Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 54493 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #135: December 30, 2019, 10:58:50 AM »
Due to the amounts of Rp in the Realm of Perdan the players decided to keep titles for the various story lines. In an attempt to prevent a giant rp mess hehe.

Freedom and Peace 2

"I know you told me to stay away,"she indicated the line of peasants,"but it appears you may need help even if it is from such as I." she says to Sir Nemean. ~Dustiria Noire

A cold wind whipped through the muddy square. It tugged at Nemean's hair and cape. With a nasty splash he dumped a ladle-full of slop into the worn bowl of a leather faced and flat nosed old man. The man grunted a thanks and shuffled on. Nemean looked at the soldier standing at the table next to him. Handing out pieces of bread. Ripping them with his hands. Indicating with the laddle Nemean dismissed him before turning to Dustiria.

''Get in line.'' The sound was sharp but somewhere he was grateful she had appeared. ''So how are things with you?'' Giving her a skeptical look as he resumed filling slop bowls. ''Let's not talk about me before you get that idea in your head.'' One of the peasants dared to complain about the quantity in his bowl. Claiming the one before him had received more. An angry look sorted that out right quick. ''You were saying?'' Nemean glanced over at Dustiria.