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Started by Glaumring the Fox, March 03, 2011, 02:13:35 PM

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And Everguard was proving unable to occupy all the lands they were claiming. So all the land Astrum was needing to expand and become self-sufficient were laying rogue, claimed by Everguard.

Ironically, the war with Everguard was not really intended to be an outright war. Originally we were going to just void the treaties and take land that Everguard wasn't occupying. We needed the Shrine and Sabadell to get a connection north toward more free farmlands.

Unfortunately our forces were a bit slow traveling, and Everguard made it to the Shrine the same turn we did. One of our players said he was going to log on early in the turn and start the TO. But he overslept or something, and Everguard got their TO running first. We had to declare the war to attack their TO force. We still did not immediately intend to wipe out Everguard. I forget exactly what the trigger was that turned it into a war of extermination. Whatever it was, I then wrote a couple long essays on the evils of Torenism and got it declared Evil. That was surprisingly easy, given the violent and militaristic bent of Torenism with all of its "convert them by the sword" theology.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Informative! Interesting to know these intricacies.


Now you'll have a challenge writing a report on the evils of Verdis Elementum!  ;D


Quote from: Adriddae on March 17, 2011, 09:28:28 PM
Now you'll have a challenge writing a report on the evils of Verdis Elementum!  ;D

Shouldn't be all that hard. Their followers moved into Duil, started a BTO, and immediately went for the KRB looting.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Gustav Kuriga

Morek has already solved its secession problem and is getting ready to destroy Averoth.


Quote from: Anaris on March 16, 2011, 10:29:03 PM
Whether or not you're the one doing the lying, it seems pretty clear to me, from everything I know IC and OOC, that at least a big chunk of Caerwyn's justification for the war was false.  People tend to get upset when that sort of thing happens.  I know I'd be upset if, for instance, Morek Empire had declared war on Pian en Luries, insisting that we had planned to attack them next.

Isn't that not really in the spirit of the game. Sure Alanna would be pissed if Morek did that but you shouldn't really mind. It would actually be kind of cool.
My language: (Apologies for any confusion this results in.)
Awesome = Ossim
Tom = Tarm


For me, I like it when people take something I've done and use it against me. It keeps things IC and relevant.

Like, for example, using the secret society stuff that Caerwyn's judge has been spreading around. It's mostly inaccurate, and vastly out of date, but it's something that we really did. Whereas the "Put a duke in every city on the island" stuff is just wrong. As was the CTO of Golden Farrow. If Caerwyn really got that info, and didn't make it up, then some really suckered Caerwyn on it.

If you just make stuff up, then it's basically saying that you want to have a war, but can't find a reason that doesn't make you into the bad guy. Or you don't care or know what's really happening. So you make stuff up.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 19, 2011, 03:02:05 AM
If you just make stuff up, then it's basically saying that you want to have a war, but can't find a reason that doesn't make you into the bad guy. Or you don't care or know what's really happening. So you make stuff up.

There are many, many reasons to make up reasons. Maybe you just want the feeling of power at getting people to believe you. Maybe you aren't very able to separate your suspicions from the things you know. Maybe you believe this war, even if you lose it, will achieve you some other, hidden objective.

Maybe Caerwyn's leadership is secretly radically Astroist, and believes Caerwyn will ultimately lose a war against SA...
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Indirik on March 19, 2011, 03:02:05 AM
If you just make stuff up, then it's basically saying that you want to have a war, but can't find a reason that doesn't make you into the bad guy. Or you don't care or know what's really happening. So you make stuff up.

Welcome to diplomacy.
My language: (Apologies for any confusion this results in.)
Awesome = Ossim
Tom = Tarm


It would be fun to see VE empire if SA collapses rofl.


A VE empire isn't hard to imagine. Like SA they have followers in multiple realms. Caerwyn has been as aggressive as any of the theocracies. They've gone to war with Terran and D'Hara in the past, and now Astrum to boot. Plus they've threatened Asylon with invasion at least once that I am sure of, if not more. Remove Astrum from the west and I don't think it's a stretch to see Caerwyn becoming the next hegemonic power.


...and the City of Madina has decided to become a part of D'Hara!

Gornak is making a play for the Dukedom, even if it's only to hand the city back to Madina.


Quote from: egamma on March 19, 2011, 02:53:26 PM
...and the City of Madina has decided to become a part of D'Hara!

Gornak is making a play for the Dukedom, even if it's only to hand the city back to Madina.

Pfft, don't be a pussy. Make them work to get the city back :D


D'Hara has a history of weird territorial claims: didn't ya'll hold Giask once or twice too?
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Yes, they did. Once under Chris Hsieh, and once after it was thoroughly ransacked and burned by PeL during the civil war.