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Started by Glaumring the Fox, March 03, 2011, 02:13:35 PM

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Glaumring the Fox

Whats going on in far off realms? Asylon is slowly building up and a lot of the drama and outside conflicts have subsided and we are focusing on realm growth and stability. We have come a long way from when we were two seperate peoples and faiths. Though outside realms like Caerwyn/Astrum etc care more about the faith thing than we do we don't often mention it or even have issue with it within our own realm. Asylon has had a pretty rocky start from neglect then coup then outside interference and constant monster attacks. I am curious to find out the little courtly intrigues that happen in far away places that we rarely interact with.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Just to mention one of the several things going on in Morek these days, Bowie came to us looking for asylum after having escaped the execution by the Zuma.

Needless to say, a lot of nobles were not happy about that, but Busto likes him. So now he's forbidden to enter half of our regions, a couple of our nobles want him dead and an infiltrator is probably going to stab him soon; I guess he's enjoying his time there.


Pian en Luries, having finally rid itself of scheming traitors (there may still be a few disgruntled among us, but I wouldn't classify them as "scheming"), is making war on Fissoa.  Fun times :)
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Morek and Astrum are invading Averoth. I know, it's not exactly exciting, but it's a necessary bit of housekeeping that has been put off too long.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Man... Alanna's got character!  Haha, love the exchange in Mellifera (excuse my spelling).
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Yes, Mellifera is the hotspot :)

Skyndarbau doesn't know where he has it though, his beliefs are falling apart, his ever consistent principles crumbling :)


Terran is continuing to try and establish an empire for itself, with quite limited success.

If there are any other Lurians out there disgruntled by Alanna's tyranny, Maroccidens would be happy to welcome you...

But seriously, Terran's an exciting place to be these days. Frequent civil struggles between political factions, reasonably fluid power structure, and almost every guild on the continent has a guildhouse in Terran.... which is pretty neat. These days we're focused on maintaining our regions and helping out Barca, which is a trying task.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Come now, Vellos, have you been listening to Giaskian tales?

Alanna is no more a tyrant than any Monarch.  And like any Monarch, people who disagree with her policies cry "tyranny" and try to take power for themselves.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Yes, that is something Skyndarbau is beginning to believe also. He's still just really thinking Alanna is setting him up trying to break the Fissoan /brotherhood/... :o


Quote from: Vellos on March 03, 2011, 10:16:10 PM
Terran is continuing to try and establish an empire for itself, with quite limited success.

If there are any other Lurians out there disgruntled by Alanna's tyranny, Maroccidens would be happy to welcome you...

I believe I have first call on disgruntled Lurians, thank you (grins).  Though, of course, if all goes according to plan (which it never does, sigh) then we'll be on Maroccidens too.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Errr.... not sure what that referred to, Bedwyr. Why do you have first call on disgruntled Lurians?

And why will you be in Maroccidens? You're in Pian en Luries. Maroccidens is pretty far away, and full of monsters. And trees. An unfortunately large amount of trees.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on March 04, 2011, 12:30:35 AM
And trees. An unfortunately large amount of trees.

Och, ye gotta beware of th' leafy bastards!
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Vellos on March 04, 2011, 12:30:35 AM
Errr.... not sure what that referred to, Bedwyr. Why do you have first call on disgruntled Lurians?

And why will you be in Maroccidens? You're in Pian en Luries. Maroccidens is pretty far away, and full of monsters. And trees. An unfortunately large amount of trees.

I'm in Pian en Luries for the moment.  (grins) Koli has a debt to pay for what happened to his father Colin.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

I'd totally like to know what's interesting in Madina and in Sanguis Astroism. I noticed Mathurin's back.


From what I hear there is some crazy scheming going on in AS these days. I really wish I could convert my character to be in on all of that but politics would just go haywire. seriously, death, destruction, and loads of fire and brimstone. :)

For a tiny little realm, Asylon has a lot of political tension centered on it.
Moritz Von Igelfeld - King of Asylon
Moria Von Igelfeld - Viscountess of Lanston
Ulrich Von Igelfeld - Knight of Remton, Dark Isle Colonist