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Started by Glaumring the Fox, March 03, 2011, 02:13:35 PM

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Quote from: DoctorHarte on March 17, 2011, 12:53:01 AMAnyways, if Astrum knew Caerwyn was going to war eventually, why not try and convince us otherwise? You instead let things play out and against you.

Wut? We did! We stopped a war at Baal's request. We completely dissolved and rewrote a three realm treaty at Baal's request, and submitted it for his approval. He even approved and said it was acceptable. He even said that if Caeryn ended up breaking the federation, that they would not go to war, but would return to peace. He even said that he was so pleased, that he would renew his offer to send forces north to help Astrum battle monsters.

Out of curiosity, what exactly were you expecting us to do?

But, anyway, you probably did us a favor in the long run. Nothing like a war against a foreign invader to bring people together.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Sacha on March 16, 2011, 09:57:57 AM
Uh... hate to burst your bubble, pal, but Astrum has been expecting war with Caerwyn for quite some time now ;)

That is where I meant to direct my question. And yeah... the whole Baal thing was a trick to make you look the other way. We need time to plan and rally, which is especially hard to do without telling any Marshals or nobles. It all went on in the realm council, spanning some 6 nobles. We suspected exactly what Baal said in his letter to all the rulers and there was a general distaste or rather hatred against SA for destroying the northern "pagan" realms. Caerwyn being one, we were thoughtful of the fact that we may be next and if we didn't act now, we would never have enough power (combination of us, Averoth, etc) to face SA.

The Brotherhood of Astrocracies was a real in for the schemers. Translated a certain way, it definitely looked like an alliance against all pagan nations. Oh yeah and might I add this: Allison.

On another note, the "Too Much Peace" message kept popping up for us but that wasn't a reason that lead us to war at all, but it is a rather annoying feature in the game.
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)

Eh? The northern pagan realms got destroyed? What's Summerdale doing alive then?


Well, we were certainly getting wary of Caerwyn. Baal kept swinging from confrontation to soothing words and peaceful talk. I had come to suspect that there was a faction in Caerwyn that was pressuring him hard to go to war with us, and that he was just reacting to that pressure when he was forced to. I also assumed that unless something changed, Caerwyn's internal dynamics would lead them to war with us *eventually*. I did *not* anticipate that the faction in question was actually the realm council and that they were plotting war the entire time, I thought it was just a populist thing that would blow over until the next time we did something that got the hardline anti-SA people in the realm all riled up, but I had hoped to spend a while working on better relations once Averoth was dealt with once and for all and hopefully take the wind out of their sails.

I believe you'll find that we are prepared to some extent however. Baal's earlier saber-rattling led us to take a number of precautions, just in case  ;)


To the extent of calling all lords to recruit up? It will be a war of quick movement and decisive decisions. A war always rallies a nation and realms together. We're almost in an 8-realm-alliance  :P
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)


How many nobles in Dwilight are active? I've seen many people following orders in EC but barely see people act in other continents.


Quote from: DoctorHarte on March 17, 2011, 05:42:13 AM
To the extent of calling all lords to recruit up? It will be a war of quick movement and decisive decisions. A war always rallies a nation and realms together. We're almost in an 8-realm-alliance  :P

And how many realms in that alliance are actually going to be taking a significant part in the war? Thulsoma is dead, Madina and Fissoa can't do anything, I doubt Asylon, D'Hara and Terran will play a major role, so that leaves Averoth and Caerwyn.


Yes, I wonder what cards Caerwyn has up her sleeve as Astrum seems to be far stronger then Caerwyn alone already. Madina will have trouble contributing to the War due the long travel times, assuming Terran allows them passage through her lands. Fissoa is currently already in a War with the Lurians. Terran also has a large SA element in it and I'm not sure they will be taking an active role, especially with Barca needing their attention for now. D'Hara has elements of SA and VE in her Realm and has made no move to change her stance of neutrality for this conflict.

So that means Caerwyn, Averoth and Madina, with the latter being obstructed by her long travel times. Anyway, I'll surely be watching this War, as it does seem very interesting.

Glaumring the Fox

Asylon is a secular state, we have SA and VE in our kingdom as equals, we are not a theocracy like Caerwyn or the eastern kingdoms.  We can barely control our own lands, we have no intention to march across Dwilight to tell anyone else how to run theirs.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: DoctorHarte on March 17, 2011, 05:42:13 AM
To the extent of calling all lords to recruit up? It will be a war of quick movement and decisive decisions.

Quick movement? On Dwilight? Surely you must be joking, sir!  ;)


Yes well, quick for Dwilight  :P Anyways, military power isn't the only way other realms can contribute. And Astrum has a ton of militia. Their mobile forces aren't all that big as I have seen. Caerwyn also has a very good set up for defense and the main reason Astrum may flounder is the fact that it's a two-front war. At this point they cannot address both but rather one then the other. By the time they get to the second, a lot of damage will have been done. Not to mention the monsters out in Gaston that you tend to have a lot of trouble with.
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)


The irony of Caerwyn's entrance into the war is that is that it is nearly identical to (from the outside at least) what Astrum did to Evergard, which resulted in the founding of Averoth.

Let us see if history repeats itself!


I don't really see the parallel to Everguard, as that was a straightforward one on one.


Quote from: Geronus on March 17, 2011, 07:20:55 PM
I don't really see the parallel to Everguard, as that was a straightforward one on one.

This really boils down to a Astrum v Caerwyn war (aside from Averoth's magical 10k army). Caerwyn systematically mislead you and then launched a surprise war on you in the same fashion that you did with Everguard - a quick about face from good pals even at the highest levels to a war of extermination. I find the parallels quite striking. Again, this is from an outsider's point of view.


Ah, fair enough. I wasn't at the top at the time, though I had a hand in promoting the idea. That was more of an expansion issue though. Everguard had us boxed in with their claims. We had nowhere to go but into the mountains and we desperately needed rural regions to feed Eidulb and Libidizedd.