Author Topic: Scout from map  (Read 11479 times)

Ocean Yong Kiran

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Re: Scout from map
« Reply #15: March 16, 2019, 11:17:21 PM »
I don't think it would be too difficult to add a link to the box that pops up on the Dynamic Map when you click a region that lets you scout that region.

Adding more icons to the Political Map would, I think, be a mistake.

Why not put this in a popup on the *political* map? Perhaps this will work? If not, dynamic map is a little clunky but it can be a good first place to try.

I think some peoples here underestimate how much time is wasted running around finding new pages. This is not attempt for more graphic game. This is attempt to make small improvement to - I am sorry for the insult, but is very true -  a very bad, very inconvenient UX. With such bad UX, people play the game less for the time it takes to do even the simple tasks. With good UX people can use the time for talking.

Please - if you are not a developer, do not use "dev time" as excuse. The logic already exists. This is 20 minutes of work. If I must, I will volunteer and make myself, if this is the only point against