Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 54524 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #150: December 30, 2019, 11:19:26 AM »
And if today wasn't chock full of rp's already, here is another rp story arch. A boys night out if you will.

Dockside Drinks

It had been a while in the making and ever a dot on the horizon to look forwards to. Nemean dismounted in front of The Rose and Two. The Noble Taverna sprawled quite a bit along the dockside of Perdan city's northern bend. Sporting a broad seaside walkway build up from the beach below with fine and soft looking blocks of sandstone. An artisanal balustrade tastefully perched all along and was only interspersed with stone flowering pots and a single broad staircase. Broad steps finely chiseled into the sandstone as to permit entry to a small grainy beach which in turn was hemmed in, by large boulders the size of small hovels on either side. Gentle waves lapping the mosaic that was the beach with its faded oranges, translucent whites, specks of black and everything in between.  From the pots along the balustrade a lavender fragrance permeated the entire front of the taverna as the plants themselves swayed gently in their stone homes.

Handing off his horse to a stable hand Nemean pulled off his gloves and tucked them into his belt. He walked past the terrace that fronted The Rose and Two. Noting the candles set upon the tables and the lush looking pillows and blankets provided at each table. Even before entering through the large oaken and bronze bound double doors that constituted the main entrance, he was greeted by the sounds of music, a lute, harp and was that tabor? He couldn't quite tell. It was pleasant however and only made him want to go in even more. His progression however was slowed. Two small giants came out to greet him with their wet noses. Both of them Bernese Mountain dogs. Their iconic white stripe from snout all the way to the top of their heads unmistakable. Well bred and good mannered. Nemean smiled as he allowed them to lick his hand. Moments later he was truly in though.

Sandstone arches rose up from the walls to support a soaring ceiling that was splendidly frescoed with scenes of fishermen and rose gardens with maidens in them, overlooking the working men. Nemean noted that the fishermen caught more than mere fish and he smirked. The main lounge was wide and broad. Amply allotted with comfortable seats in the form of upholstered benches, and dark wood sofa's along the walls and alcoves. Creating private little grotto's with their lounge tables and potted plants.The center itself was dotted with a wide array of tables and chairs and even several chaise longues. Breaking up the vastness were smooth columns of sandstone and tactfully placed screens with depictions of lush and slightly fantastical wildlands.

Walking through the place Nemean felt as much as smelled the food. He looked forwards to the roast he saw spitted over a roaring stone hearth. Deftly being turned by a short, curly haired brunette. Not one to linger he went towards the massive bar and took a seat. Gestured to one of the barmen and ordered himself a fine glass of wine. Not specifying the type, rather just putting a gold coin on the bar before turning around and leaning back. Taking in the scene and waiting for the others.


Followed by a reminder and quasi reminder. All participating nobles has been invited prior but I felt a little nudge wouldn't hurt.

A rather simple, thrice folded letter arrived. Sealed with a crimson seal of wax. Once broken and the contents read it simply said:

The Rose and Two, for the four of us.