Author Topic: Commoner Questions  (Read 10443 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Noble being declared a commoner
« Topic Start: May 03, 2019, 07:49:22 PM »
Plus a couple of other things. The situation has been irregular for sure, but IMO certainly not deserving of a Titan intervention. My POV:

Rania has a daughter, RPed from RL years as an NPC, which the player decided to eventually "bring to life" by making her an advie. This was meant to represent a daughter that was not officially recognized and that had been mostly kept hidden for many years. After that, the daughter is RPed to escape from his mother and begin a life of adventure in a different realm.

Eventually, and to the case at hand, the daughter comes home and, in a public RP ceremony, Rania recognizes her as her daughter. The RP then continues as she takes part in a ritual where portal stones are used, and the daughter sacrifices herself in the process. This daughter of Rania, now dead, had reciprocal emotional ties to a couple other nobles present in the RP, these ties dating all the way back to when she was used as an NPC. These nobles mourn her, as does Rania.

Now this is where things get interesting. Due to an irrelevant IC issue, dustole's character confronts one of the mourning nobles and berates him for mourning over a commoner. Several nobles, including Rania, jump in over several days and remind dustole's character that, no matter her origin, the daughter of the Rania was, well, the daughter of Rania, and due to how respected Rania is and the sacrifice made by her daughter he is to stop all the ruckus at once.

Alas, he does not. Dustole's character keeps charging repeteadly against the mourning noble and, later on, Rania, and says increasingly severe statements that end up becoming direct accusations to Rania (the leader of the realm's religion, a theocracy), stating that she may have been banging commoners or even Daimons and insinuating that perhaps she might even be an undead abomination. That doesn't sit well with Rania's allies, who come to the rescue and start accusing dustole's character of several things, the final one even being heresy for saying such things about the highest figure of the faith.

Finally, Rania comes in, demotes him to adventurer-level in the religion's temple and says that he is to be isolated as a consequence for his words and actions. Dustole's character doesn't take it good, faces the possibility of a holy trial against him and here we are now.

This is a brief summary, I will respond any questions to the best of my ability.

So irregular? Yes, the decision to have Rania's daughter made as an adventurer and dustole's character demoted to adventurer rank in the faith are inusual. A breach of the game mechanics and reason for the Titans to intervene? Probably not.
D'Espana Family