Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 54543 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #120: December 30, 2019, 10:47:58 AM »

Roleplay from Alyssa Kingsley

Alyssa put her hand on her temple.  "Of course not.  We know much of each other sir, we have exchanged letters for a year.  I found our correspondence cordial and have always considered you a noble soul, if not a bit confused.  You said you came here because I treated you kindly.  I am happy to hear that I have inspired you, truly, to come to Perdan.  I believe you came because we are of one mind on the honour of a knight and the duty we share as nobles to the smallfolk of this world.  I believe you came to Perdan because you are a true knight, as I hope to be."

A silence hung over them for a few moments and Alyssa sighed.

"I want to be clear I hold no animosity for you, Sir." She said gently.  "I have had my grievance with you that is true.  To me, that is past.  All the cruel things you have written to me, as well as your touching of me without leave I do not hold against you.  I have asked for your forgiveness for mine own transgressions, as I said, I made a few erroneous assumptions and I regret it.  I just..."

She hesitated.  "I want to understand you.   I believe you are a good man, but you treat me with both kindness and cruelty.  It vexes me.  I asked you before: 'What am I to make of this?' Does this man mislike me?  He told me never to speak to him again.  Then he sends me a letter and a puppy.  Is he fond of me?  I grow quickly weary of the back and forth.  Endlessly trying to parse together what is going through your head.  It is becoming a distraction.  One that I cannot afford to have.  So." She said, the weariness in her eyes beginning to sparkle into bright blue flame.

"If you have something you wish to speak with me about, please do so."