items random names to include religions

Started by Logar, January 27, 2019, 12:49:12 AM

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As I understand, the unique item name generator chooses from a database; made up from: player names, realm names and other variables.

I request to include religion names within the database.
You might get something like:

The whispering codex of Sanguis Astroism
The shimmering blade of The Shadows

Pros: Having an item with a name related to a religion might engage and increase RP content.
Cons: None that I can see.
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd


Wouldn't mind seeing names of religions that reached 1 million believers at some point.


Folks have insisted on not adhering to a standard religious bame format which makes formatting unique item names difficult. Also, delvin and I aren't in 100% unity on endorsing religions. Perhaps after a religious overhaul, it can be considered. That said, there are some subtler religious references in some of the unique item names already.


Quote from: Vita on January 27, 2019, 03:46:01 AM
Folks have insisted on not adhering to a standard religious bame format which makes formatting unique item names difficult. Also, delvin and I aren't in 100% unity on endorsing religions. Perhaps after a religious overhaul, it can be considered. That said, there are some subtler religious references in some of the unique item names already.
Can you expand on that a bit, Vita? As a player with a priest, I feel like this would affect my game for the better!

  • Name Format - Is there a conversation for this on the forums that you can direct me to? i'd love to participate. my perspective is taht what can be used should be used. By this I mean that any religion that does have a collective noun. As an example, I see how THE SHADOWS probably doesn't but the Astroists certainly do. Couldn't we just make a list of the ones that have a collective noun?
  • What do you mean by "endorsing religion?" Or is religion-topics not a high priority at this time?
  • A religious overhaul, you say? Intriguing...does that mean there is new development planned or are you saying you simply think the current system should be revisited?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


The idea of unique items becoming more relevant especially in religion case would be great for the game. For example, there is a item on EC I know that is directly related to Trinitism I think? That is causing a stir right now.

I would also be interested what a Religious Overhaul would look like. I have been attracted to idea of becoming a Priest for a while but haven't got round to it. Perhaps this could provide even more motivation!


Names: Ending with -ism as is recommended on the new religion page, "Consider the name of your religion well - there is no way to change it later on. We recommend something with "ism" at the end."

By endorsing, I mean giving authoritative indications as to reality of player-religions theologies.

By religious overhaul, my old plans that I've long felt too overwhelmed to initiate. Religions more like realm governments than guilds, with proper power structures between members-as-a-whole and leaders with proper checks and balances between them and proper hierarchy (Bishoprics as equivalent to duchies - which would be a step closer to implementing religious schisms). Limited religions per continent. Joining a religion by default in new character creation and immigration, just like a realm. Being pagan being as abnormal as being rogue.


That would be alot of fun to play and make Theocracies and powerful religions great to RP.


Quote from: Vita on January 30, 2019, 11:47:03 PM
By religious overhaul, my old plans that I've long felt too overwhelmed to initiate. Religions more like realm governments than guilds, with proper power structures between members-as-a-whole and leaders with proper checks and balances between them and proper hierarchy (Bishoprics as equivalent to duchies - which would be a step closer to implementing religious schisms). Limited religions per continent. Joining a religion by default in new character creation and immigration, just like a realm. Being pagan being as abnormal as being rogue.

"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"